By Aoife van Linden Tol

Most creation stories begin with an infinite nothingness, lifeless chaotic waters or a primordial soup. 

From there a singular moment creates a ripple or event which brings into being something. Often the first or second thing that is created is light. So we see that actually infinite nothingness holds the potential for infinite creation. 

Powerful explosions are part of nature and bring into being new forms of existence, from volcanoes creating land mass, to a star’s first ignition, to the creation of the universe itself. Energy is not lost, only transformed, but it is changed forever and cannot be restored to its former self. So it really is a permanent transformation moment. 

Explosions can be physically dangerous for humans but they can be very healing as tipping points in life cycles and empowering psychologically and emotionally when harnessed in a positive way. Plants explode to reproduce, such as himalayan balsam, wisteria violets, poisonous squirting cucumbers, and touch-me-nots explode their seed in order to spread their seeds and give them a great chance to reproduce. In this exercise, we will explore explosions as a vehicle for fertility and new pathways, to release fear and dive into the limitless creativity of the great unknown


For this exercise, gather a paper, pen or pencil and any other art materials you choose, along with a creative block you would like to work with. 

What do you want to combust?

What do you want to cultivate?

Creative practice can be art, any kind of work or act of creating, it could be physical, mental or emotional. It may be a policy or contract, a friendship or relationship. 

You may light a candle or burn some incense during the meditation to call on the element of fire. 


You travel into the universe

And see a bright light ahead of you

It is a point of great pressure. 

You travel towards it and it grows larger in your field of vision, you are closer still and it is becoming larger and larger, everytime you think you are getting closer you realise that it is still far away, it's just much bigger than you ever imagine.

It is colossal, it fills your field of vision. 

You can feel the pressure pushing and stretching inside the light but it’s being held back by an even greater pressure pushing it down. 

You take a moment to wonder at the awesome and unimaginable powers at play.

The pressure wants to be released, it needs to release

You may meet resistance or fear, but allow these sensations to pass through you.

You travel closer, passing through the membrane that is holding the pressure in and you sit right in the middle of this colossal mass.

Sit inside the pressure, wrap it around you.

Time starts to slow.

When you’re ready we are going to allow it to be released. 

We’re slowing down 

Everything is pulsing in slow motion

This wilful release will be powerful.

The tumultuous fire you are in seems chaotic but as time flows you see how each molecule makes its journey, swirling around you.

Each electron, proton, neutron, muon,  quark, each energy path, each bond broken and made is so purposeful.

All working towards something. 

Something they are not able to reach right now, because something is blocking them. 

What is that block?

What fear or distraction do you have that sends you in circles? 

You look down and you are holding it in your hand. It may take a form, an object, a symbol. 

We are not going to reject it or throw it away or destroy it. We will look at it. I want you to say to it, it’s ok, I love you, I accept you.

I know you are here for a reason, you helped me somewhere at some time. You protested me or hid me, you kept me safe. You formed to help me. I will always be grateful for you, but you have done your work here now and it’s time to reform. Is that ok? 

It replies to you. 

Now you bring it up to your heart and it melts inside of you.

It ignites the explosion in your heart.

The explosion expands and as it does it bursts the membrane like a seed pod

You are spreading your creative seeds throughout the universe.

As you watch them expanding you feel the blocks you have transformed into a sense of freedom, curiosity, power and excitement. 

You are full of energy and are dexterous, fluid and nimble, 

You can twist, turn, twirl through the universe.

You can follow your seeds, and see where they might land. You can watch them burrow and plant themselves across the cosmos. 

In the heart of new stars, igniting the nuclear fusion 

On planets newly formed or ancient rocks, 

Inside energetic black holes, clouds of gas. 

You are free to fly and discover or wander among the empty spaces, bathing in the darkness. 

The lack of anything does not scare you

The stillness of darkness does not intimidate you 

You are excited to receive inspiration

You know that all it takes is a ripple, a singularity and the journey will begin again.

You know that answers are a journey within you.

You may choose to stay in this space a while longer, and you can always return here when you need. 

Spend some time journaling or drawing and creating from this space and see what emerges.


Most creation stories begin with an infinite nothingness, lifeless chaotic waters or a primordial soup. 

From there a singular moment creates a ripple or event which brings into being something. Often the first or second thing that is created is light. So we see that actually infinite nothingness holds the potential for infinite creation. 

