By Caz Coronel

My good friend Anthony Peake has a theory. He is not the first to come up with it, but he, more than anyone I know, has spent a lifetime offering extensive scientific proof for it. While I have some deep questions about this theory, there are times in life when it feels that he has hit the nail on the head.

Anthony's theory suggests that we will live our lifetime over and over again until we perfect it. Every human being consists of two separate consciousnesses: the Daemon and the Eidolon. The Daemon is a higher being that possesses knowledge of previous lives and exists outside of time. The Eidolon is the conscious self of this lifetime. The Daemon may communicate with the Eidolon via images, hunches and synchronicities. The Daemon is associated with the right, non-verbal hemisphere of the brain, the Eidolon with the left. In some instances, the Daemon can warn the Eidolon of mistakes it has previously made and give pointers for better directions to take.

Here is one example where this theory felt like the perfect explanation:

I had mixed the sound for a feature film, which I had spent nine hours of non-stop hyper-focused work on that day. The director of the film, Jason Fité, came to listen to what I had achieved. I had not finalised the audio in case he wanted to change anything, so I was going to play it to him straight from the program I was using. 

Suddenly, all the automation for all parameters (volume, panning, effects, etc.) on all the tracks were being ignored by the program for no apparent reason. Automation is a large part of the work, so without this, the mix is useless. I checked all the backups and they were all affected by the same bug. I stared at it in horror, trying to reassure him that I could fix it.

As he waited, Jason sat opposite me, working on one of his scripts. I frantically tried to find a solution. In my search, I saw posts on various forums going back 15 years of people talking about how it was a nasty bug that had never been fixed. Stories kept coming up of people losing weeks of work. I felt very upset, believing my hard work to be wasted.

Suddenly, an idea about how I could fix it jumped into my head. It was an odd solution, but no one had mentioned it. I looked up to Jason and started to say, “I have a theory…” but he stopped me in my tracks. Just as I had said those words, he had simultaneously read them on the script he was working on. He told me, “You have to stop doing that!” It seemed that on a few occasions I had happened to say exactly what he was reading or writing; quite a coincidence! He turned his laptop around to show me, and I got excited, thinking that maybe this was a good sign about the theory! I went on to test it, but alas, it did not work and the problem remained.

Later that night, I wondered about the coincidence and if there had been something to it, so I decided to ask my dream for a solution. Asking my unconscious mind for help is something I do often. This may not be the best word to describe it, but it works for me. Others might call it the higher self; some might call it prayer and Anthony Peake, I believe, would call this communicating with one's Daemon. This ‘requesting a solution’ has worked for me many times, so I had some hope.

When I woke in the morning, I could not remember a single thing. I felt so miserable that I requested from my unconscious that I have a ‘miraculous mind-blowing out-of-body experience’, if I am honest, it was purely for the sake of escapism. I turned on my side and went back to sleep. Normally, a request to my unconscious for an OBE results in at least some kind of experience, but this did not happen and instead, I fell into a dream.


In the dream, I saw that the theory I originally had was only the first step to the solution. In fact there were several more steps after this that the dream revealed! When I awoke, I had a potential full solution to the automation problem. Unsure if it would work, I rushed to test it, and it did! The mix was saved! I went back to all the forums to give everyone the solution that I had dreamed of to ensure that no one has to experience this ever again!

I believe Anthony Peake would tell me that my Daemon mind was trying to nudge me with the "I have a theory" coincidence, enough that I would dig into it to reveal the rest.

As always, I have questions about this theory... 

Why does the Daemon only nudge sometimes? Or is it another way to describe instinct that can be highly tuned the more you work with it?

If the Daemon nudged me early on in life, and I listened to it, would this early detour of a life path not mean that my life now would be a hugely different life to the previous one? This is the butterfly effect over many years! To get to the point where I am experiencing doing this mix again, would it not mean that my previous life experiences would have had to have been almost, if not identical, up until it happened? 

I have chatted to Anthony about this issue and there are some ways around it. For example, maybe there are some pivotal experiences that you are always going to have, no matter what you do. It is hard to get your head around this when thinking about cause and effect, but perhaps the universe works in mysterious multidimensional ways!

Also if the Daemon lives out of time, how can talking about reliving life even make any sense? If there is no time, everything on that level is all happening at once? There are ways around this too, but they will hurt your brain!

There is another explanation that avoids reliving lives. That is that the unconscious is connected to everyone's unconsciousness and can therefore retrieve solutions from the giant pool of knowledge. It’s like a Spiritual AI chatbot connected to the inter web of consciousness!

I don’t have all the answers but it is a joy to explore. Above all, I wanted to remind people that sometimes just putting a problem in your mind before going to bed can bring a solution. Dreams are powerful tools that we have the potential to use each night!

To learn more about this fascinating theory, I highly recommend reading Anthony Peake's book, Cheating the Ferryman: The Revolutionary Science of Life After Death (which should really be called before death, but that's for another discussion!)

