By Jemma Foster

Under the harvest moon,

When the soft silver

Drips shimmering

Over the garden nights,

Death, the gray mocker,

Comes and whispers to you

As a beautiful friend

Who remembers.


Under the summer roses

When the flagrant crimson

Lurks in the dusk

Of the wild red leaves,

Love, with little hands,

Comes and touches you

With a thousand memories,

And asks you

Beautiful, unanswerable questions.


  • Carl Sandburg (Harvest Poems 1910-1960)

The Harvest Moon, falling just after the autumn equinox, is a time to celebrate the abundance of the year, to take stock of our harvest on a personal and transpersonal level. It also calls us inward, towards the dark contemplative nights. This particular moon is under the spell of Mars-ruled Aries, bringing with it a potentially reactive quality to relationships, countered by its opposing sign of harmonious-seeking Libra in the sun. As we dance between entropy and syntropy, we call on mercurial qualities of analysis and negotiation, so that we might not become overwhelmed by our feelings and maintain a rational mind. The last lunation before eclipse season, this moon asks that we release and let go. The Nodes and all the planets, Jupiter - Pluto are still in retrograde, as many will be into 2024. An emotionally-charged period awaits as we play out unresolved issues, at an individual and collective scale.


The glyph for Aries is the horn of the ram, that drives forward with force and determination. Aries is ruled by Mars (Ares is the Greek God of War equivalent to Mars) and is hot and dry, sulphur and fire, yang, and a cardinal sign. Aries governs the head, eyes, upper jaw and can be subject to excess heat or dryness, headaches, sinus issues and high blood pressure. The highly energetic and driven qualities of Aries can lead to frustration and stagnation if not channelled appropriately. Impatiens flower essence and decongestant herbs are allies in remedying these respectively. 


Aries plants correspond to the Sun and Mars that stimulate and drive the energies of the body, fighting infection, with morphology of thorns, serrated leaves, fast growth patterns and pioneer plants that thrive in hostile places. Nettle is a prominent Aries plant with these signatures. Aries tendencies are remedied by the cooling waters of lunar plants, particularly their action on the fluids of the brain. Restorative nutritive plants like Milky Oats and soporific passionflower and Mercurial nervine herbs like lavender and skullcap calm the nervous system.


Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a good plant ally for Aries, ruled by Mars, it is an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic, it tonifies the blood, calms the nervous system and relieves sinus congestion.The essential oil has a dual action in that it is at once grounding and calming to the mind whilst also uplifting and aiding concentration. Wild garlic (Alliumursinum) or Ramsons, has the pungent signature of Mars and assists Aries asa blood tonic, purifying the blood, improving circulations, helping lower blood pressure, and reducing cholesterol in the blood. It has long been used in folk remedies to ward against colds and flu. To wood betony (Betonica officinalis) Culpeper corresponds Jupiter in Aries, and is used for headaches, particularly those originating from tension or digestive issues. It was held in high esteem so much so as the proverb goes, “sell your coat and buy betony”.  Other Aries plants include rosemary, sweet marjoram, cowslip, cinnamon, dragon’s blood, frankincense, ginger, holly, horseradish, nettle, pepper, thistle.

Wild Alchemy Lab Astro-botanical Remedy Deck

The plants shown here also correspond to Aries.

Under the harvest moon,

When the soft silver

Drips shimmering

Over the garden nights,

Death, the gray mocker,

Comes and whispers to you

As a beautiful friend

Who remembers.


Under the summer roses

When the flagrant crimson

Lurks in the dusk

Of the wild red leaves,

Love, with little hands,

Comes and touches you

With a thousand memories,

And asks you

Beautiful, unanswerable questions.


  • Carl Sandburg (Harvest Poems 1910-1960)

The Harvest Moon, falling just after the autumn equinox, is a time to celebrate the abundance of the year, to take stock of our harvest on a personal and transpersonal level. It also calls us inward, towards the dark contemplative nights. This particular moon is under the spell of Mars-ruled Aries, bringing with it a potentially reactive quality to relationships, countered by its opposing sign of harmonious-seeking Libra in the sun. As we dance between entropy and syntropy, we call on mercurial qualities of analysis and negotiation, so that we might not become overwhelmed by our feelings and maintain a rational mind. The last lunation before eclipse season, this moon asks that we release and let go. The Nodes and all the planets, Jupiter - Pluto are still in retrograde, as many will be into 2024. An emotionally-charged period awaits as we play out unresolved issues, at an individual and collective scale.


