By Amisha Ghadiali

Intuition comes from the Latin word intueri, which means “to contemplate” or “to look within”. – quote box


Intuition is our ability to know something instinctively without having to discover it or rationalise it intellectually – a deep sense of knowing without an analytical process. You can’t explain to anyone why – you don’t have statistics or research to back up your perspective. You just know. In ancient cultures, intuition was a central part of life. It goes back as far as hunters and gatherers, who used their intuition to find food and stay safe. There are stories of women from Native American tribal cultures all coming together when they were menstruating – a time when women are known to be more intuitive, sensitive, and connected to collective wisdom. They would all sleep in a circle with their heads together and dream a collective dream that would tell the men where the buffalo were, so the tribe could eat. In these cultures, the intuitive and the rational world danced together as a way of life. There are many global historical events, from witch-hunts to colonialism, that have forced intuition underground.  Cultures all over the world that valued intuition and passed down intelligent techniques and wisdom for survival and thriving were endangered, murdered, and enslaved. This has had a deep impact on our global culture. Many of the words associated with living an intuitive life have become derogative, such as “loon” to denote a crazy person, when it really means living in tune with the moon’s cycles, which all human beings are affected by. This is information we all take in, through our ancestral and cultural conditioning. Our global society and education system prepare us to be industrial workers and consumers, so we feed the system. If we were all empowered in our intuition and following our soul’s purpose, we would be unlikely to orient our lives around being employable, paying off debt, and keeping up with the latest trends. So, we are entrained to be“followers” on social media, and live lifestyles that have our autonomic nervous systems in constant “fight or flight” mode – your body’s natural response when you feel you are in danger.


As well as your personal subconscious patterning and belief systems – created by your upbringing, ancestry, and culture – there is programming within the collective conscious that impacts the beliefs that you have about life. Some common ones are that life is hard, you will be rewarded if you put the hours in, the faster you can go the more you will achieve. While it’s true that you have to apply yourself to evolve, what is not true is that it has to be a struggle and a sacrifice. That is old paradigm thinking, and we are moving into a new paradigm for humanity as consciousness expands. There has been a tendency for humans to choose the hard route rather than the lighter more joyful path. The new way is a re-writing of “no pain, no gain” into letting the beauty of what you love guide you. As your personal consciousness expands it affects the collective consciousness and makes it easier for others to join you in the new paradigm.     


We live in the age of information. Every day we encounter more language or data than humans ever have before. Advances in technology mean this has increased massively over the last twenty years with mobile phones and social networks. On top of this there is all the subconscious information that we pick up on. For example, you might not have noticed consciously what colour dress the woman who was sitting on a table opposite you at lunch yesterday was wearing, but still know when asked. We receive billions of pieces of information but only process a very small percentage of it. You have to choose your filtration system in order to decide what to pay attention to and manage. This selection will determine what is most prevalent in your body-mind and shape your experience of life. The field of reality contains all of it, and you either consciously or unconsciously pick a lens through which to experience. Of course, this gets more complicated to understand and nuanced if you live in a war zone or there is a natural disaster affecting your home. With a global pandemic, you can see it as a collective initiation, and still choose how you respond to it.  So much of your experience depends on how you frame it. For example, if you are obsessed with everyone being thinner than you are, that’s what you will notice. If you have a belief that the world is a scary place, you will keep seeing opportunities for or experiences of danger.If you believe that people are kind and generous, you will be shown multiple examples of this generosity. If your new love interest has a soft spot for pineapples, you will start to notice pineapples everywhere. If there is a natural disaster affecting your community and you believe in rallying together, this is what you will experience. This faculty chooses what captures you based on what you have given the most attention. This is how you create your reality. 


When you place importance on your intuitive voice, you will experience what you might have previously called coincidences. You could have an intuitive idea, and then the next day somebody calls you up suggesting you work together on an idea they have had (not knowing it was similar to what you had already been wanting to do), and then you go for a coffee and bump into somebody in the queue who has the expertise or the contact you need, and so on.These are synchronicities that mean you are in flow and on the track that is perfect for you. 


When you reach a state of flow, you are in an altered state of consciousness, a temporary experience of peak performance. You have full presence. There is no story running through your mind. There is no past and no future. You are creating, writing, singing, talking, reading, running, meditating, painting… whatever it is, with no awareness of time. Sometimes time feels like it slows down, or speeds up – you felt like it was five minutes when it was three hours, or you accomplished so much that the whole day passed in what felt like just an hour. You are completely in tune with your intuitive senses, and you are allowing yourself to be fully guided in an effortless and joyful manner, with full focus and clarity. There is no resistance.


You have the power to live an intuitive life, where flow states become flow consciousness. It’s not a temporary moment you achieve, but a permanent way of being and relating with the world. This is similar to the Daoist concept of wu-wei, which means effortless action. There is a Sanskrit word that comes from the ancient Indian yoga tradition called pratibhā. It simultaneously means intuitive insight, embodied instinct, and creative inspiration.This inner wisdom leads you towards what is beneficial to all beings, as you weave together with the pattern of life itself. When you align fully and have broken free of your social and cultural conditioning, you have access to your pratibhā, and you create a life-experience of harmony. You may start out with glimpses or moments of it. Sometimes it’s a quiet voice or something you can only see in retrospect. Other times it will be forceful and push you towards the things that align with your own nature or “essence”. Pratibhā connects you to the greater flow of life – flow consciousness. The foundation of this is deep inner healing work, so that your conditioned patterns, past experiences, and limited beliefs don’t keep adding resistance into the flow. You become very aware of how you frame your experiences. You free yourself to follow what feels the most light and expansive, knowing that you will evolve along the way but won’t experience anything you don’t have the consciousness to handle. Your intuition leads you into a life of your soul’s wildest dreams, in harmony and balance with the greater intelligence of the universe. As you develop your intuitive skills, when you don’t listen and don’t follow through, you can really feel the consequences of this – a feeling that it’s wrong, or even create dis-ease. You might have to go through some short-term discomfort to get to long-term satisfaction. 