Powerful explosions are part of nature and bring into being new forms of existence, from volcanoes creating land mass, to a star’s first ignition, to the creation of the universe itself. Energy is not lost, only transformed, but it is changed forever and cannot be restored to its former self. So it really is a permanent transformation moment. 

Explosions can be physically dangerous for humans but they can be very healing as tipping points in life cycles and empowering psychologically and emotionally when harnessed in a positive way. Plants explode to reproduce, such as himalayan balsam, wisteria violets, poisonous squirting cucumbers, and touch-me-nots explode their seed in order to spread their seeds and give them a great chance to reproduce. In this exercise, we will explore explosions as a vehicle for fertility and new pathways, to release fear and dive into the limitless creativity of the great unknown


For this exercise, gather a paper, pen or pencil and any other art materials you choose, along with a creative block you would like to work with. 

What do you want to combust?

What do you want to cultivate?

Creative practice can be art, any kind of work or act of creating, it could be physical, mental or emotional. It may be a policy or contract, a friendship or relationship. 

You may light a candle or burn some incense during the meditation to call on the element of fire. 


You travel into the universe

And see a bright light ahead of you

It is a point of great pressure. 

You travel towards it and it grows larger in your field of vision, you are closer still and it is becoming larger and larger, everytime you think you are getting closer you realise that it is still far away, it's just much bigger than you ever imagine.

It is colossal, it fills your field of vision. 

You can feel the pressure pushing and stretching inside the light but it’s being held back by an even greater pressure pushing it down. 

You take a moment to wonder at the awesome and unimaginable powers at play.

The pressure wants to be released, it needs to release

You may meet resistance or fear, but allow these sensations to pass through you.

You travel closer, passing through the membrane that is holding the pressure in and you sit right in the middle of this colossal mass.

Sit inside the pressure, wrap it around you.

Time starts to slow.

When you’re ready we are going to allow it to be released. 

We’re slowing down 

Everything is pulsing in slow motion

This wilful release will be powerful.

The tumultuous fire you are in seems chaotic but as time flows you see how each molecule makes its journey, swirling around you.

Each electron, proton, neutron, muon,  quark, each energy path, each bond broken and made is so purposeful.

All working towards something. 

Something they are not able to reach right now, because something is blocking them. 

What is that block?

What fear or distraction do you have that sends you in circles? 

You look down and you are holding it in your hand. It may take a form, an object, a symbol. 

We are not going to reject it or throw it away or destroy it. We will look at it. I want you to say to it, it’s ok, I love you, I accept you.

I know you are here for a reason, you helped me somewhere at some time. You protested me or hid me, you kept me safe. You formed to help me. I will always be grateful for you, but you have done your work here now and it’s time to reform. Is that ok? 

It replies to you. 

Now you bring it up to your heart and it melts inside of you.

It ignites the explosion in your heart.

The explosion expands and as it does it bursts the membrane like a seed pod

You are spreading your creative seeds throughout the universe.

As you watch them expanding you feel the blocks you have transformed into a sense of freedom, curiosity, power and excitement. 

You are full of energy and are dexterous, fluid and nimble, 

You can twist, turn, twirl through the universe.

You can follow your seeds, and see where they might land. You can watch them burrow and plant themselves across the cosmos. 

In the heart of new stars, igniting the nuclear fusion 

On planets newly formed or ancient rocks, 

Inside energetic black holes, clouds of gas. 

You are free to fly and discover or wander among the empty spaces, bathing in the darkness. 

The lack of anything does not scare you

The stillness of darkness does not intimidate you 

You are excited to receive inspiration

You know that all it takes is a ripple, a singularity and the journey will begin again.

You know that answers are a journey within you.

You may choose to stay in this space a while longer, and you can always return here when you need. 

Spend some time journaling or drawing and creating from this space and see what emerges.


Aoife van Linden Tol FRSA is an award winning artist working at the nexus of art, science and technology. Specialising in explosives she has fused her interests in nature, cosmology, chemistry, physics and psychology. Her multi-disciplinary practice spans sculpture, installation, drawing, photography, illustration, video, sound, performance, projection mapping, augmented reality, science and research.She creates abstract works which often examine concepts of time, density and matter as well as deep human emotions and motivations.

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No items found.