The glyph for Aries is the horn of the ram, that drives forward with force and determination. Aries is ruled by Mars (Ares is the Greek God of War equivalent to Mars) and is hot and dry, sulphur and fire, yang, and a cardinal sign. Aries governs the head, eyes, upper jaw and can be subject to excess heat or dryness, headaches, sinus issues and high blood pressure. The highly energetic and driven qualities of Aries can lead to frustration and stagnation if not channelled appropriately. Impatiens flower essence and decongestant herbs are allies in remedying these respectively. 


Aries plants correspond to the Sun and Mars that stimulate and drive the energies of the body, fighting infection, with morphology of thorns, serrated leaves, fast growth patterns and pioneer plants that thrive in hostile places. Nettle is a prominent Aries plant with these signatures. Aries tendencies are remedied by the cooling waters of lunar plants, particularly their action on the fluids of the brain. Restorative nutritive plants like Milky Oats and soporific passionflower and Mercurial nervine herbs like lavender and skullcap calm the nervous system.


Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a good plant ally for Aries, ruled by Mars, it is an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic, it tonifies the blood, calms the nervous system and relieves sinus congestion.The essential oil has a dual action in that it is at once grounding and calming to the mind whilst also uplifting and aiding concentration. Wild garlic (Alliumursinum) or Ramsons, has the pungent signature of Mars and assists Aries asa blood tonic, purifying the blood, improving circulations, helping lower blood pressure, and reducing cholesterol in the blood. It has long been used in folk remedies to ward against colds and flu. To wood betony (Betonica officinalis) Culpeper corresponds Jupiter in Aries, and is used for headaches, particularly those originating from tension or digestive issues. It was held in high esteem so much so as the proverb goes, “sell your coat and buy betony”.  Other Aries plants include rosemary, sweet marjoram, cowslip, cinnamon, dragon’s blood, frankincense, ginger, holly, horseradish, nettle, pepper, thistle.

Wild Alchemy Lab Astro-botanical Remedy Deck

The plants shown here also correspond to Aries.

Mama Xanadu is the experimental botanical studio led by Jemma Foster, who is the author of Wild Alchemy Lab: An Astro-Botanical Remedy Deck (Laurence King, 2023)

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No items found.

By Jemma Foster

Under the harvest moon,

When the soft silver

Drips shimmering

Over the garden nights,

Death, the gray mocker,

Comes and whispers to you

As a beautiful friend

Who remembers.


Under the summer roses

When the flagrant crimson

Lurks in the dusk

Of the wild red leaves,

Love, with little hands,

Comes and touches you

With a thousand memories,

And asks you

Beautiful, unanswerable questions.


  • Carl Sandburg (Harvest Poems 1910-1960)

The Harvest Moon, falling just after the autumn equinox, is a time to celebrate the abundance of the year, to take stock of our harvest on a personal and transpersonal level. It also calls us inward, towards the dark contemplative nights. This particular moon is under the spell of Mars-ruled Aries, bringing with it a potentially reactive quality to relationships, countered by its opposing sign of harmonious-seeking Libra in the sun. As we dance between entropy and syntropy, we call on mercurial qualities of analysis and negotiation, so that we might not become overwhelmed by our feelings and maintain a rational mind. The last lunation before eclipse season, this moon asks that we release and let go. The Nodes and all the planets, Jupiter - Pluto are still in retrograde, as many will be into 2024. An emotionally-charged period awaits as we play out unresolved issues, at an individual and collective scale.


The glyph for Aries is the horn of the ram, that drives forward with force and determination. Aries is ruled by Mars (Ares is the Greek God of War equivalent to Mars) and is hot and dry, sulphur and fire, yang, and a cardinal sign. Aries governs the head, eyes, upper jaw and can be subject to excess heat or dryness, headaches, sinus issues and high blood pressure. The highly energetic and driven qualities of Aries can lead to frustration and stagnation if not channelled appropriately. Impatiens flower essence and decongestant herbs are allies in remedying these respectively. 


Aries plants correspond to the Sun and Mars that stimulate and drive the energies of the body, fighting infection, with morphology of thorns, serrated leaves, fast growth patterns and pioneer plants that thrive in hostile places. Nettle is a prominent Aries plant with these signatures. Aries tendencies are remedied by the cooling waters of lunar plants, particularly their action on the fluids of the brain. Restorative nutritive plants like Milky Oats and soporific passionflower and Mercurial nervine herbs like lavender and skullcap calm the nervous system.


Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a good plant ally for Aries, ruled by Mars, it is an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic, it tonifies the blood, calms the nervous system and relieves sinus congestion.The essential oil has a dual action in that it is at once grounding and calming to the mind whilst also uplifting and aiding concentration. Wild garlic (Alliumursinum) or Ramsons, has the pungent signature of Mars and assists Aries asa blood tonic, purifying the blood, improving circulations, helping lower blood pressure, and reducing cholesterol in the blood. It has long been used in folk remedies to ward against colds and flu. To wood betony (Betonica officinalis) Culpeper corresponds Jupiter in Aries, and is used for headaches, particularly those originating from tension or digestive issues. It was held in high esteem so much so as the proverb goes, “sell your coat and buy betony”.  Other Aries plants include rosemary, sweet marjoram, cowslip, cinnamon, dragon’s blood, frankincense, ginger, holly, horseradish, nettle, pepper, thistle.

Wild Alchemy Lab Astro-botanical Remedy Deck

The plants shown here also correspond to Aries.

Under the harvest moon,

When the soft silver

Drips shimmering

Over the garden nights,

Death, the gray mocker,

Comes and whispers to you

As a beautiful friend

Who remembers.


Under the summer roses

When the flagrant crimson

Lurks in the dusk

Of the wild red leaves,

Love, with little hands,

Comes and touches you

With a thousand memories,

And asks you

Beautiful, unanswerable questions.


  • Carl Sandburg (Harvest Poems 1910-1960)

The Harvest Moon, falling just after the autumn equinox, is a time to celebrate the abundance of the year, to take stock of our harvest on a personal and transpersonal level. It also calls us inward, towards the dark contemplative nights. This particular moon is under the spell of Mars-ruled Aries, bringing with it a potentially reactive quality to relationships, countered by its opposing sign of harmonious-seeking Libra in the sun. As we dance between entropy and syntropy, we call on mercurial qualities of analysis and negotiation, so that we might not become overwhelmed by our feelings and maintain a rational mind. The last lunation before eclipse season, this moon asks that we release and let go. The Nodes and all the planets, Jupiter - Pluto are still in retrograde, as many will be into 2024. An emotionally-charged period awaits as we play out unresolved issues, at an individual and collective scale.


The glyph for Aries is the horn of the ram, that drives forward with force and determination. Aries is ruled by Mars (Ares is the Greek God of War equivalent to Mars) and is hot and dry, sulphur and fire, yang, and a cardinal sign. Aries governs the head, eyes, upper jaw and can be subject to excess heat or dryness, headaches, sinus issues and high blood pressure. The highly energetic and driven qualities of Aries can lead to frustration and stagnation if not channelled appropriately. Impatiens flower essence and decongestant herbs are allies in remedying these respectively. 


Aries plants correspond to the Sun and Mars that stimulate and drive the energies of the body, fighting infection, with morphology of thorns, serrated leaves, fast growth patterns and pioneer plants that thrive in hostile places. Nettle is a prominent Aries plant with these signatures. Aries tendencies are remedied by the cooling waters of lunar plants, particularly their action on the fluids of the brain. Restorative nutritive plants like Milky Oats and soporific passionflower and Mercurial nervine herbs like lavender and skullcap calm the nervous system.


Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a good plant ally for Aries, ruled by Mars, it is an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic, it tonifies the blood, calms the nervous system and relieves sinus congestion.The essential oil has a dual action in that it is at once grounding and calming to the mind whilst also uplifting and aiding concentration. Wild garlic (Alliumursinum) or Ramsons, has the pungent signature of Mars and assists Aries asa blood tonic, purifying the blood, improving circulations, helping lower blood pressure, and reducing cholesterol in the blood. It has long been used in folk remedies to ward against colds and flu. To wood betony (Betonica officinalis) Culpeper corresponds Jupiter in Aries, and is used for headaches, particularly those originating from tension or digestive issues. It was held in high esteem so much so as the proverb goes, “sell your coat and buy betony”.  Other Aries plants include rosemary, sweet marjoram, cowslip, cinnamon, dragon’s blood, frankincense, ginger, holly, horseradish, nettle, pepper, thistle.

Wild Alchemy Lab Astro-botanical Remedy Deck

The plants shown here also correspond to Aries.

No items found.