When you live in flow consciousness, you understand that you are not a victim of what happens to you but that you have the power to create reality. Like the “edgewalkers” you can move between invisible worlds and translate information. Rather than be upset about an injustice that you see in the world, or feeling helpless, you are able to find your unique piece of the puzzle and bring something beautiful to the table. You can draw towards you and experience your visions of the future reality you want to create. Like yogis have for centuries, you can access the Akashic Records, which is like a hidden library in space where all knowledge of everything and everyone exists. You can enter the quantum field, which is a field of information beyond the material world – a realm of infinite limitless possibilities. The morphogenetic field,Akashic records, holographic universe, or quantum field are different names based on different traditions or scientific research that speak to the same thing – an intelligent infinite set of data available to you through intuitive clear knowing. Everything you need to know is available to you – you don’t have to ask anyone outside of yourself, you don’t need permission or validation or references from the past.  This is the natural state of being as we move into this new paradigm. Of course, with great power comes great responsibility.You can choose to live an intuitive life of flow and bring your soul’s beautiful vision of reality here for all of us to experience and enjoy. 


Extracts from Intuition: AccessYour Inner Wisdom. Trust Your Instincts. Find Your Path (2020) by Amisha Ghadiali.


Intuition comes from the Latin word intueri, which means “to contemplate” or “to look within”. – quote box


Intuition is our ability to know something instinctively without having to discover it or rationalise it intellectually – a deep sense of knowing without an analytical process. You can’t explain to anyone why – you don’t have statistics or research to back up your perspective. You just know. In ancient cultures, intuition was a central part of life. It goes back as far as hunters and gatherers, who used their intuition to find food and stay safe. There are stories of women from Native American tribal cultures all coming together when they were menstruating – a time when women are known to be more intuitive, sensitive, and connected to collective wisdom. They would all sleep in a circle with their heads together and dream a collective dream that would tell the men where the buffalo were, so the tribe could eat. In these cultures, the intuitive and the rational world danced together as a way of life. There are many global historical events, from witch-hunts to colonialism, that have forced intuition underground.  Cultures all over the world that valued intuition and passed down intelligent techniques and wisdom for survival and thriving were endangered, murdered, and enslaved. This has had a deep impact on our global culture. Many of the words associated with living an intuitive life have become derogative, such as “loon” to denote a crazy person, when it really means living in tune with the moon’s cycles, which all human beings are affected by. This is information we all take in, through our ancestral and cultural conditioning. Our global society and education system prepare us to be industrial workers and consumers, so we feed the system. If we were all empowered in our intuition and following our soul’s purpose, we would be unlikely to orient our lives around being employable, paying off debt, and keeping up with the latest trends. So, we are entrained to be“followers” on social media, and live lifestyles that have our autonomic nervous systems in constant “fight or flight” mode – your body’s natural response when you feel you are in danger.


As well as your personal subconscious patterning and belief systems – created by your upbringing, ancestry, and culture – there is programming within the collective conscious that impacts the beliefs that you have about life. Some common ones are that life is hard, you will be rewarded if you put the hours in, the faster you can go the more you will achieve. While it’s true that you have to apply yourself to evolve, what is not true is that it has to be a struggle and a sacrifice. That is old paradigm thinking, and we are moving into a new paradigm for humanity as consciousness expands. There has been a tendency for humans to choose the hard route rather than the lighter more joyful path. The new way is a re-writing of “no pain, no gain” into letting the beauty of what you love guide you. As your personal consciousness expands it affects the collective consciousness and makes it easier for others to join you in the new paradigm.     


We live in the age of information. Every day we encounter more language or data than humans ever have before. Advances in technology mean this has increased massively over the last twenty years with mobile phones and social networks. On top of this there is all the subconscious information that we pick up on. For example, you might not have noticed consciously what colour dress the woman who was sitting on a table opposite you at lunch yesterday was wearing, but still know when asked. We receive billions of pieces of information but only process a very small percentage of it. You have to choose your filtration system in order to decide what to pay attention to and manage. This selection will determine what is most prevalent in your body-mind and shape your experience of life. The field of reality contains all of it, and you either consciously or unconsciously pick a lens through which to experience. Of course, this gets more complicated to understand and nuanced if you live in a war zone or there is a natural disaster affecting your home. With a global pandemic, you can see it as a collective initiation, and still choose how you respond to it.  So much of your experience depends on how you frame it. For example, if you are obsessed with everyone being thinner than you are, that’s what you will notice. If you have a belief that the world is a scary place, you will keep seeing opportunities for or experiences of danger.If you believe that people are kind and generous, you will be shown multiple examples of this generosity. If your new love interest has a soft spot for pineapples, you will start to notice pineapples everywhere. If there is a natural disaster affecting your community and you believe in rallying together, this is what you will experience. This faculty chooses what captures you based on what you have given the most attention. This is how you create your reality. 


When you place importance on your intuitive voice, you will experience what you might have previously called coincidences. You could have an intuitive idea, and then the next day somebody calls you up suggesting you work together on an idea they have had (not knowing it was similar to what you had already been wanting to do), and then you go for a coffee and bump into somebody in the queue who has the expertise or the contact you need, and so on.These are synchronicities that mean you are in flow and on the track that is perfect for you. 


When you reach a state of flow, you are in an altered state of consciousness, a temporary experience of peak performance. You have full presence. There is no story running through your mind. There is no past and no future. You are creating, writing, singing, talking, reading, running, meditating, painting… whatever it is, with no awareness of time. Sometimes time feels like it slows down, or speeds up – you felt like it was five minutes when it was three hours, or you accomplished so much that the whole day passed in what felt like just an hour. You are completely in tune with your intuitive senses, and you are allowing yourself to be fully guided in an effortless and joyful manner, with full focus and clarity. There is no resistance.