By Aoife van Linden Tol

Most creation stories begin with an infinite nothingness, lifeless chaotic waters or a primordial soup. 

From there a singular moment creates a ripple or event which brings into being something. Often the first or second thing that is created is light. So we see that actually infinite nothingness holds the potential for infinite creation. 

Powerful explosions are part of nature and bring into being new forms of existence, from volcanoes creating land mass, to a star’s first ignition, to the creation of the universe itself. Energy is not lost, only transformed, but it is changed forever and cannot be restored to its former self. So it really is a permanent transformation moment. 

Explosions can be physically dangerous for humans but they can be very healing as tipping points in life cycles and empowering psychologically and emotionally when harnessed in a positive way. Plants explode to reproduce, such as himalayan balsam, wisteria violets, poisonous squirting cucumbers, and touch-me-nots explode their seed in order to spread their seeds and give them a great chance to reproduce. In this exercise, we will explore explosions as a vehicle for fertility and new pathways, to release fear and dive into the limitless creativity of the great unknown


For this exercise, gather a paper, pen or pencil and any other art materials you choose, along with a creative block you would like to work with. 

What do you want to combust?

What do you want to cultivate?

Creative practice can be art, any kind of work or act of creating, it could be physical, mental or emotional. It may be a policy or contract, a friendship or relationship. 

You may light a candle or burn some incense during the meditation to call on the element of fire. 


You travel into the universe

And see a bright light ahead of you

It is a point of great pressure. 

You travel towards it and it grows larger in your field of vision, you are closer still and it is becoming larger and larger, everytime you think you are getting closer you realise that it is still far away, it's just much bigger than you ever imagine.

It is colossal, it fills your field of vision. 

You can feel the pressure pushing and stretching inside the light but it’s being held back by an even greater pressure pushing it down. 

You take a moment to wonder at the awesome and unimaginable powers at play.

The pressure wants to be released, it needs to release

You may meet resistance or fear, but allow these sensations to pass through you.

You travel closer, passing through the membrane that is holding the pressure in and you sit right in the middle of this colossal mass.

Sit inside the pressure, wrap it around you.

Time starts to slow.

When you’re ready we are going to allow it to be released. 

We’re slowing down 

Everything is pulsing in slow motion

This wilful release will be powerful.

The tumultuous fire you are in seems chaotic but as time flows you see how each molecule makes its journey, swirling around you.

Each electron, proton, neutron, muon,  quark, each energy path, each bond broken and made is so purposeful.

All working towards something. 

Something they are not able to reach right now, because something is blocking them. 

What is that block?

What fear or distraction do you have that sends you in circles? 

You look down and you are holding it in your hand. It may take a form, an object, a symbol. 

We are not going to reject it or throw it away or destroy it. We will look at it. I want you to say to it, it’s ok, I love you, I accept you.

I know you are here for a reason, you helped me somewhere at some time. You protested me or hid me, you kept me safe. You formed to help me. I will always be grateful for you, but you have done your work here now and it’s time to reform. Is that ok? 

It replies to you. 

Now you bring it up to your heart and it melts inside of you.

It ignites the explosion in your heart.

The explosion expands and as it does it bursts the membrane like a seed pod

You are spreading your creative seeds throughout the universe.

As you watch them expanding you feel the blocks you have transformed into a sense of freedom, curiosity, power and excitement. 

You are full of energy and are dexterous, fluid and nimble, 

You can twist, turn, twirl through the universe.

You can follow your seeds, and see where they might land. You can watch them burrow and plant themselves across the cosmos. 

In the heart of new stars, igniting the nuclear fusion 

On planets newly formed or ancient rocks, 

Inside energetic black holes, clouds of gas. 

You are free to fly and discover or wander among the empty spaces, bathing in the darkness. 

The lack of anything does not scare you

The stillness of darkness does not intimidate you 

You are excited to receive inspiration

You know that all it takes is a ripple, a singularity and the journey will begin again.

You know that answers are a journey within you.

You may choose to stay in this space a while longer, and you can always return here when you need. 

Spend some time journaling or drawing and creating from this space and see what emerges.


Most creation stories begin with an infinite nothingness, lifeless chaotic waters or a primordial soup. 

From there a singular moment creates a ripple or event which brings into being something. Often the first or second thing that is created is light. So we see that actually infinite nothingness holds the potential for infinite creation. 