Mama Xanadu is the experimental botanical studio led by Jemma Foster, who is the author of Wild Alchemy Lab: An Astro-Botanical Remedy Deck (Laurence King, 2023)

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By Jemma Foster

Under the harvest moon,

When the soft silver

Drips shimmering

Over the garden nights,

Death, the gray mocker,

Comes and whispers to you

As a beautiful friend

Who remembers.


Under the summer roses

When the flagrant crimson

Lurks in the dusk

Of the wild red leaves,

Love, with little hands,

Comes and touches you

With a thousand memories,

And asks you

Beautiful, unanswerable questions.


  • Carl Sandburg (Harvest Poems 1910-1960)

The Harvest Moon, falling just after the autumn equinox, is a time to celebrate the abundance of the year, to take stock of our harvest on a personal and transpersonal level. It also calls us inward, towards the dark contemplative nights. This particular moon is under the spell of Mars-ruled Aries, bringing with it a potentially reactive quality to relationships, countered by its opposing sign of harmonious-seeking Libra in the sun. As we dance between entropy and syntropy, we call on mercurial qualities of analysis and negotiation, so that we might not become overwhelmed by our feelings and maintain a rational mind. The last lunation before eclipse season, this moon asks that we release and let go. The Nodes and all the planets, Jupiter - Pluto are still in retrograde, as many will be into 2024. An emotionally-charged period awaits as we play out unresolved issues, at an individual and collective scale.


The glyph for Aries is the horn of the ram, that drives forward with force and determination. Aries is ruled by Mars (Ares is the Greek God of War equivalent to Mars) and is hot and dry, sulphur and fire, yang, and a cardinal sign. Aries governs the head, eyes, upper jaw and can be subject to excess heat or dryness, headaches, sinus issues and high blood pressure. The highly energetic and driven qualities of Aries can lead to frustration and stagnation if not channelled appropriately. Impatiens flower essence and decongestant herbs are allies in remedying these respectively. 


Aries plants correspond to the Sun and Mars that stimulate and drive the energies of the body, fighting infection, with morphology of thorns, serrated leaves, fast growth patterns and pioneer plants that thrive in hostile places. Nettle is a prominent Aries plant with these signatures. Aries tendencies are remedied by the cooling waters of lunar plants, particularly their action on the fluids of the brain. Restorative nutritive plants like Milky Oats and soporific passionflower and Mercurial nervine herbs like lavender and skullcap calm the nervous system.


Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a good plant ally for Aries, ruled by Mars, it is an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic, it tonifies the blood, calms the nervous system and relieves sinus congestion.The essential oil has a dual action in that it is at once grounding and calming to the mind whilst also uplifting and aiding concentration. Wild garlic (Alliumursinum) or Ramsons, has the pungent signature of Mars and assists Aries asa blood tonic, purifying the blood, improving circulations, helping lower blood pressure, and reducing cholesterol in the blood. It has long been used in folk remedies to ward against colds and flu. To wood betony (Betonica officinalis) Culpeper corresponds Jupiter in Aries, and is used for headaches, particularly those originating from tension or digestive issues. It was held in high esteem so much so as the proverb goes, “sell your coat and buy betony”.  Other Aries plants include rosemary, sweet marjoram, cowslip, cinnamon, dragon’s blood, frankincense, ginger, holly, horseradish, nettle, pepper, thistle.

Wild Alchemy Lab Astro-botanical Remedy Deck

The plants shown here also correspond to Aries.

Under the harvest moon,

When the soft silver

Drips shimmering

Over the garden nights,

Death, the gray mocker,

Comes and whispers to you

As a beautiful friend

Who remembers.


Under the summer roses

When the flagrant crimson

Lurks in the dusk

Of the wild red leaves,

Love, with little hands,

Comes and touches you

With a thousand memories,

And asks you

Beautiful, unanswerable questions.


  • Carl Sandburg (Harvest Poems 1910-1960)

The Harvest Moon, falling just after the autumn equinox, is a time to celebrate the abundance of the year, to take stock of our harvest on a personal and transpersonal level. It also calls us inward, towards the dark contemplative nights. This particular moon is under the spell of Mars-ruled Aries, bringing with it a potentially reactive quality to relationships, countered by its opposing sign of harmonious-seeking Libra in the sun. As we dance between entropy and syntropy, we call on mercurial qualities of analysis and negotiation, so that we might not become overwhelmed by our feelings and maintain a rational mind. The last lunation before eclipse season, this moon asks that we release and let go. The Nodes and all the planets, Jupiter - Pluto are still in retrograde, as many will be into 2024. An emotionally-charged period awaits as we play out unresolved issues, at an individual and collective scale.