You have the power to live an intuitive life, where flow states become flow consciousness. It’s not a temporary moment you achieve, but a permanent way of being and relating with the world. This is similar to the Daoist concept of wu-wei, which means effortless action. There is a Sanskrit word that comes from the ancient Indian yoga tradition called pratibhā. It simultaneously means intuitive insight, embodied instinct, and creative inspiration.This inner wisdom leads you towards what is beneficial to all beings, as you weave together with the pattern of life itself. When you align fully and have broken free of your social and cultural conditioning, you have access to your pratibhā, and you create a life-experience of harmony. You may start out with glimpses or moments of it. Sometimes it’s a quiet voice or something you can only see in retrospect. Other times it will be forceful and push you towards the things that align with your own nature or “essence”. Pratibhā connects you to the greater flow of life – flow consciousness. The foundation of this is deep inner healing work, so that your conditioned patterns, past experiences, and limited beliefs don’t keep adding resistance into the flow. You become very aware of how you frame your experiences. You free yourself to follow what feels the most light and expansive, knowing that you will evolve along the way but won’t experience anything you don’t have the consciousness to handle. Your intuition leads you into a life of your soul’s wildest dreams, in harmony and balance with the greater intelligence of the universe. As you develop your intuitive skills, when you don’t listen and don’t follow through, you can really feel the consequences of this – a feeling that it’s wrong, or even create dis-ease. You might have to go through some short-term discomfort to get to long-term satisfaction. 


When you live in flow consciousness, you understand that you are not a victim of what happens to you but that you have the power to create reality. Like the “edgewalkers” you can move between invisible worlds and translate information. Rather than be upset about an injustice that you see in the world, or feeling helpless, you are able to find your unique piece of the puzzle and bring something beautiful to the table. You can draw towards you and experience your visions of the future reality you want to create. Like yogis have for centuries, you can access the Akashic Records, which is like a hidden library in space where all knowledge of everything and everyone exists. You can enter the quantum field, which is a field of information beyond the material world – a realm of infinite limitless possibilities. The morphogenetic field,Akashic records, holographic universe, or quantum field are different names based on different traditions or scientific research that speak to the same thing – an intelligent infinite set of data available to you through intuitive clear knowing. Everything you need to know is available to you – you don’t have to ask anyone outside of yourself, you don’t need permission or validation or references from the past.  This is the natural state of being as we move into this new paradigm. Of course, with great power comes great responsibility.You can choose to live an intuitive life of flow and bring your soul’s beautiful vision of reality here for all of us to experience and enjoy. 


Extracts from Intuition: AccessYour Inner Wisdom. Trust Your Instincts. Find Your Path (2020) by Amisha Ghadiali.


Amisha Ghadiali is an intuitive therapist, meditation and yoga teacher. She is the founder and host of All The We Are podcast and community.

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By Amisha Ghadiali

Intuition comes from the Latin word intueri, which means “to contemplate” or “to look within”. – quote box


Intuition is our ability to know something instinctively without having to discover it or rationalise it intellectually – a deep sense of knowing without an analytical process. You can’t explain to anyone why – you don’t have statistics or research to back up your perspective. You just know. In ancient cultures, intuition was a central part of life. It goes back as far as hunters and gatherers, who used their intuition to find food and stay safe. There are stories of women from Native American tribal cultures all coming together when they were menstruating – a time when women are known to be more intuitive, sensitive, and connected to collective wisdom. They would all sleep in a circle with their heads together and dream a collective dream that would tell the men where the buffalo were, so the tribe could eat. In these cultures, the intuitive and the rational world danced together as a way of life. There are many global historical events, from witch-hunts to colonialism, that have forced intuition underground.  Cultures all over the world that valued intuition and passed down intelligent techniques and wisdom for survival and thriving were endangered, murdered, and enslaved. This has had a deep impact on our global culture. Many of the words associated with living an intuitive life have become derogative, such as “loon” to denote a crazy person, when it really means living in tune with the moon’s cycles, which all human beings are affected by. This is information we all take in, through our ancestral and cultural conditioning. Our global society and education system prepare us to be industrial workers and consumers, so we feed the system. If we were all empowered in our intuition and following our soul’s purpose, we would be unlikely to orient our lives around being employable, paying off debt, and keeping up with the latest trends. So, we are entrained to be“followers” on social media, and live lifestyles that have our autonomic nervous systems in constant “fight or flight” mode – your body’s natural response when you feel you are in danger.


As well as your personal subconscious patterning and belief systems – created by your upbringing, ancestry, and culture – there is programming within the collective conscious that impacts the beliefs that you have about life. Some common ones are that life is hard, you will be rewarded if you put the hours in, the faster you can go the more you will achieve. While it’s true that you have to apply yourself to evolve, what is not true is that it has to be a struggle and a sacrifice. That is old paradigm thinking, and we are moving into a new paradigm for humanity as consciousness expands. There has been a tendency for humans to choose the hard route rather than the lighter more joyful path. The new way is a re-writing of “no pain, no gain” into letting the beauty of what you love guide you. As your personal consciousness expands it affects the collective consciousness and makes it easier for others to join you in the new paradigm.     


We live in the age of information. Every day we encounter more language or data than humans ever have before. Advances in technology mean this has increased massively over the last twenty years with mobile phones and social networks. On top of this there is all the subconscious information that we pick up on. For example, you might not have noticed consciously what colour dress the woman who was sitting on a table opposite you at lunch yesterday was wearing, but still know when asked. We receive billions of pieces of information but only process a very small percentage of it. You have to choose your filtration system in order to decide what to pay attention to and manage. This selection will determine what is most prevalent in your body-mind and shape your experience of life. The field of reality contains all of it, and you either consciously or unconsciously pick a lens through which to experience. Of course, this gets more complicated to understand and nuanced if you live in a war zone or there is a natural disaster affecting your home. With a global pandemic, you can see it as a collective initiation, and still choose how you respond to it.  So much of your experience depends on how you frame it. For example, if you are obsessed with everyone being thinner than you are, that’s what you will notice. If you have a belief that the world is a scary place, you will keep seeing opportunities for or experiences of danger.If you believe that people are kind and generous, you will be shown multiple examples of this generosity. If your new love interest has a soft spot for pineapples, you will start to notice pineapples everywhere. If there is a natural disaster affecting your community and you believe in rallying together, this is what you will experience. This faculty chooses what captures you based on what you have given the most attention. This is how you create your reality. 


When you place importance on your intuitive voice, you will experience what you might have previously called coincidences. You could have an intuitive idea, and then the next day somebody calls you up suggesting you work together on an idea they have had (not knowing it was similar to what you had already been wanting to do), and then you go for a coffee and bump into somebody in the queue who has the expertise or the contact you need, and so on.These are synchronicities that mean you are in flow and on the track that is perfect for you. 