Powerful explosions are part of nature and bring into being new forms of existence, from volcanoes creating land mass, to a star’s first ignition, to the creation of the universe itself. Energy is not lost, only transformed, but it is changed forever and cannot be restored to its former self. So it really is a permanent transformation moment. 

Explosions can be physically dangerous for humans but they can be very healing as tipping points in life cycles and empowering psychologically and emotionally when harnessed in a positive way. Plants explode to reproduce, such as himalayan balsam, wisteria violets, poisonous squirting cucumbers, and touch-me-nots explode their seed in order to spread their seeds and give them a great chance to reproduce. In this exercise, we will explore explosions as a vehicle for fertility and new pathways, to release fear and dive into the limitless creativity of the great unknown


For this exercise, gather a paper, pen or pencil and any other art materials you choose, along with a creative block you would like to work with. 

What do you want to combust?

What do you want to cultivate?

Creative practice can be art, any kind of work or act of creating, it could be physical, mental or emotional. It may be a policy or contract, a friendship or relationship. 

You may light a candle or burn some incense during the meditation to call on the element of fire. 


You travel into the universe

And see a bright light ahead of you

It is a point of great pressure. 

You travel towards it and it grows larger in your field of vision, you are closer still and it is becoming larger and larger, everytime you think you are getting closer you realise that it is still far away, it's just much bigger than you ever imagine.

It is colossal, it fills your field of vision. 

You can feel the pressure pushing and stretching inside the light but it’s being held back by an even greater pressure pushing it down. 

You take a moment to wonder at the awesome and unimaginable powers at play.

The pressure wants to be released, it needs to release

You may meet resistance or fear, but allow these sensations to pass through you.

You travel closer, passing through the membrane that is holding the pressure in and you sit right in the middle of this colossal mass.

Sit inside the pressure, wrap it around you.

Time starts to slow.

When you’re ready we are going to allow it to be released. 

We’re slowing down 

Everything is pulsing in slow motion

This wilful release will be powerful.

The tumultuous fire you are in seems chaotic but as time flows you see how each molecule makes its journey, swirling around you.

Each electron, proton, neutron, muon,  quark, each energy path, each bond broken and made is so purposeful.

All working towards something. 

Something they are not able to reach right now, because something is blocking them. 

What is that block?

What fear or distraction do you have that sends you in circles? 

You look down and you are holding it in your hand. It may take a form, an object, a symbol. 

We are not going to reject it or throw it away or destroy it. We will look at it. I want you to say to it, it’s ok, I love you, I accept you.

I know you are here for a reason, you helped me somewhere at some time. You protested me or hid me, you kept me safe. You formed to help me. I will always be grateful for you, but you have done your work here now and it’s time to reform. Is that ok? 

It replies to you. 

Now you bring it up to your heart and it melts inside of you.

It ignites the explosion in your heart.

The explosion expands and as it does it bursts the membrane like a seed pod

You are spreading your creative seeds throughout the universe.

As you watch them expanding you feel the blocks you have transformed into a sense of freedom, curiosity, power and excitement. 

You are full of energy and are dexterous, fluid and nimble, 

You can twist, turn, twirl through the universe.

You can follow your seeds, and see where they might land. You can watch them burrow and plant themselves across the cosmos. 

In the heart of new stars, igniting the nuclear fusion 

On planets newly formed or ancient rocks, 

Inside energetic black holes, clouds of gas. 

You are free to fly and discover or wander among the empty spaces, bathing in the darkness. 

The lack of anything does not scare you

The stillness of darkness does not intimidate you 

You are excited to receive inspiration

You know that all it takes is a ripple, a singularity and the journey will begin again.

You know that answers are a journey within you.

You may choose to stay in this space a while longer, and you can always return here when you need. 

Spend some time journaling or drawing and creating from this space and see what emerges.


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Aoife van Linden Tol FRSA is an award winning artist working at the nexus of art, science and technology. Specialising in explosives she has fused her interests in nature, cosmology, chemistry, physics and psychology. Her multi-disciplinary practice spans sculpture, installation, drawing, photography, illustration, video, sound, performance, projection mapping, augmented reality, science and research.She creates abstract works which often examine concepts of time, density and matter as well as deep human emotions and motivations.