My good friend Anthony Peake has a theory. He is not the first to come up with it, but he, more than anyone I know, has spent a lifetime offering extensive scientific proof for it. While I have some deep questions about this theory, there are times in life when it feels that he has hit the nail on the head.

Anthony's theory suggests that we will live our lifetime over and over again until we perfect it. Every human being consists of two separate consciousnesses: the Daemon and the Eidolon. The Daemon is a higher being that possesses knowledge of previous lives and exists outside of time. The Eidolon is the conscious self of this lifetime. The Daemon may communicate with the Eidolon via images, hunches and synchronicities. The Daemon is associated with the right, non-verbal hemisphere of the brain, the Eidolon with the left. In some instances, the Daemon can warn the Eidolon of mistakes it has previously made and give pointers for better directions to take.

Here is one example where this theory felt like the perfect explanation:

I had mixed the sound for a feature film, which I had spent nine hours of non-stop hyper-focused work on that day. The director of the film, Jason Fité, came to listen to what I had achieved. I had not finalised the audio in case he wanted to change anything, so I was going to play it to him straight from the program I was using. 

Suddenly, all the automation for all parameters (volume, panning, effects, etc.) on all the tracks were being ignored by the program for no apparent reason. Automation is a large part of the work, so without this, the mix is useless. I checked all the backups and they were all affected by the same bug. I stared at it in horror, trying to reassure him that I could fix it.

As he waited, Jason sat opposite me, working on one of his scripts. I frantically tried to find a solution. In my search, I saw posts on various forums going back 15 years of people talking about how it was a nasty bug that had never been fixed. Stories kept coming up of people losing weeks of work. I felt very upset, believing my hard work to be wasted.

Suddenly, an idea about how I could fix it jumped into my head. It was an odd solution, but no one had mentioned it. I looked up to Jason and started to say, “I have a theory…” but he stopped me in my tracks. Just as I had said those words, he had simultaneously read them on the script he was working on. He told me, “You have to stop doing that!” It seemed that on a few occasions I had happened to say exactly what he was reading or writing; quite a coincidence! He turned his laptop around to show me, and I got excited, thinking that maybe this was a good sign about the theory! I went on to test it, but alas, it did not work and the problem remained.

Later that night, I wondered about the coincidence and if there had been something to it, so I decided to ask my dream for a solution. Asking my unconscious mind for help is something I do often. This may not be the best word to describe it, but it works for me. Others might call it the higher self; some might call it prayer and Anthony Peake, I believe, would call this communicating with one's Daemon. This ‘requesting a solution’ has worked for me many times, so I had some hope.

When I woke in the morning, I could not remember a single thing. I felt so miserable that I requested from my unconscious that I have a ‘miraculous mind-blowing out-of-body experience’, if I am honest, it was purely for the sake of escapism. I turned on my side and went back to sleep. Normally, a request to my unconscious for an OBE results in at least some kind of experience, but this did not happen and instead, I fell into a dream.


In the dream, I saw that the theory I originally had was only the first step to the solution. In fact there were several more steps after this that the dream revealed! When I awoke, I had a potential full solution to the automation problem. Unsure if it would work, I rushed to test it, and it did! The mix was saved! I went back to all the forums to give everyone the solution that I had dreamed of to ensure that no one has to experience this ever again!

I believe Anthony Peake would tell me that my Daemon mind was trying to nudge me with the "I have a theory" coincidence, enough that I would dig into it to reveal the rest.

As always, I have questions about this theory... 

Why does the Daemon only nudge sometimes? Or is it another way to describe instinct that can be highly tuned the more you work with it?

If the Daemon nudged me early on in life, and I listened to it, would this early detour of a life path not mean that my life now would be a hugely different life to the previous one? This is the butterfly effect over many years! To get to the point where I am experiencing doing this mix again, would it not mean that my previous life experiences would have had to have been almost, if not identical, up until it happened? 

I have chatted to Anthony about this issue and there are some ways around it. For example, maybe there are some pivotal experiences that you are always going to have, no matter what you do. It is hard to get your head around this when thinking about cause and effect, but perhaps the universe works in mysterious multidimensional ways!

Also if the Daemon lives out of time, how can talking about reliving life even make any sense? If there is no time, everything on that level is all happening at once? There are ways around this too, but they will hurt your brain!

There is another explanation that avoids reliving lives. That is that the unconscious is connected to everyone's unconsciousness and can therefore retrieve solutions from the giant pool of knowledge. It’s like a Spiritual AI chatbot connected to the inter web of consciousness!

I don’t have all the answers but it is a joy to explore. Above all, I wanted to remind people that sometimes just putting a problem in your mind before going to bed can bring a solution. Dreams are powerful tools that we have the potential to use each night!

To learn more about this fascinating theory, I highly recommend reading Anthony Peake's book, Cheating the Ferryman: The Revolutionary Science of Life After Death (which should really be called before death, but that's for another discussion!)

Caz Coronel is a consciousness explorer, philosopher, futurist, music producer and DJ for immersive spaces & transcendent states.