When you reach a state of flow, you are in an altered state of consciousness, a temporary experience of peak performance. You have full presence. There is no story running through your mind. There is no past and no future. You are creating, writing, singing, talking, reading, running, meditating, painting… whatever it is, with no awareness of time. Sometimes time feels like it slows down, or speeds up – you felt like it was five minutes when it was three hours, or you accomplished so much that the whole day passed in what felt like just an hour. You are completely in tune with your intuitive senses, and you are allowing yourself to be fully guided in an effortless and joyful manner, with full focus and clarity. There is no resistance.


You have the power to live an intuitive life, where flow states become flow consciousness. It’s not a temporary moment you achieve, but a permanent way of being and relating with the world. This is similar to the Daoist concept of wu-wei, which means effortless action. There is a Sanskrit word that comes from the ancient Indian yoga tradition called pratibhā. It simultaneously means intuitive insight, embodied instinct, and creative inspiration.This inner wisdom leads you towards what is beneficial to all beings, as you weave together with the pattern of life itself. When you align fully and have broken free of your social and cultural conditioning, you have access to your pratibhā, and you create a life-experience of harmony. You may start out with glimpses or moments of it. Sometimes it’s a quiet voice or something you can only see in retrospect. Other times it will be forceful and push you towards the things that align with your own nature or “essence”. Pratibhā connects you to the greater flow of life – flow consciousness. The foundation of this is deep inner healing work, so that your conditioned patterns, past experiences, and limited beliefs don’t keep adding resistance into the flow. You become very aware of how you frame your experiences. You free yourself to follow what feels the most light and expansive, knowing that you will evolve along the way but won’t experience anything you don’t have the consciousness to handle. Your intuition leads you into a life of your soul’s wildest dreams, in harmony and balance with the greater intelligence of the universe. As you develop your intuitive skills, when you don’t listen and don’t follow through, you can really feel the consequences of this – a feeling that it’s wrong, or even create dis-ease. You might have to go through some short-term discomfort to get to long-term satisfaction. 


When you live in flow consciousness, you understand that you are not a victim of what happens to you but that you have the power to create reality. Like the “edgewalkers” you can move between invisible worlds and translate information. Rather than be upset about an injustice that you see in the world, or feeling helpless, you are able to find your unique piece of the puzzle and bring something beautiful to the table. You can draw towards you and experience your visions of the future reality you want to create. Like yogis have for centuries, you can access the Akashic Records, which is like a hidden library in space where all knowledge of everything and everyone exists. You can enter the quantum field, which is a field of information beyond the material world – a realm of infinite limitless possibilities. The morphogenetic field,Akashic records, holographic universe, or quantum field are different names based on different traditions or scientific research that speak to the same thing – an intelligent infinite set of data available to you through intuitive clear knowing. Everything you need to know is available to you – you don’t have to ask anyone outside of yourself, you don’t need permission or validation or references from the past.  This is the natural state of being as we move into this new paradigm. Of course, with great power comes great responsibility.You can choose to live an intuitive life of flow and bring your soul’s beautiful vision of reality here for all of us to experience and enjoy. 


Extracts from Intuition: AccessYour Inner Wisdom. Trust Your Instincts. Find Your Path (2020) by Amisha Ghadiali.


Intuition comes from the Latin word intueri, which means “to contemplate” or “to look within”. – quote box


Intuition is our ability to know something instinctively without having to discover it or rationalise it intellectually – a deep sense of knowing without an analytical process. You can’t explain to anyone why – you don’t have statistics or research to back up your perspective. You just know. In ancient cultures, intuition was a central part of life. It goes back as far as hunters and gatherers, who used their intuition to find food and stay safe. There are stories of women from Native American tribal cultures all coming together when they were menstruating – a time when women are known to be more intuitive, sensitive, and connected to collective wisdom. They would all sleep in a circle with their heads together and dream a collective dream that would tell the men where the buffalo were, so the tribe could eat. In these cultures, the intuitive and the rational world danced together as a way of life. There are many global historical events, from witch-hunts to colonialism, that have forced intuition underground.  Cultures all over the world that valued intuition and passed down intelligent techniques and wisdom for survival and thriving were endangered, murdered, and enslaved. This has had a deep impact on our global culture. Many of the words associated with living an intuitive life have become derogative, such as “loon” to denote a crazy person, when it really means living in tune with the moon’s cycles, which all human beings are affected by. This is information we all take in, through our ancestral and cultural conditioning. Our global society and education system prepare us to be industrial workers and consumers, so we feed the system. If we were all empowered in our intuition and following our soul’s purpose, we would be unlikely to orient our lives around being employable, paying off debt, and keeping up with the latest trends. So, we are entrained to be“followers” on social media, and live lifestyles that have our autonomic nervous systems in constant “fight or flight” mode – your body’s natural response when you feel you are in danger.


As well as your personal subconscious patterning and belief systems – created by your upbringing, ancestry, and culture – there is programming within the collective conscious that impacts the beliefs that you have about life. Some common ones are that life is hard, you will be rewarded if you put the hours in, the faster you can go the more you will achieve. While it’s true that you have to apply yourself to evolve, what is not true is that it has to be a struggle and a sacrifice. That is old paradigm thinking, and we are moving into a new paradigm for humanity as consciousness expands. There has been a tendency for humans to choose the hard route rather than the lighter more joyful path. The new way is a re-writing of “no pain, no gain” into letting the beauty of what you love guide you. As your personal consciousness expands it affects the collective consciousness and makes it easier for others to join you in the new paradigm.     


We live in the age of information. Every day we encounter more language or data than humans ever have before. Advances in technology mean this has increased massively over the last twenty years with mobile phones and social networks. On top of this there is all the subconscious information that we pick up on. For example, you might not have noticed consciously what colour dress the woman who was sitting on a table opposite you at lunch yesterday was wearing, but still know when asked. We receive billions of pieces of information but only process a very small percentage of it. You have to choose your filtration system in order to decide what to pay attention to and manage. This selection will determine what is most prevalent in your body-mind and shape your experience of life. The field of reality contains all of it, and you either consciously or unconsciously pick a lens through which to experience. Of course, this gets more complicated to understand and nuanced if you live in a war zone or there is a natural disaster affecting your home. With a global pandemic, you can see it as a collective initiation, and still choose how you respond to it.  So much of your experience depends on how you frame it. For example, if you are obsessed with everyone being thinner than you are, that’s what you will notice. If you have a belief that the world is a scary place, you will keep seeing opportunities for or experiences of danger.If you believe that people are kind and generous, you will be shown multiple examples of this generosity. If your new love interest has a soft spot for pineapples, you will start to notice pineapples everywhere. If there is a natural disaster affecting your community and you believe in rallying together, this is what you will experience. This faculty chooses what captures you based on what you have given the most attention. This is how you create your reality. 