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By Aoife van Linden Tol

Most creation stories begin with an infinite nothingness, lifeless chaotic waters or a primordial soup. 

From there a singular moment creates a ripple or event which brings into being something. Often the first or second thing that is created is light. So we see that actually infinite nothingness holds the potential for infinite creation. 

Powerful explosions are part of nature and bring into being new forms of existence, from volcanoes creating land mass, to a star’s first ignition, to the creation of the universe itself. Energy is not lost, only transformed, but it is changed forever and cannot be restored to its former self. So it really is a permanent transformation moment. 

Explosions can be physically dangerous for humans but they can be very healing as tipping points in life cycles and empowering psychologically and emotionally when harnessed in a positive way. Plants explode to reproduce, such as himalayan balsam, wisteria violets, poisonous squirting cucumbers, and touch-me-nots explode their seed in order to spread their seeds and give them a great chance to reproduce. In this exercise, we will explore explosions as a vehicle for fertility and new pathways, to release fear and dive into the limitless creativity of the great unknown


For this exercise, gather a paper, pen or pencil and any other art materials you choose, along with a creative block you would like to work with. 

What do you want to combust?

What do you want to cultivate?

Creative practice can be art, any kind of work or act of creating, it could be physical, mental or emotional. It may be a policy or contract, a friendship or relationship. 

You may light a candle or burn some incense during the meditation to call on the element of fire. 


You travel into the universe

And see a bright light ahead of you

It is a point of great pressure. 

You travel towards it and it grows larger in your field of vision, you are closer still and it is becoming larger and larger, everytime you think you are getting closer you realise that it is still far away, it's just much bigger than you ever imagine.

It is colossal, it fills your field of vision. 

You can feel the pressure pushing and stretching inside the light but it’s being held back by an even greater pressure pushing it down. 

You take a moment to wonder at the awesome and unimaginable powers at play.

The pressure wants to be released, it needs to release

You may meet resistance or fear, but allow these sensations to pass through you.

You travel closer, passing through the membrane that is holding the pressure in and you sit right in the middle of this colossal mass.

Sit inside the pressure, wrap it around you.

Time starts to slow.

When you’re ready we are going to allow it to be released. 

We’re slowing down 

Everything is pulsing in slow motion

This wilful release will be powerful.

The tumultuous fire you are in seems chaotic but as time flows you see how each molecule makes its journey, swirling around you.

Each electron, proton, neutron, muon,  quark, each energy path, each bond broken and made is so purposeful.

All working towards something. 

Something they are not able to reach right now, because something is blocking them. 

What is that block?

What fear or distraction do you have that sends you in circles? 

You look down and you are holding it in your hand. It may take a form, an object, a symbol. 

We are not going to reject it or throw it away or destroy it. We will look at it. I want you to say to it, it’s ok, I love you, I accept you.

I know you are here for a reason, you helped me somewhere at some time. You protested me or hid me, you kept me safe. You formed to help me. I will always be grateful for you, but you have done your work here now and it’s time to reform. Is that ok? 

It replies to you. 

Now you bring it up to your heart and it melts inside of you.

It ignites the explosion in your heart.

The explosion expands and as it does it bursts the membrane like a seed pod

You are spreading your creative seeds throughout the universe.

As you watch them expanding you feel the blocks you have transformed into a sense of freedom, curiosity, power and excitement. 

You are full of energy and are dexterous, fluid and nimble, 

You can twist, turn, twirl through the universe.

You can follow your seeds, and see where they might land. You can watch them burrow and plant themselves across the cosmos. 

In the heart of new stars, igniting the nuclear fusion 

On planets newly formed or ancient rocks, 

Inside energetic black holes, clouds of gas. 

You are free to fly and discover or wander among the empty spaces, bathing in the darkness. 

The lack of anything does not scare you

The stillness of darkness does not intimidate you 

You are excited to receive inspiration

You know that all it takes is a ripple, a singularity and the journey will begin again.

You know that answers are a journey within you.

You may choose to stay in this space a while longer, and you can always return here when you need. 

Spend some time journaling or drawing and creating from this space and see what emerges.


Most creation stories begin with an infinite nothingness, lifeless chaotic waters or a primordial soup. 

From there a singular moment creates a ripple or event which brings into being something. Often the first or second thing that is created is light. So we see that actually infinite nothingness holds the potential for infinite creation. 