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By Caz Coronel

My good friend Anthony Peake has a theory. He is not the first to come up with it, but he, more than anyone I know, has spent a lifetime offering extensive scientific proof for it. While I have some deep questions about this theory, there are times in life when it feels that he has hit the nail on the head.

Anthony's theory suggests that we will live our lifetime over and over again until we perfect it. Every human being consists of two separate consciousnesses: the Daemon and the Eidolon. The Daemon is a higher being that possesses knowledge of previous lives and exists outside of time. The Eidolon is the conscious self of this lifetime. The Daemon may communicate with the Eidolon via images, hunches and synchronicities. The Daemon is associated with the right, non-verbal hemisphere of the brain, the Eidolon with the left. In some instances, the Daemon can warn the Eidolon of mistakes it has previously made and give pointers for better directions to take.

Here is one example where this theory felt like the perfect explanation:

I had mixed the sound for a feature film, which I had spent nine hours of non-stop hyper-focused work on that day. The director of the film, Jason Fité, came to listen to what I had achieved. I had not finalised the audio in case he wanted to change anything, so I was going to play it to him straight from the program I was using. 

Suddenly, all the automation for all parameters (volume, panning, effects, etc.) on all the tracks were being ignored by the program for no apparent reason. Automation is a large part of the work, so without this, the mix is useless. I checked all the backups and they were all affected by the same bug. I stared at it in horror, trying to reassure him that I could fix it.

As he waited, Jason sat opposite me, working on one of his scripts. I frantically tried to find a solution. In my search, I saw posts on various forums going back 15 years of people talking about how it was a nasty bug that had never been fixed. Stories kept coming up of people losing weeks of work. I felt very upset, believing my hard work to be wasted.

Suddenly, an idea about how I could fix it jumped into my head. It was an odd solution, but no one had mentioned it. I looked up to Jason and started to say, “I have a theory…” but he stopped me in my tracks. Just as I had said those words, he had simultaneously read them on the script he was working on. He told me, “You have to stop doing that!” It seemed that on a few occasions I had happened to say exactly what he was reading or writing; quite a coincidence! He turned his laptop around to show me, and I got excited, thinking that maybe this was a good sign about the theory! I went on to test it, but alas, it did not work and the problem remained.

Later that night, I wondered about the coincidence and if there had been something to it, so I decided to ask my dream for a solution. Asking my unconscious mind for help is something I do often. This may not be the best word to describe it, but it works for me. Others might call it the higher self; some might call it prayer and Anthony Peake, I believe, would call this communicating with one's Daemon. This ‘requesting a solution’ has worked for me many times, so I had some hope.

When I woke in the morning, I could not remember a single thing. I felt so miserable that I requested from my unconscious that I have a ‘miraculous mind-blowing out-of-body experience’, if I am honest, it was purely for the sake of escapism. I turned on my side and went back to sleep. Normally, a request to my unconscious for an OBE results in at least some kind of experience, but this did not happen and instead, I fell into a dream.


In the dream, I saw that the theory I originally had was only the first step to the solution. In fact there were several more steps after this that the dream revealed! When I awoke, I had a potential full solution to the automation problem. Unsure if it would work, I rushed to test it, and it did! The mix was saved! I went back to all the forums to give everyone the solution that I had dreamed of to ensure that no one has to experience this ever again!

I believe Anthony Peake would tell me that my Daemon mind was trying to nudge me with the "I have a theory" coincidence, enough that I would dig into it to reveal the rest.

As always, I have questions about this theory... 

Why does the Daemon only nudge sometimes? Or is it another way to describe instinct that can be highly tuned the more you work with it?

If the Daemon nudged me early on in life, and I listened to it, would this early detour of a life path not mean that my life now would be a hugely different life to the previous one? This is the butterfly effect over many years! To get to the point where I am experiencing doing this mix again, would it not mean that my previous life experiences would have had to have been almost, if not identical, up until it happened? 

I have chatted to Anthony about this issue and there are some ways around it. For example, maybe there are some pivotal experiences that you are always going to have, no matter what you do. It is hard to get your head around this when thinking about cause and effect, but perhaps the universe works in mysterious multidimensional ways!

Also if the Daemon lives out of time, how can talking about reliving life even make any sense? If there is no time, everything on that level is all happening at once? There are ways around this too, but they will hurt your brain!

There is another explanation that avoids reliving lives. That is that the unconscious is connected to everyone's unconsciousness and can therefore retrieve solutions from the giant pool of knowledge. It’s like a Spiritual AI chatbot connected to the inter web of consciousness!

I don’t have all the answers but it is a joy to explore. Above all, I wanted to remind people that sometimes just putting a problem in your mind before going to bed can bring a solution. Dreams are powerful tools that we have the potential to use each night!

To learn more about this fascinating theory, I highly recommend reading Anthony Peake's book, Cheating the Ferryman: The Revolutionary Science of Life After Death (which should really be called before death, but that's for another discussion!)