When you place importance on your intuitive voice, you will experience what you might have previously called coincidences. You could have an intuitive idea, and then the next day somebody calls you up suggesting you work together on an idea they have had (not knowing it was similar to what you had already been wanting to do), and then you go for a coffee and bump into somebody in the queue who has the expertise or the contact you need, and so on.These are synchronicities that mean you are in flow and on the track that is perfect for you. 


When you reach a state of flow, you are in an altered state of consciousness, a temporary experience of peak performance. You have full presence. There is no story running through your mind. There is no past and no future. You are creating, writing, singing, talking, reading, running, meditating, painting… whatever it is, with no awareness of time. Sometimes time feels like it slows down, or speeds up – you felt like it was five minutes when it was three hours, or you accomplished so much that the whole day passed in what felt like just an hour. You are completely in tune with your intuitive senses, and you are allowing yourself to be fully guided in an effortless and joyful manner, with full focus and clarity. There is no resistance.


You have the power to live an intuitive life, where flow states become flow consciousness. It’s not a temporary moment you achieve, but a permanent way of being and relating with the world. This is similar to the Daoist concept of wu-wei, which means effortless action. There is a Sanskrit word that comes from the ancient Indian yoga tradition called pratibhā. It simultaneously means intuitive insight, embodied instinct, and creative inspiration.This inner wisdom leads you towards what is beneficial to all beings, as you weave together with the pattern of life itself. When you align fully and have broken free of your social and cultural conditioning, you have access to your pratibhā, and you create a life-experience of harmony. You may start out with glimpses or moments of it. Sometimes it’s a quiet voice or something you can only see in retrospect. Other times it will be forceful and push you towards the things that align with your own nature or “essence”. Pratibhā connects you to the greater flow of life – flow consciousness. The foundation of this is deep inner healing work, so that your conditioned patterns, past experiences, and limited beliefs don’t keep adding resistance into the flow. You become very aware of how you frame your experiences. You free yourself to follow what feels the most light and expansive, knowing that you will evolve along the way but won’t experience anything you don’t have the consciousness to handle. Your intuition leads you into a life of your soul’s wildest dreams, in harmony and balance with the greater intelligence of the universe. As you develop your intuitive skills, when you don’t listen and don’t follow through, you can really feel the consequences of this – a feeling that it’s wrong, or even create dis-ease. You might have to go through some short-term discomfort to get to long-term satisfaction. 


When you live in flow consciousness, you understand that you are not a victim of what happens to you but that you have the power to create reality. Like the “edgewalkers” you can move between invisible worlds and translate information. Rather than be upset about an injustice that you see in the world, or feeling helpless, you are able to find your unique piece of the puzzle and bring something beautiful to the table. You can draw towards you and experience your visions of the future reality you want to create. Like yogis have for centuries, you can access the Akashic Records, which is like a hidden library in space where all knowledge of everything and everyone exists. You can enter the quantum field, which is a field of information beyond the material world – a realm of infinite limitless possibilities. The morphogenetic field,Akashic records, holographic universe, or quantum field are different names based on different traditions or scientific research that speak to the same thing – an intelligent infinite set of data available to you through intuitive clear knowing. Everything you need to know is available to you – you don’t have to ask anyone outside of yourself, you don’t need permission or validation or references from the past.  This is the natural state of being as we move into this new paradigm. Of course, with great power comes great responsibility.You can choose to live an intuitive life of flow and bring your soul’s beautiful vision of reality here for all of us to experience and enjoy. 


Extracts from Intuition: AccessYour Inner Wisdom. Trust Your Instincts. Find Your Path (2020) by Amisha Ghadiali.


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Amisha Ghadiali is an intuitive therapist, meditation and yoga teacher. She is the founder and host of All The We Are podcast and community.

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By Amisha Ghadiali

Intuition comes from the Latin word intueri, which means “to contemplate” or “to look within”. – quote box


Intuition is our ability to know something instinctively without having to discover it or rationalise it intellectually – a deep sense of knowing without an analytical process. You can’t explain to anyone why – you don’t have statistics or research to back up your perspective. You just know. In ancient cultures, intuition was a central part of life. It goes back as far as hunters and gatherers, who used their intuition to find food and stay safe. There are stories of women from Native American tribal cultures all coming together when they were menstruating – a time when women are known to be more intuitive, sensitive, and connected to collective wisdom. They would all sleep in a circle with their heads together and dream a collective dream that would tell the men where the buffalo were, so the tribe could eat. In these cultures, the intuitive and the rational world danced together as a way of life. There are many global historical events, from witch-hunts to colonialism, that have forced intuition underground.  Cultures all over the world that valued intuition and passed down intelligent techniques and wisdom for survival and thriving were endangered, murdered, and enslaved. This has had a deep impact on our global culture. Many of the words associated with living an intuitive life have become derogative, such as “loon” to denote a crazy person, when it really means living in tune with the moon’s cycles, which all human beings are affected by. This is information we all take in, through our ancestral and cultural conditioning. Our global society and education system prepare us to be industrial workers and consumers, so we feed the system. If we were all empowered in our intuition and following our soul’s purpose, we would be unlikely to orient our lives around being employable, paying off debt, and keeping up with the latest trends. So, we are entrained to be“followers” on social media, and live lifestyles that have our autonomic nervous systems in constant “fight or flight” mode – your body’s natural response when you feel you are in danger.


As well as your personal subconscious patterning and belief systems – created by your upbringing, ancestry, and culture – there is programming within the collective conscious that impacts the beliefs that you have about life. Some common ones are that life is hard, you will be rewarded if you put the hours in, the faster you can go the more you will achieve. While it’s true that you have to apply yourself to evolve, what is not true is that it has to be a struggle and a sacrifice. That is old paradigm thinking, and we are moving into a new paradigm for humanity as consciousness expands. There has been a tendency for humans to choose the hard route rather than the lighter more joyful path. The new way is a re-writing of “no pain, no gain” into letting the beauty of what you love guide you. As your personal consciousness expands it affects the collective consciousness and makes it easier for others to join you in the new paradigm.     