Powerful explosions are part of nature and bring into being new forms of existence, from volcanoes creating land mass, to a star’s first ignition, to the creation of the universe itself. Energy is not lost, only transformed, but it is changed forever and cannot be restored to its former self. So it really is a permanent transformation moment. 

Explosions can be physically dangerous for humans but they can be very healing as tipping points in life cycles and empowering psychologically and emotionally when harnessed in a positive way. Plants explode to reproduce, such as himalayan balsam, wisteria violets, poisonous squirting cucumbers, and touch-me-nots explode their seed in order to spread their seeds and give them a great chance to reproduce. In this exercise, we will explore explosions as a vehicle for fertility and new pathways, to release fear and dive into the limitless creativity of the great unknown


For this exercise, gather a paper, pen or pencil and any other art materials you choose, along with a creative block you would like to work with. 

What do you want to combust?

What do you want to cultivate?

Creative practice can be art, any kind of work or act of creating, it could be physical, mental or emotional. It may be a policy or contract, a friendship or relationship. 

You may light a candle or burn some incense during the meditation to call on the element of fire. 


You travel into the universe

And see a bright light ahead of you

It is a point of great pressure. 

You travel towards it and it grows larger in your field of vision, you are closer still and it is becoming larger and larger, everytime you think you are getting closer you realise that it is still far away, it's just much bigger than you ever imagine.

It is colossal, it fills your field of vision. 

You can feel the pressure pushing and stretching inside the light but it’s being held back by an even greater pressure pushing it down. 

You take a moment to wonder at the awesome and unimaginable powers at play.

The pressure wants to be released, it needs to release

You may meet resistance or fear, but allow these sensations to pass through you.

You travel closer, passing through the membrane that is holding the pressure in and you sit right in the middle of this colossal mass.

Sit inside the pressure, wrap it around you.

Time starts to slow.

When you’re ready we are going to allow it to be released. 

We’re slowing down 

Everything is pulsing in slow motion

This wilful release will be powerful.

The tumultuous fire you are in seems chaotic but as time flows you see how each molecule makes its journey, swirling around you.

Each electron, proton, neutron, muon,  quark, each energy path, each bond broken and made is so purposeful.

All working towards something. 

Something they are not able to reach right now, because something is blocking them. 

What is that block?

What fear or distraction do you have that sends you in circles? 

You look down and you are holding it in your hand. It may take a form, an object, a symbol. 

We are not going to reject it or throw it away or destroy it. We will look at it. I want you to say to it, it’s ok, I love you, I accept you.

I know you are here for a reason, you helped me somewhere at some time. You protested me or hid me, you kept me safe. You formed to help me. I will always be grateful for you, but you have done your work here now and it’s time to reform. Is that ok? 

It replies to you. 

Now you bring it up to your heart and it melts inside of you.

It ignites the explosion in your heart.

The explosion expands and as it does it bursts the membrane like a seed pod

You are spreading your creative seeds throughout the universe.

As you watch them expanding you feel the blocks you have transformed into a sense of freedom, curiosity, power and excitement. 

You are full of energy and are dexterous, fluid and nimble, 

You can twist, turn, twirl through the universe.

You can follow your seeds, and see where they might land. You can watch them burrow and plant themselves across the cosmos. 

In the heart of new stars, igniting the nuclear fusion 

On planets newly formed or ancient rocks, 

Inside energetic black holes, clouds of gas. 

You are free to fly and discover or wander among the empty spaces, bathing in the darkness. 

The lack of anything does not scare you

The stillness of darkness does not intimidate you 

You are excited to receive inspiration

You know that all it takes is a ripple, a singularity and the journey will begin again.

You know that answers are a journey within you.

You may choose to stay in this space a while longer, and you can always return here when you need. 

Spend some time journaling or drawing and creating from this space and see what emerges.


No items found.

Aoife van Linden Tol FRSA is an award winning artist working at the nexus of art, science and technology. Specialising in explosives she has fused her interests in nature, cosmology, chemistry, physics and psychology. Her multi-disciplinary practice spans sculpture, installation, drawing, photography, illustration, video, sound, performance, projection mapping, augmented reality, science and research.She creates abstract works which often examine concepts of time, density and matter as well as deep human emotions and motivations.