My good friend Anthony Peake has a theory. He is not the first to come up with it, but he, more than anyone I know, has spent a lifetime offering extensive scientific proof for it. While I have some deep questions about this theory, there are times in life when it feels that he has hit the nail on the head.

Anthony's theory suggests that we will live our lifetime over and over again until we perfect it. Every human being consists of two separate consciousnesses: the Daemon and the Eidolon. The Daemon is a higher being that possesses knowledge of previous lives and exists outside of time. The Eidolon is the conscious self of this lifetime. The Daemon may communicate with the Eidolon via images, hunches and synchronicities. The Daemon is associated with the right, non-verbal hemisphere of the brain, the Eidolon with the left. In some instances, the Daemon can warn the Eidolon of mistakes it has previously made and give pointers for better directions to take.

Here is one example where this theory felt like the perfect explanation:

I had mixed the sound for a feature film, which I had spent nine hours of non-stop hyper-focused work on that day. The director of the film, Jason Fité, came to listen to what I had achieved. I had not finalised the audio in case he wanted to change anything, so I was going to play it to him straight from the program I was using. 

Suddenly, all the automation for all parameters (volume, panning, effects, etc.) on all the tracks were being ignored by the program for no apparent reason. Automation is a large part of the work, so without this, the mix is useless. I checked all the backups and they were all affected by the same bug. I stared at it in horror, trying to reassure him that I could fix it.

As he waited, Jason sat opposite me, working on one of his scripts. I frantically tried to find a solution. In my search, I saw posts on various forums going back 15 years of people talking about how it was a nasty bug that had never been fixed. Stories kept coming up of people losing weeks of work. I felt very upset, believing my hard work to be wasted.

Suddenly, an idea about how I could fix it jumped into my head. It was an odd solution, but no one had mentioned it. I looked up to Jason and started to say, “I have a theory…” but he stopped me in my tracks. Just as I had said those words, he had simultaneously read them on the script he was working on. He told me, “You have to stop doing that!” It seemed that on a few occasions I had happened to say exactly what he was reading or writing; quite a coincidence! He turned his laptop around to show me, and I got excited, thinking that maybe this was a good sign about the theory! I went on to test it, but alas, it did not work and the problem remained.

Later that night, I wondered about the coincidence and if there had been something to it, so I decided to ask my dream for a solution. Asking my unconscious mind for help is something I do often. This may not be the best word to describe it, but it works for me. Others might call it the higher self; some might call it prayer and Anthony Peake, I believe, would call this communicating with one's Daemon. This ‘requesting a solution’ has worked for me many times, so I had some hope.

When I woke in the morning, I could not remember a single thing. I felt so miserable that I requested from my unconscious that I have a ‘miraculous mind-blowing out-of-body experience’, if I am honest, it was purely for the sake of escapism. I turned on my side and went back to sleep. Normally, a request to my unconscious for an OBE results in at least some kind of experience, but this did not happen and instead, I fell into a dream.


In the dream, I saw that the theory I originally had was only the first step to the solution. In fact there were several more steps after this that the dream revealed! When I awoke, I had a potential full solution to the automation problem. Unsure if it would work, I rushed to test it, and it did! The mix was saved! I went back to all the forums to give everyone the solution that I had dreamed of to ensure that no one has to experience this ever again!

I believe Anthony Peake would tell me that my Daemon mind was trying to nudge me with the "I have a theory" coincidence, enough that I would dig into it to reveal the rest.

As always, I have questions about this theory... 

Why does the Daemon only nudge sometimes? Or is it another way to describe instinct that can be highly tuned the more you work with it?

If the Daemon nudged me early on in life, and I listened to it, would this early detour of a life path not mean that my life now would be a hugely different life to the previous one? This is the butterfly effect over many years! To get to the point where I am experiencing doing this mix again, would it not mean that my previous life experiences would have had to have been almost, if not identical, up until it happened? 

I have chatted to Anthony about this issue and there are some ways around it. For example, maybe there are some pivotal experiences that you are always going to have, no matter what you do. It is hard to get your head around this when thinking about cause and effect, but perhaps the universe works in mysterious multidimensional ways!

Also if the Daemon lives out of time, how can talking about reliving life even make any sense? If there is no time, everything on that level is all happening at once? There are ways around this too, but they will hurt your brain!

There is another explanation that avoids reliving lives. That is that the unconscious is connected to everyone's unconsciousness and can therefore retrieve solutions from the giant pool of knowledge. It’s like a Spiritual AI chatbot connected to the inter web of consciousness!

I don’t have all the answers but it is a joy to explore. Above all, I wanted to remind people that sometimes just putting a problem in your mind before going to bed can bring a solution. Dreams are powerful tools that we have the potential to use each night!

To learn more about this fascinating theory, I highly recommend reading Anthony Peake's book, Cheating the Ferryman: The Revolutionary Science of Life After Death (which should really be called before death, but that's for another discussion!)

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Caz Coronel is a consciousness explorer, philosopher, futurist, music producer and DJ for immersive spaces & transcendent states.