We live in the age of information. Every day we encounter more language or data than humans ever have before. Advances in technology mean this has increased massively over the last twenty years with mobile phones and social networks. On top of this there is all the subconscious information that we pick up on. For example, you might not have noticed consciously what colour dress the woman who was sitting on a table opposite you at lunch yesterday was wearing, but still know when asked. We receive billions of pieces of information but only process a very small percentage of it. You have to choose your filtration system in order to decide what to pay attention to and manage. This selection will determine what is most prevalent in your body-mind and shape your experience of life. The field of reality contains all of it, and you either consciously or unconsciously pick a lens through which to experience. Of course, this gets more complicated to understand and nuanced if you live in a war zone or there is a natural disaster affecting your home. With a global pandemic, you can see it as a collective initiation, and still choose how you respond to it.  So much of your experience depends on how you frame it. For example, if you are obsessed with everyone being thinner than you are, that’s what you will notice. If you have a belief that the world is a scary place, you will keep seeing opportunities for or experiences of danger.If you believe that people are kind and generous, you will be shown multiple examples of this generosity. If your new love interest has a soft spot for pineapples, you will start to notice pineapples everywhere. If there is a natural disaster affecting your community and you believe in rallying together, this is what you will experience. This faculty chooses what captures you based on what you have given the most attention. This is how you create your reality. 


When you place importance on your intuitive voice, you will experience what you might have previously called coincidences. You could have an intuitive idea, and then the next day somebody calls you up suggesting you work together on an idea they have had (not knowing it was similar to what you had already been wanting to do), and then you go for a coffee and bump into somebody in the queue who has the expertise or the contact you need, and so on.These are synchronicities that mean you are in flow and on the track that is perfect for you. 


When you reach a state of flow, you are in an altered state of consciousness, a temporary experience of peak performance. You have full presence. There is no story running through your mind. There is no past and no future. You are creating, writing, singing, talking, reading, running, meditating, painting… whatever it is, with no awareness of time. Sometimes time feels like it slows down, or speeds up – you felt like it was five minutes when it was three hours, or you accomplished so much that the whole day passed in what felt like just an hour. You are completely in tune with your intuitive senses, and you are allowing yourself to be fully guided in an effortless and joyful manner, with full focus and clarity. There is no resistance.


You have the power to live an intuitive life, where flow states become flow consciousness. It’s not a temporary moment you achieve, but a permanent way of being and relating with the world. This is similar to the Daoist concept of wu-wei, which means effortless action. There is a Sanskrit word that comes from the ancient Indian yoga tradition called pratibhā. It simultaneously means intuitive insight, embodied instinct, and creative inspiration.This inner wisdom leads you towards what is beneficial to all beings, as you weave together with the pattern of life itself. When you align fully and have broken free of your social and cultural conditioning, you have access to your pratibhā, and you create a life-experience of harmony. You may start out with glimpses or moments of it. Sometimes it’s a quiet voice or something you can only see in retrospect. Other times it will be forceful and push you towards the things that align with your own nature or “essence”. Pratibhā connects you to the greater flow of life – flow consciousness. The foundation of this is deep inner healing work, so that your conditioned patterns, past experiences, and limited beliefs don’t keep adding resistance into the flow. You become very aware of how you frame your experiences. You free yourself to follow what feels the most light and expansive, knowing that you will evolve along the way but won’t experience anything you don’t have the consciousness to handle. Your intuition leads you into a life of your soul’s wildest dreams, in harmony and balance with the greater intelligence of the universe. As you develop your intuitive skills, when you don’t listen and don’t follow through, you can really feel the consequences of this – a feeling that it’s wrong, or even create dis-ease. You might have to go through some short-term discomfort to get to long-term satisfaction. 


When you live in flow consciousness, you understand that you are not a victim of what happens to you but that you have the power to create reality. Like the “edgewalkers” you can move between invisible worlds and translate information. Rather than be upset about an injustice that you see in the world, or feeling helpless, you are able to find your unique piece of the puzzle and bring something beautiful to the table. You can draw towards you and experience your visions of the future reality you want to create. Like yogis have for centuries, you can access the Akashic Records, which is like a hidden library in space where all knowledge of everything and everyone exists. You can enter the quantum field, which is a field of information beyond the material world – a realm of infinite limitless possibilities. The morphogenetic field,Akashic records, holographic universe, or quantum field are different names based on different traditions or scientific research that speak to the same thing – an intelligent infinite set of data available to you through intuitive clear knowing. Everything you need to know is available to you – you don’t have to ask anyone outside of yourself, you don’t need permission or validation or references from the past.  This is the natural state of being as we move into this new paradigm. Of course, with great power comes great responsibility.You can choose to live an intuitive life of flow and bring your soul’s beautiful vision of reality here for all of us to experience and enjoy. 


Extracts from Intuition: AccessYour Inner Wisdom. Trust Your Instincts. Find Your Path (2020) by Amisha Ghadiali.


Intuition comes from the Latin word intueri, which means “to contemplate” or “to look within”. – quote box


Intuition is our ability to know something instinctively without having to discover it or rationalise it intellectually – a deep sense of knowing without an analytical process. You can’t explain to anyone why – you don’t have statistics or research to back up your perspective. You just know. In ancient cultures, intuition was a central part of life. It goes back as far as hunters and gatherers, who used their intuition to find food and stay safe. There are stories of women from Native American tribal cultures all coming together when they were menstruating – a time when women are known to be more intuitive, sensitive, and connected to collective wisdom. They would all sleep in a circle with their heads together and dream a collective dream that would tell the men where the buffalo were, so the tribe could eat. In these cultures, the intuitive and the rational world danced together as a way of life. There are many global historical events, from witch-hunts to colonialism, that have forced intuition underground.  Cultures all over the world that valued intuition and passed down intelligent techniques and wisdom for survival and thriving were endangered, murdered, and enslaved. This has had a deep impact on our global culture. Many of the words associated with living an intuitive life have become derogative, such as “loon” to denote a crazy person, when it really means living in tune with the moon’s cycles, which all human beings are affected by. This is information we all take in, through our ancestral and cultural conditioning. Our global society and education system prepare us to be industrial workers and consumers, so we feed the system. If we were all empowered in our intuition and following our soul’s purpose, we would be unlikely to orient our lives around being employable, paying off debt, and keeping up with the latest trends. So, we are entrained to be“followers” on social media, and live lifestyles that have our autonomic nervous systems in constant “fight or flight” mode – your body’s natural response when you feel you are in danger.