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By Aoife van Linden Tol

Most creation stories begin with an infinite nothingness, lifeless chaotic waters or a primordial soup. 

From there a singular moment creates a ripple or event which brings into being something. Often the first or second thing that is created is light. So we see that actually infinite nothingness holds the potential for infinite creation. 

Powerful explosions are part of nature and bring into being new forms of existence, from volcanoes creating land mass, to a star’s first ignition, to the creation of the universe itself. Energy is not lost, only transformed, but it is changed forever and cannot be restored to its former self. So it really is a permanent transformation moment. 

Explosions can be physically dangerous for humans but they can be very healing as tipping points in life cycles and empowering psychologically and emotionally when harnessed in a positive way. Plants explode to reproduce, such as himalayan balsam, wisteria violets, poisonous squirting cucumbers, and touch-me-nots explode their seed in order to spread their seeds and give them a great chance to reproduce. In this exercise, we will explore explosions as a vehicle for fertility and new pathways, to release fear and dive into the limitless creativity of the great unknown


For this exercise, gather a paper, pen or pencil and any other art materials you choose, along with a creative block you would like to work with. 

What do you want to combust?

What do you want to cultivate?

Creative practice can be art, any kind of work or act of creating, it could be physical, mental or emotional. It may be a policy or contract, a friendship or relationship. 

You may light a candle or burn some incense during the meditation to call on the element of fire. 


You travel into the universe

And see a bright light ahead of you

It is a point of great pressure. 

You travel towards it and it grows larger in your field of vision, you are closer still and it is becoming larger and larger, everytime you think you are getting closer you realise that it is still far away, it's just much bigger than you ever imagine.

It is colossal, it fills your field of vision. 

You can feel the pressure pushing and stretching inside the light but it’s being held back by an even greater pressure pushing it down. 

You take a moment to wonder at the awesome and unimaginable powers at play.

The pressure wants to be released, it needs to release

You may meet resistance or fear, but allow these sensations to pass through you.

You travel closer, passing through the membrane that is holding the pressure in and you sit right in the middle of this colossal mass.

Sit inside the pressure, wrap it around you.

Time starts to slow.

When you’re ready we are going to allow it to be released. 

We’re slowing down 

Everything is pulsing in slow motion

This wilful release will be powerful.

The tumultuous fire you are in seems chaotic but as time flows you see how each molecule makes its journey, swirling around you.

Each electron, proton, neutron, muon,  quark, each energy path, each bond broken and made is so purposeful.

All working towards something. 

Something they are not able to reach right now, because something is blocking them. 

What is that block?

What fear or distraction do you have that sends you in circles? 

You look down and you are holding it in your hand. It may take a form, an object, a symbol. 

We are not going to reject it or throw it away or destroy it. We will look at it. I want you to say to it, it’s ok, I love you, I accept you.

I know you are here for a reason, you helped me somewhere at some time. You protested me or hid me, you kept me safe. You formed to help me. I will always be grateful for you, but you have done your work here now and it’s time to reform. Is that ok? 

It replies to you. 

Now you bring it up to your heart and it melts inside of you.

It ignites the explosion in your heart.

The explosion expands and as it does it bursts the membrane like a seed pod

You are spreading your creative seeds throughout the universe.

As you watch them expanding you feel the blocks you have transformed into a sense of freedom, curiosity, power and excitement. 

You are full of energy and are dexterous, fluid and nimble, 

You can twist, turn, twirl through the universe.

You can follow your seeds, and see where they might land. You can watch them burrow and plant themselves across the cosmos. 

In the heart of new stars, igniting the nuclear fusion 

On planets newly formed or ancient rocks, 

Inside energetic black holes, clouds of gas. 

You are free to fly and discover or wander among the empty spaces, bathing in the darkness. 

The lack of anything does not scare you

The stillness of darkness does not intimidate you 

You are excited to receive inspiration

You know that all it takes is a ripple, a singularity and the journey will begin again.

You know that answers are a journey within you.

You may choose to stay in this space a while longer, and you can always return here when you need. 

Spend some time journaling or drawing and creating from this space and see what emerges.


Most creation stories begin with an infinite nothingness, lifeless chaotic waters or a primordial soup. 

From there a singular moment creates a ripple or event which brings into being something. Often the first or second thing that is created is light. So we see that actually infinite nothingness holds the potential for infinite creation. 