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By Caz Coronel

My good friend Anthony Peake has a theory. He is not the first to come up with it, but he, more than anyone I know, has spent a lifetime offering extensive scientific proof for it. While I have some deep questions about this theory, there are times in life when it feels that he has hit the nail on the head.

Anthony's theory suggests that we will live our lifetime over and over again until we perfect it. Every human being consists of two separate consciousnesses: the Daemon and the Eidolon. The Daemon is a higher being that possesses knowledge of previous lives and exists outside of time. The Eidolon is the conscious self of this lifetime. The Daemon may communicate with the Eidolon via images, hunches and synchronicities. The Daemon is associated with the right, non-verbal hemisphere of the brain, the Eidolon with the left. In some instances, the Daemon can warn the Eidolon of mistakes it has previously made and give pointers for better directions to take.

Here is one example where this theory felt like the perfect explanation:

I had mixed the sound for a feature film, which I had spent nine hours of non-stop hyper-focused work on that day. The director of the film, Jason Fité, came to listen to what I had achieved. I had not finalised the audio in case he wanted to change anything, so I was going to play it to him straight from the program I was using. 

Suddenly, all the automation for all parameters (volume, panning, effects, etc.) on all the tracks were being ignored by the program for no apparent reason. Automation is a large part of the work, so without this, the mix is useless. I checked all the backups and they were all affected by the same bug. I stared at it in horror, trying to reassure him that I could fix it.

As he waited, Jason sat opposite me, working on one of his scripts. I frantically tried to find a solution. In my search, I saw posts on various forums going back 15 years of people talking about how it was a nasty bug that had never been fixed. Stories kept coming up of people losing weeks of work. I felt very upset, believing my hard work to be wasted.

Suddenly, an idea about how I could fix it jumped into my head. It was an odd solution, but no one had mentioned it. I looked up to Jason and started to say, “I have a theory…” but he stopped me in my tracks. Just as I had said those words, he had simultaneously read them on the script he was working on. He told me, “You have to stop doing that!” It seemed that on a few occasions I had happened to say exactly what he was reading or writing; quite a coincidence! He turned his laptop around to show me, and I got excited, thinking that maybe this was a good sign about the theory! I went on to test it, but alas, it did not work and the problem remained.

Later that night, I wondered about the coincidence and if there had been something to it, so I decided to ask my dream for a solution. Asking my unconscious mind for help is something I do often. This may not be the best word to describe it, but it works for me. Others might call it the higher self; some might call it prayer and Anthony Peake, I believe, would call this communicating with one's Daemon. This ‘requesting a solution’ has worked for me many times, so I had some hope.

When I woke in the morning, I could not remember a single thing. I felt so miserable that I requested from my unconscious that I have a ‘miraculous mind-blowing out-of-body experience’, if I am honest, it was purely for the sake of escapism. I turned on my side and went back to sleep. Normally, a request to my unconscious for an OBE results in at least some kind of experience, but this did not happen and instead, I fell into a dream.


In the dream, I saw that the theory I originally had was only the first step to the solution. In fact there were several more steps after this that the dream revealed! When I awoke, I had a potential full solution to the automation problem. Unsure if it would work, I rushed to test it, and it did! The mix was saved! I went back to all the forums to give everyone the solution that I had dreamed of to ensure that no one has to experience this ever again!

I believe Anthony Peake would tell me that my Daemon mind was trying to nudge me with the "I have a theory" coincidence, enough that I would dig into it to reveal the rest.

As always, I have questions about this theory... 

Why does the Daemon only nudge sometimes? Or is it another way to describe instinct that can be highly tuned the more you work with it?

If the Daemon nudged me early on in life, and I listened to it, would this early detour of a life path not mean that my life now would be a hugely different life to the previous one? This is the butterfly effect over many years! To get to the point where I am experiencing doing this mix again, would it not mean that my previous life experiences would have had to have been almost, if not identical, up until it happened? 

I have chatted to Anthony about this issue and there are some ways around it. For example, maybe there are some pivotal experiences that you are always going to have, no matter what you do. It is hard to get your head around this when thinking about cause and effect, but perhaps the universe works in mysterious multidimensional ways!

Also if the Daemon lives out of time, how can talking about reliving life even make any sense? If there is no time, everything on that level is all happening at once? There are ways around this too, but they will hurt your brain!

There is another explanation that avoids reliving lives. That is that the unconscious is connected to everyone's unconsciousness and can therefore retrieve solutions from the giant pool of knowledge. It’s like a Spiritual AI chatbot connected to the inter web of consciousness!

I don’t have all the answers but it is a joy to explore. Above all, I wanted to remind people that sometimes just putting a problem in your mind before going to bed can bring a solution. Dreams are powerful tools that we have the potential to use each night!

To learn more about this fascinating theory, I highly recommend reading Anthony Peake's book, Cheating the Ferryman: The Revolutionary Science of Life After Death (which should really be called before death, but that's for another discussion!)