As well as your personal subconscious patterning and belief systems – created by your upbringing, ancestry, and culture – there is programming within the collective conscious that impacts the beliefs that you have about life. Some common ones are that life is hard, you will be rewarded if you put the hours in, the faster you can go the more you will achieve. While it’s true that you have to apply yourself to evolve, what is not true is that it has to be a struggle and a sacrifice. That is old paradigm thinking, and we are moving into a new paradigm for humanity as consciousness expands. There has been a tendency for humans to choose the hard route rather than the lighter more joyful path. The new way is a re-writing of “no pain, no gain” into letting the beauty of what you love guide you. As your personal consciousness expands it affects the collective consciousness and makes it easier for others to join you in the new paradigm.     


We live in the age of information. Every day we encounter more language or data than humans ever have before. Advances in technology mean this has increased massively over the last twenty years with mobile phones and social networks. On top of this there is all the subconscious information that we pick up on. For example, you might not have noticed consciously what colour dress the woman who was sitting on a table opposite you at lunch yesterday was wearing, but still know when asked. We receive billions of pieces of information but only process a very small percentage of it. You have to choose your filtration system in order to decide what to pay attention to and manage. This selection will determine what is most prevalent in your body-mind and shape your experience of life. The field of reality contains all of it, and you either consciously or unconsciously pick a lens through which to experience. Of course, this gets more complicated to understand and nuanced if you live in a war zone or there is a natural disaster affecting your home. With a global pandemic, you can see it as a collective initiation, and still choose how you respond to it.  So much of your experience depends on how you frame it. For example, if you are obsessed with everyone being thinner than you are, that’s what you will notice. If you have a belief that the world is a scary place, you will keep seeing opportunities for or experiences of danger.If you believe that people are kind and generous, you will be shown multiple examples of this generosity. If your new love interest has a soft spot for pineapples, you will start to notice pineapples everywhere. If there is a natural disaster affecting your community and you believe in rallying together, this is what you will experience. This faculty chooses what captures you based on what you have given the most attention. This is how you create your reality. 


When you place importance on your intuitive voice, you will experience what you might have previously called coincidences. You could have an intuitive idea, and then the next day somebody calls you up suggesting you work together on an idea they have had (not knowing it was similar to what you had already been wanting to do), and then you go for a coffee and bump into somebody in the queue who has the expertise or the contact you need, and so on.These are synchronicities that mean you are in flow and on the track that is perfect for you. 


When you reach a state of flow, you are in an altered state of consciousness, a temporary experience of peak performance. You have full presence. There is no story running through your mind. There is no past and no future. You are creating, writing, singing, talking, reading, running, meditating, painting… whatever it is, with no awareness of time. Sometimes time feels like it slows down, or speeds up – you felt like it was five minutes when it was three hours, or you accomplished so much that the whole day passed in what felt like just an hour. You are completely in tune with your intuitive senses, and you are allowing yourself to be fully guided in an effortless and joyful manner, with full focus and clarity. There is no resistance.


You have the power to live an intuitive life, where flow states become flow consciousness. It’s not a temporary moment you achieve, but a permanent way of being and relating with the world. This is similar to the Daoist concept of wu-wei, which means effortless action. There is a Sanskrit word that comes from the ancient Indian yoga tradition called pratibhā. It simultaneously means intuitive insight, embodied instinct, and creative inspiration.This inner wisdom leads you towards what is beneficial to all beings, as you weave together with the pattern of life itself. When you align fully and have broken free of your social and cultural conditioning, you have access to your pratibhā, and you create a life-experience of harmony. You may start out with glimpses or moments of it. Sometimes it’s a quiet voice or something you can only see in retrospect. Other times it will be forceful and push you towards the things that align with your own nature or “essence”. Pratibhā connects you to the greater flow of life – flow consciousness. The foundation of this is deep inner healing work, so that your conditioned patterns, past experiences, and limited beliefs don’t keep adding resistance into the flow. You become very aware of how you frame your experiences. You free yourself to follow what feels the most light and expansive, knowing that you will evolve along the way but won’t experience anything you don’t have the consciousness to handle. Your intuition leads you into a life of your soul’s wildest dreams, in harmony and balance with the greater intelligence of the universe. As you develop your intuitive skills, when you don’t listen and don’t follow through, you can really feel the consequences of this – a feeling that it’s wrong, or even create dis-ease. You might have to go through some short-term discomfort to get to long-term satisfaction. 


When you live in flow consciousness, you understand that you are not a victim of what happens to you but that you have the power to create reality. Like the “edgewalkers” you can move between invisible worlds and translate information. Rather than be upset about an injustice that you see in the world, or feeling helpless, you are able to find your unique piece of the puzzle and bring something beautiful to the table. You can draw towards you and experience your visions of the future reality you want to create. Like yogis have for centuries, you can access the Akashic Records, which is like a hidden library in space where all knowledge of everything and everyone exists. You can enter the quantum field, which is a field of information beyond the material world – a realm of infinite limitless possibilities. The morphogenetic field,Akashic records, holographic universe, or quantum field are different names based on different traditions or scientific research that speak to the same thing – an intelligent infinite set of data available to you through intuitive clear knowing. Everything you need to know is available to you – you don’t have to ask anyone outside of yourself, you don’t need permission or validation or references from the past.  This is the natural state of being as we move into this new paradigm. Of course, with great power comes great responsibility.You can choose to live an intuitive life of flow and bring your soul’s beautiful vision of reality here for all of us to experience and enjoy. 


Extracts from Intuition: AccessYour Inner Wisdom. Trust Your Instincts. Find Your Path (2020) by Amisha Ghadiali.