Powerful explosions are part of nature and bring into being new forms of existence, from volcanoes creating land mass, to a star’s first ignition, to the creation of the universe itself. Energy is not lost, only transformed, but it is changed forever and cannot be restored to its former self. So it really is a permanent transformation moment. 

Explosions can be physically dangerous for humans but they can be very healing as tipping points in life cycles and empowering psychologically and emotionally when harnessed in a positive way. Plants explode to reproduce, such as himalayan balsam, wisteria violets, poisonous squirting cucumbers, and touch-me-nots explode their seed in order to spread their seeds and give them a great chance to reproduce. In this exercise, we will explore explosions as a vehicle for fertility and new pathways, to release fear and dive into the limitless creativity of the great unknown


For this exercise, gather a paper, pen or pencil and any other art materials you choose, along with a creative block you would like to work with. 

What do you want to combust?

What do you want to cultivate?

Creative practice can be art, any kind of work or act of creating, it could be physical, mental or emotional. It may be a policy or contract, a friendship or relationship. 

You may light a candle or burn some incense during the meditation to call on the element of fire. 


You travel into the universe

And see a bright light ahead of you

It is a point of great pressure. 

You travel towards it and it grows larger in your field of vision, you are closer still and it is becoming larger and larger, everytime you think you are getting closer you realise that it is still far away, it's just much bigger than you ever imagine.

It is colossal, it fills your field of vision. 

You can feel the pressure pushing and stretching inside the light but it’s being held back by an even greater pressure pushing it down. 

You take a moment to wonder at the awesome and unimaginable powers at play.

The pressure wants to be released, it needs to release

You may meet resistance or fear, but allow these sensations to pass through you.

You travel closer, passing through the membrane that is holding the pressure in and you sit right in the middle of this colossal mass.

Sit inside the pressure, wrap it around you.

Time starts to slow.

When you’re ready we are going to allow it to be released. 

We’re slowing down 

Everything is pulsing in slow motion

This wilful release will be powerful.

The tumultuous fire you are in seems chaotic but as time flows you see how each molecule makes its journey, swirling around you.

Each electron, proton, neutron, muon,  quark, each energy path, each bond broken and made is so purposeful.

All working towards something. 

Something they are not able to reach right now, because something is blocking them. 

What is that block?

What fear or distraction do you have that sends you in circles? 

You look down and you are holding it in your hand. It may take a form, an object, a symbol. 

We are not going to reject it or throw it away or destroy it. We will look at it. I want you to say to it, it’s ok, I love you, I accept you.

I know you are here for a reason, you helped me somewhere at some time. You protested me or hid me, you kept me safe. You formed to help me. I will always be grateful for you, but you have done your work here now and it’s time to reform. Is that ok? 

It replies to you. 

Now you bring it up to your heart and it melts inside of you.

It ignites the explosion in your heart.

The explosion expands and as it does it bursts the membrane like a seed pod

You are spreading your creative seeds throughout the universe.

As you watch them expanding you feel the blocks you have transformed into a sense of freedom, curiosity, power and excitement. 

You are full of energy and are dexterous, fluid and nimble, 

You can twist, turn, twirl through the universe.

You can follow your seeds, and see where they might land. You can watch them burrow and plant themselves across the cosmos. 

In the heart of new stars, igniting the nuclear fusion 

On planets newly formed or ancient rocks, 

Inside energetic black holes, clouds of gas. 

You are free to fly and discover or wander among the empty spaces, bathing in the darkness. 

The lack of anything does not scare you

The stillness of darkness does not intimidate you 

You are excited to receive inspiration

You know that all it takes is a ripple, a singularity and the journey will begin again.

You know that answers are a journey within you.

You may choose to stay in this space a while longer, and you can always return here when you need. 

Spend some time journaling or drawing and creating from this space and see what emerges.


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Aoife van Linden Tol FRSA is an award winning artist working at the nexus of art, science and technology. Specialising in explosives she has fused her interests in nature, cosmology, chemistry, physics and psychology. Her multi-disciplinary practice spans sculpture, installation, drawing, photography, illustration, video, sound, performance, projection mapping, augmented reality, science and research.She creates abstract works which often examine concepts of time, density and matter as well as deep human emotions and motivations.

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