My good friend Anthony Peake has a theory. He is not the first to come up with it, but he, more than anyone I know, has spent a lifetime offering extensive scientific proof for it. While I have some deep questions about this theory, there are times in life when it feels that he has hit the nail on the head.

Anthony's theory suggests that we will live our lifetime over and over again until we perfect it. Every human being consists of two separate consciousnesses: the Daemon and the Eidolon. The Daemon is a higher being that possesses knowledge of previous lives and exists outside of time. The Eidolon is the conscious self of this lifetime. The Daemon may communicate with the Eidolon via images, hunches and synchronicities. The Daemon is associated with the right, non-verbal hemisphere of the brain, the Eidolon with the left. In some instances, the Daemon can warn the Eidolon of mistakes it has previously made and give pointers for better directions to take.

Here is one example where this theory felt like the perfect explanation:

I had mixed the sound for a feature film, which I had spent nine hours of non-stop hyper-focused work on that day. The director of the film, Jason Fité, came to listen to what I had achieved. I had not finalised the audio in case he wanted to change anything, so I was going to play it to him straight from the program I was using. 

Suddenly, all the automation for all parameters (volume, panning, effects, etc.) on all the tracks were being ignored by the program for no apparent reason. Automation is a large part of the work, so without this, the mix is useless. I checked all the backups and they were all affected by the same bug. I stared at it in horror, trying to reassure him that I could fix it.

As he waited, Jason sat opposite me, working on one of his scripts. I frantically tried to find a solution. In my search, I saw posts on various forums going back 15 years of people talking about how it was a nasty bug that had never been fixed. Stories kept coming up of people losing weeks of work. I felt very upset, believing my hard work to be wasted.

Suddenly, an idea about how I could fix it jumped into my head. It was an odd solution, but no one had mentioned it. I looked up to Jason and started to say, “I have a theory…” but he stopped me in my tracks. Just as I had said those words, he had simultaneously read them on the script he was working on. He told me, “You have to stop doing that!” It seemed that on a few occasions I had happened to say exactly what he was reading or writing; quite a coincidence! He turned his laptop around to show me, and I got excited, thinking that maybe this was a good sign about the theory! I went on to test it, but alas, it did not work and the problem remained.

Later that night, I wondered about the coincidence and if there had been something to it, so I decided to ask my dream for a solution. Asking my unconscious mind for help is something I do often. This may not be the best word to describe it, but it works for me. Others might call it the higher self; some might call it prayer and Anthony Peake, I believe, would call this communicating with one's Daemon. This ‘requesting a solution’ has worked for me many times, so I had some hope.

When I woke in the morning, I could not remember a single thing. I felt so miserable that I requested from my unconscious that I have a ‘miraculous mind-blowing out-of-body experience’, if I am honest, it was purely for the sake of escapism. I turned on my side and went back to sleep. Normally, a request to my unconscious for an OBE results in at least some kind of experience, but this did not happen and instead, I fell into a dream.


In the dream, I saw that the theory I originally had was only the first step to the solution. In fact there were several more steps after this that the dream revealed! When I awoke, I had a potential full solution to the automation problem. Unsure if it would work, I rushed to test it, and it did! The mix was saved! I went back to all the forums to give everyone the solution that I had dreamed of to ensure that no one has to experience this ever again!

I believe Anthony Peake would tell me that my Daemon mind was trying to nudge me with the "I have a theory" coincidence, enough that I would dig into it to reveal the rest.

As always, I have questions about this theory... 

Why does the Daemon only nudge sometimes? Or is it another way to describe instinct that can be highly tuned the more you work with it?

If the Daemon nudged me early on in life, and I listened to it, would this early detour of a life path not mean that my life now would be a hugely different life to the previous one? This is the butterfly effect over many years! To get to the point where I am experiencing doing this mix again, would it not mean that my previous life experiences would have had to have been almost, if not identical, up until it happened? 

I have chatted to Anthony about this issue and there are some ways around it. For example, maybe there are some pivotal experiences that you are always going to have, no matter what you do. It is hard to get your head around this when thinking about cause and effect, but perhaps the universe works in mysterious multidimensional ways!

Also if the Daemon lives out of time, how can talking about reliving life even make any sense? If there is no time, everything on that level is all happening at once? There are ways around this too, but they will hurt your brain!

There is another explanation that avoids reliving lives. That is that the unconscious is connected to everyone's unconsciousness and can therefore retrieve solutions from the giant pool of knowledge. It’s like a Spiritual AI chatbot connected to the inter web of consciousness!

I don’t have all the answers but it is a joy to explore. Above all, I wanted to remind people that sometimes just putting a problem in your mind before going to bed can bring a solution. Dreams are powerful tools that we have the potential to use each night!

To learn more about this fascinating theory, I highly recommend reading Anthony Peake's book, Cheating the Ferryman: The Revolutionary Science of Life After Death (which should really be called before death, but that's for another discussion!)

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Caz Coronel is a consciousness explorer, philosopher, futurist, music producer and DJ for immersive spaces & transcendent states.