The glyph for Aries is the horn of the ram, that drives forward with force and determination. Aries is ruled by Mars (Ares is the Greek God of War equivalent to Mars) and is hot and dry, sulphur and fire, yang, and a cardinal sign. Aries governs the head, eyes, upper jaw and can be subject to excess heat or dryness, headaches, sinus issues and high blood pressure. The highly energetic and driven qualities of Aries can lead to frustration and stagnation if not channelled appropriately. Impatiens flower essence and decongestant herbs are allies in remedying these respectively. 


Aries plants correspond to the Sun and Mars that stimulate and drive the energies of the body, fighting infection, with morphology of thorns, serrated leaves, fast growth patterns and pioneer plants that thrive in hostile places. Nettle is a prominent Aries plant with these signatures. Aries tendencies are remedied by the cooling waters of lunar plants, particularly their action on the fluids of the brain. Restorative nutritive plants like Milky Oats and soporific passionflower and Mercurial nervine herbs like lavender and skullcap calm the nervous system.


Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a good plant ally for Aries, ruled by Mars, it is an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic, it tonifies the blood, calms the nervous system and relieves sinus congestion.The essential oil has a dual action in that it is at once grounding and calming to the mind whilst also uplifting and aiding concentration. Wild garlic (Alliumursinum) or Ramsons, has the pungent signature of Mars and assists Aries asa blood tonic, purifying the blood, improving circulations, helping lower blood pressure, and reducing cholesterol in the blood. It has long been used in folk remedies to ward against colds and flu. To wood betony (Betonica officinalis) Culpeper corresponds Jupiter in Aries, and is used for headaches, particularly those originating from tension or digestive issues. It was held in high esteem so much so as the proverb goes, “sell your coat and buy betony”.  Other Aries plants include rosemary, sweet marjoram, cowslip, cinnamon, dragon’s blood, frankincense, ginger, holly, horseradish, nettle, pepper, thistle.

Wild Alchemy Lab Astro-botanical Remedy Deck

The plants shown here also correspond to Aries.

No items found.

Mama Xanadu is the experimental botanical studio led by Jemma Foster, who is the author of Wild Alchemy Lab: An Astro-Botanical Remedy Deck (Laurence King, 2023)

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By Jemma Foster

Under the harvest moon,

When the soft silver

Drips shimmering

Over the garden nights,

Death, the gray mocker,

Comes and whispers to you

As a beautiful friend

Who remembers.


Under the summer roses

When the flagrant crimson

Lurks in the dusk

Of the wild red leaves,

Love, with little hands,

Comes and touches you

With a thousand memories,

And asks you

Beautiful, unanswerable questions.


  • Carl Sandburg (Harvest Poems 1910-1960)

The Harvest Moon, falling just after the autumn equinox, is a time to celebrate the abundance of the year, to take stock of our harvest on a personal and transpersonal level. It also calls us inward, towards the dark contemplative nights. This particular moon is under the spell of Mars-ruled Aries, bringing with it a potentially reactive quality to relationships, countered by its opposing sign of harmonious-seeking Libra in the sun. As we dance between entropy and syntropy, we call on mercurial qualities of analysis and negotiation, so that we might not become overwhelmed by our feelings and maintain a rational mind. The last lunation before eclipse season, this moon asks that we release and let go. The Nodes and all the planets, Jupiter - Pluto are still in retrograde, as many will be into 2024. An emotionally-charged period awaits as we play out unresolved issues, at an individual and collective scale.


The glyph for Aries is the horn of the ram, that drives forward with force and determination. Aries is ruled by Mars (Ares is the Greek God of War equivalent to Mars) and is hot and dry, sulphur and fire, yang, and a cardinal sign. Aries governs the head, eyes, upper jaw and can be subject to excess heat or dryness, headaches, sinus issues and high blood pressure. The highly energetic and driven qualities of Aries can lead to frustration and stagnation if not channelled appropriately. Impatiens flower essence and decongestant herbs are allies in remedying these respectively. 


Aries plants correspond to the Sun and Mars that stimulate and drive the energies of the body, fighting infection, with morphology of thorns, serrated leaves, fast growth patterns and pioneer plants that thrive in hostile places. Nettle is a prominent Aries plant with these signatures. Aries tendencies are remedied by the cooling waters of lunar plants, particularly their action on the fluids of the brain. Restorative nutritive plants like Milky Oats and soporific passionflower and Mercurial nervine herbs like lavender and skullcap calm the nervous system.


Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a good plant ally for Aries, ruled by Mars, it is an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic, it tonifies the blood, calms the nervous system and relieves sinus congestion.The essential oil has a dual action in that it is at once grounding and calming to the mind whilst also uplifting and aiding concentration. Wild garlic (Alliumursinum) or Ramsons, has the pungent signature of Mars and assists Aries asa blood tonic, purifying the blood, improving circulations, helping lower blood pressure, and reducing cholesterol in the blood. It has long been used in folk remedies to ward against colds and flu. To wood betony (Betonica officinalis) Culpeper corresponds Jupiter in Aries, and is used for headaches, particularly those originating from tension or digestive issues. It was held in high esteem so much so as the proverb goes, “sell your coat and buy betony”.  Other Aries plants include rosemary, sweet marjoram, cowslip, cinnamon, dragon’s blood, frankincense, ginger, holly, horseradish, nettle, pepper, thistle.

Wild Alchemy Lab Astro-botanical Remedy Deck

The plants shown here also correspond to Aries.

Under the harvest moon,

When the soft silver

Drips shimmering

Over the garden nights,

Death, the gray mocker,

Comes and whispers to you

As a beautiful friend

Who remembers.


Under the summer roses

When the flagrant crimson

Lurks in the dusk

Of the wild red leaves,

Love, with little hands,

Comes and touches you

With a thousand memories,

And asks you

Beautiful, unanswerable questions.


  • Carl Sandburg (Harvest Poems 1910-1960)

The Harvest Moon, falling just after the autumn equinox, is a time to celebrate the abundance of the year, to take stock of our harvest on a personal and transpersonal level. It also calls us inward, towards the dark contemplative nights. This particular moon is under the spell of Mars-ruled Aries, bringing with it a potentially reactive quality to relationships, countered by its opposing sign of harmonious-seeking Libra in the sun. As we dance between entropy and syntropy, we call on mercurial qualities of analysis and negotiation, so that we might not become overwhelmed by our feelings and maintain a rational mind. The last lunation before eclipse season, this moon asks that we release and let go. The Nodes and all the planets, Jupiter - Pluto are still in retrograde, as many will be into 2024. An emotionally-charged period awaits as we play out unresolved issues, at an individual and collective scale.


The glyph for Aries is the horn of the ram, that drives forward with force and determination. Aries is ruled by Mars (Ares is the Greek God of War equivalent to Mars) and is hot and dry, sulphur and fire, yang, and a cardinal sign. Aries governs the head, eyes, upper jaw and can be subject to excess heat or dryness, headaches, sinus issues and high blood pressure. The highly energetic and driven qualities of Aries can lead to frustration and stagnation if not channelled appropriately. Impatiens flower essence and decongestant herbs are allies in remedying these respectively. 


Aries plants correspond to the Sun and Mars that stimulate and drive the energies of the body, fighting infection, with morphology of thorns, serrated leaves, fast growth patterns and pioneer plants that thrive in hostile places. Nettle is a prominent Aries plant with these signatures. Aries tendencies are remedied by the cooling waters of lunar plants, particularly their action on the fluids of the brain. Restorative nutritive plants like Milky Oats and soporific passionflower and Mercurial nervine herbs like lavender and skullcap calm the nervous system.


Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a good plant ally for Aries, ruled by Mars, it is an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic, it tonifies the blood, calms the nervous system and relieves sinus congestion.The essential oil has a dual action in that it is at once grounding and calming to the mind whilst also uplifting and aiding concentration. Wild garlic (Alliumursinum) or Ramsons, has the pungent signature of Mars and assists Aries asa blood tonic, purifying the blood, improving circulations, helping lower blood pressure, and reducing cholesterol in the blood. It has long been used in folk remedies to ward against colds and flu. To wood betony (Betonica officinalis) Culpeper corresponds Jupiter in Aries, and is used for headaches, particularly those originating from tension or digestive issues. It was held in high esteem so much so as the proverb goes, “sell your coat and buy betony”.  Other Aries plants include rosemary, sweet marjoram, cowslip, cinnamon, dragon’s blood, frankincense, ginger, holly, horseradish, nettle, pepper, thistle.

Wild Alchemy Lab Astro-botanical Remedy Deck

The plants shown here also correspond to Aries.

No items found.

Mama Xanadu is the experimental botanical studio led by Jemma Foster, who is the author of Wild Alchemy Lab: An Astro-Botanical Remedy Deck (Laurence King, 2023)

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