In celebration of the festival of Saturnalia and winter solstice, we embark on a sigil magick workshop, where transpersonal witch Eryn Elliot will guide us through the principles and practical application of this ancient craft, from masters Agrippa, to Austin Osman Spare and Grant Morrison.
We will each create our own sigils to seed our intentions for the coming year, together with a collective offering to honour the solstice. We will charge them in meditation as we enter into the shadow with a soundscape from the Tayos cave in Ecuador, held by Eileen Hall. Eryn will guide us in an Inner Pryomancy ritual as we send our sigil intentions up in flames.
You will need paper (flash or normal), pens, scissors, candle, knife or sharp edge for carving and any other art materials you would like to employ in the creation of your sigil.