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By Caz Coronel

My good friend Anthony Peake has a theory. He is not the first to come up with it, but he, more than anyone I know, has spent a lifetime offering extensive scientific proof for it. While I have some deep questions about this theory, there are times in life when it feels that he has hit the nail on the head.

Anthony's theory suggests that we will live our lifetime over and over again until we perfect it. Every human being consists of two separate consciousnesses: the Daemon and the Eidolon. The Daemon is a higher being that possesses knowledge of previous lives and exists outside of time. The Eidolon is the conscious self of this lifetime. The Daemon may communicate with the Eidolon via images, hunches and synchronicities. The Daemon is associated with the right, non-verbal hemisphere of the brain, the Eidolon with the left. In some instances, the Daemon can warn the Eidolon of mistakes it has previously made and give pointers for better directions to take.

Here is one example where this theory felt like the perfect explanation:

I had mixed the sound for a feature film, which I had spent nine hours of non-stop hyper-focused work on that day. The director of the film, Jason Fité, came to listen to what I had achieved. I had not finalised the audio in case he wanted to change anything, so I was going to play it to him straight from the program I was using. 

Suddenly, all the automation for all parameters (volume, panning, effects, etc.) on all the tracks were being ignored by the program for no apparent reason. Automation is a large part of the work, so without this, the mix is useless. I checked all the backups and they were all affected by the same bug. I stared at it in horror, trying to reassure him that I could fix it.

As he waited, Jason sat opposite me, working on one of his scripts. I frantically tried to find a solution. In my search, I saw posts on various forums going back 15 years of people talking about how it was a nasty bug that had never been fixed. Stories kept coming up of people losing weeks of work. I felt very upset, believing my hard work to be wasted.

Suddenly, an idea about how I could fix it jumped into my head. It was an odd solution, but no one had mentioned it. I looked up to Jason and started to say, “I have a theory…” but he stopped me in my tracks. Just as I had said those words, he had simultaneously read them on the script he was working on. He told me, “You have to stop doing that!” It seemed that on a few occasions I had happened to say exactly what he was reading or writing; quite a coincidence! He turned his laptop around to show me, and I got excited, thinking that maybe this was a good sign about the theory! I went on to test it, but alas, it did not work and the problem remained.

Later that night, I wondered about the coincidence and if there had been something to it, so I decided to ask my dream for a solution. Asking my unconscious mind for help is something I do often. This may not be the best word to describe it, but it works for me. Others might call it the higher self; some might call it prayer and Anthony Peake, I believe, would call this communicating with one's Daemon. This ‘requesting a solution’ has worked for me many times, so I had some hope.

When I woke in the morning, I could not remember a single thing. I felt so miserable that I requested from my unconscious that I have a ‘miraculous mind-blowing out-of-body experience’, if I am honest, it was purely for the sake of escapism. I turned on my side and went back to sleep. Normally, a request to my unconscious for an OBE results in at least some kind of experience, but this did not happen and instead, I fell into a dream.


In the dream, I saw that the theory I originally had was only the first step to the solution. In fact there were several more steps after this that the dream revealed! When I awoke, I had a potential full solution to the automation problem. Unsure if it would work, I rushed to test it, and it did! The mix was saved! I went back to all the forums to give everyone the solution that I had dreamed of to ensure that no one has to experience this ever again!

I believe Anthony Peake would tell me that my Daemon mind was trying to nudge me with the "I have a theory" coincidence, enough that I would dig into it to reveal the rest.

As always, I have questions about this theory... 

Why does the Daemon only nudge sometimes? Or is it another way to describe instinct that can be highly tuned the more you work with it?

If the Daemon nudged me early on in life, and I listened to it, would this early detour of a life path not mean that my life now would be a hugely different life to the previous one? This is the butterfly effect over many years! To get to the point where I am experiencing doing this mix again, would it not mean that my previous life experiences would have had to have been almost, if not identical, up until it happened? 

I have chatted to Anthony about this issue and there are some ways around it. For example, maybe there are some pivotal experiences that you are always going to have, no matter what you do. It is hard to get your head around this when thinking about cause and effect, but perhaps the universe works in mysterious multidimensional ways!

Also if the Daemon lives out of time, how can talking about reliving life even make any sense? If there is no time, everything on that level is all happening at once? There are ways around this too, but they will hurt your brain!

There is another explanation that avoids reliving lives. That is that the unconscious is connected to everyone's unconsciousness and can therefore retrieve solutions from the giant pool of knowledge. It’s like a Spiritual AI chatbot connected to the inter web of consciousness!

I don’t have all the answers but it is a joy to explore. Above all, I wanted to remind people that sometimes just putting a problem in your mind before going to bed can bring a solution. Dreams are powerful tools that we have the potential to use each night!

To learn more about this fascinating theory, I highly recommend reading Anthony Peake's book, Cheating the Ferryman: The Revolutionary Science of Life After Death (which should really be called before death, but that's for another discussion!)

My good friend Anthony Peake has a theory. He is not the first to come up with it, but he, more than anyone I know, has spent a lifetime offering extensive scientific proof for it. While I have some deep questions about this theory, there are times in life when it feels that he has hit the nail on the head.

Anthony's theory suggests that we will live our lifetime over and over again until we perfect it. Every human being consists of two separate consciousnesses: the Daemon and the Eidolon. The Daemon is a higher being that possesses knowledge of previous lives and exists outside of time. The Eidolon is the conscious self of this lifetime. The Daemon may communicate with the Eidolon via images, hunches and synchronicities. The Daemon is associated with the right, non-verbal hemisphere of the brain, the Eidolon with the left. In some instances, the Daemon can warn the Eidolon of mistakes it has previously made and give pointers for better directions to take.

Here is one example where this theory felt like the perfect explanation:

I had mixed the sound for a feature film, which I had spent nine hours of non-stop hyper-focused work on that day. The director of the film, Jason Fité, came to listen to what I had achieved. I had not finalised the audio in case he wanted to change anything, so I was going to play it to him straight from the program I was using. 

Suddenly, all the automation for all parameters (volume, panning, effects, etc.) on all the tracks were being ignored by the program for no apparent reason. Automation is a large part of the work, so without this, the mix is useless. I checked all the backups and they were all affected by the same bug. I stared at it in horror, trying to reassure him that I could fix it.

As he waited, Jason sat opposite me, working on one of his scripts. I frantically tried to find a solution. In my search, I saw posts on various forums going back 15 years of people talking about how it was a nasty bug that had never been fixed. Stories kept coming up of people losing weeks of work. I felt very upset, believing my hard work to be wasted.

Suddenly, an idea about how I could fix it jumped into my head. It was an odd solution, but no one had mentioned it. I looked up to Jason and started to say, “I have a theory…” but he stopped me in my tracks. Just as I had said those words, he had simultaneously read them on the script he was working on. He told me, “You have to stop doing that!” It seemed that on a few occasions I had happened to say exactly what he was reading or writing; quite a coincidence! He turned his laptop around to show me, and I got excited, thinking that maybe this was a good sign about the theory! I went on to test it, but alas, it did not work and the problem remained.

Later that night, I wondered about the coincidence and if there had been something to it, so I decided to ask my dream for a solution. Asking my unconscious mind for help is something I do often. This may not be the best word to describe it, but it works for me. Others might call it the higher self; some might call it prayer and Anthony Peake, I believe, would call this communicating with one's Daemon. This ‘requesting a solution’ has worked for me many times, so I had some hope.

When I woke in the morning, I could not remember a single thing. I felt so miserable that I requested from my unconscious that I have a ‘miraculous mind-blowing out-of-body experience’, if I am honest, it was purely for the sake of escapism. I turned on my side and went back to sleep. Normally, a request to my unconscious for an OBE results in at least some kind of experience, but this did not happen and instead, I fell into a dream.


In the dream, I saw that the theory I originally had was only the first step to the solution. In fact there were several more steps after this that the dream revealed! When I awoke, I had a potential full solution to the automation problem. Unsure if it would work, I rushed to test it, and it did! The mix was saved! I went back to all the forums to give everyone the solution that I had dreamed of to ensure that no one has to experience this ever again!

I believe Anthony Peake would tell me that my Daemon mind was trying to nudge me with the "I have a theory" coincidence, enough that I would dig into it to reveal the rest.

As always, I have questions about this theory... 

Why does the Daemon only nudge sometimes? Or is it another way to describe instinct that can be highly tuned the more you work with it?

If the Daemon nudged me early on in life, and I listened to it, would this early detour of a life path not mean that my life now would be a hugely different life to the previous one? This is the butterfly effect over many years! To get to the point where I am experiencing doing this mix again, would it not mean that my previous life experiences would have had to have been almost, if not identical, up until it happened? 

I have chatted to Anthony about this issue and there are some ways around it. For example, maybe there are some pivotal experiences that you are always going to have, no matter what you do. It is hard to get your head around this when thinking about cause and effect, but perhaps the universe works in mysterious multidimensional ways!

Also if the Daemon lives out of time, how can talking about reliving life even make any sense? If there is no time, everything on that level is all happening at once? There are ways around this too, but they will hurt your brain!

There is another explanation that avoids reliving lives. That is that the unconscious is connected to everyone's unconsciousness and can therefore retrieve solutions from the giant pool of knowledge. It’s like a Spiritual AI chatbot connected to the inter web of consciousness!

I don’t have all the answers but it is a joy to explore. Above all, I wanted to remind people that sometimes just putting a problem in your mind before going to bed can bring a solution. Dreams are powerful tools that we have the potential to use each night!

To learn more about this fascinating theory, I highly recommend reading Anthony Peake's book, Cheating the Ferryman: The Revolutionary Science of Life After Death (which should really be called before death, but that's for another discussion!)

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Caz Coronel is a consciousness explorer, philosopher, futurist, music producer and DJ for immersive spaces & transcendent states.

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