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Amisha Ghadiali is an intuitive therapist, meditation and yoga teacher. She is the founder and host of All The We Are podcast and community.

download filedownload filedownload filedownload filedownload file

By Amisha Ghadiali

Intuition comes from the Latin word intueri, which means “to contemplate” or “to look within”. – quote box


Intuition is our ability to know something instinctively without having to discover it or rationalise it intellectually – a deep sense of knowing without an analytical process. You can’t explain to anyone why – you don’t have statistics or research to back up your perspective. You just know. In ancient cultures, intuition was a central part of life. It goes back as far as hunters and gatherers, who used their intuition to find food and stay safe. There are stories of women from Native American tribal cultures all coming together when they were menstruating – a time when women are known to be more intuitive, sensitive, and connected to collective wisdom. They would all sleep in a circle with their heads together and dream a collective dream that would tell the men where the buffalo were, so the tribe could eat. In these cultures, the intuitive and the rational world danced together as a way of life. There are many global historical events, from witch-hunts to colonialism, that have forced intuition underground.  Cultures all over the world that valued intuition and passed down intelligent techniques and wisdom for survival and thriving were endangered, murdered, and enslaved. This has had a deep impact on our global culture. Many of the words associated with living an intuitive life have become derogative, such as “loon” to denote a crazy person, when it really means living in tune with the moon’s cycles, which all human beings are affected by. This is information we all take in, through our ancestral and cultural conditioning. Our global society and education system prepare us to be industrial workers and consumers, so we feed the system. If we were all empowered in our intuition and following our soul’s purpose, we would be unlikely to orient our lives around being employable, paying off debt, and keeping up with the latest trends. So, we are entrained to be“followers” on social media, and live lifestyles that have our autonomic nervous systems in constant “fight or flight” mode – your body’s natural response when you feel you are in danger.


As well as your personal subconscious patterning and belief systems – created by your upbringing, ancestry, and culture – there is programming within the collective conscious that impacts the beliefs that you have about life. Some common ones are that life is hard, you will be rewarded if you put the hours in, the faster you can go the more you will achieve. While it’s true that you have to apply yourself to evolve, what is not true is that it has to be a struggle and a sacrifice. That is old paradigm thinking, and we are moving into a new paradigm for humanity as consciousness expands. There has been a tendency for humans to choose the hard route rather than the lighter more joyful path. The new way is a re-writing of “no pain, no gain” into letting the beauty of what you love guide you. As your personal consciousness expands it affects the collective consciousness and makes it easier for others to join you in the new paradigm.     


We live in the age of information. Every day we encounter more language or data than humans ever have before. Advances in technology mean this has increased massively over the last twenty years with mobile phones and social networks. On top of this there is all the subconscious information that we pick up on. For example, you might not have noticed consciously what colour dress the woman who was sitting on a table opposite you at lunch yesterday was wearing, but still know when asked. We receive billions of pieces of information but only process a very small percentage of it. You have to choose your filtration system in order to decide what to pay attention to and manage. This selection will determine what is most prevalent in your body-mind and shape your experience of life. The field of reality contains all of it, and you either consciously or unconsciously pick a lens through which to experience. Of course, this gets more complicated to understand and nuanced if you live in a war zone or there is a natural disaster affecting your home. With a global pandemic, you can see it as a collective initiation, and still choose how you respond to it.  So much of your experience depends on how you frame it. For example, if you are obsessed with everyone being thinner than you are, that’s what you will notice. If you have a belief that the world is a scary place, you will keep seeing opportunities for or experiences of danger.If you believe that people are kind and generous, you will be shown multiple examples of this generosity. If your new love interest has a soft spot for pineapples, you will start to notice pineapples everywhere. If there is a natural disaster affecting your community and you believe in rallying together, this is what you will experience. This faculty chooses what captures you based on what you have given the most attention. This is how you create your reality. 


When you place importance on your intuitive voice, you will experience what you might have previously called coincidences. You could have an intuitive idea, and then the next day somebody calls you up suggesting you work together on an idea they have had (not knowing it was similar to what you had already been wanting to do), and then you go for a coffee and bump into somebody in the queue who has the expertise or the contact you need, and so on.These are synchronicities that mean you are in flow and on the track that is perfect for you. 


When you reach a state of flow, you are in an altered state of consciousness, a temporary experience of peak performance. You have full presence. There is no story running through your mind. There is no past and no future. You are creating, writing, singing, talking, reading, running, meditating, painting… whatever it is, with no awareness of time. Sometimes time feels like it slows down, or speeds up – you felt like it was five minutes when it was three hours, or you accomplished so much that the whole day passed in what felt like just an hour. You are completely in tune with your intuitive senses, and you are allowing yourself to be fully guided in an effortless and joyful manner, with full focus and clarity. There is no resistance.


You have the power to live an intuitive life, where flow states become flow consciousness. It’s not a temporary moment you achieve, but a permanent way of being and relating with the world. This is similar to the Daoist concept of wu-wei, which means effortless action. There is a Sanskrit word that comes from the ancient Indian yoga tradition called pratibhā. It simultaneously means intuitive insight, embodied instinct, and creative inspiration.This inner wisdom leads you towards what is beneficial to all beings, as you weave together with the pattern of life itself. When you align fully and have broken free of your social and cultural conditioning, you have access to your pratibhā, and you create a life-experience of harmony. You may start out with glimpses or moments of it. Sometimes it’s a quiet voice or something you can only see in retrospect. Other times it will be forceful and push you towards the things that align with your own nature or “essence”. Pratibhā connects you to the greater flow of life – flow consciousness. The foundation of this is deep inner healing work, so that your conditioned patterns, past experiences, and limited beliefs don’t keep adding resistance into the flow. You become very aware of how you frame your experiences. You free yourself to follow what feels the most light and expansive, knowing that you will evolve along the way but won’t experience anything you don’t have the consciousness to handle. Your intuition leads you into a life of your soul’s wildest dreams, in harmony and balance with the greater intelligence of the universe. As you develop your intuitive skills, when you don’t listen and don’t follow through, you can really feel the consequences of this – a feeling that it’s wrong, or even create dis-ease. You might have to go through some short-term discomfort to get to long-term satisfaction. 


When you live in flow consciousness, you understand that you are not a victim of what happens to you but that you have the power to create reality. Like the “edgewalkers” you can move between invisible worlds and translate information. Rather than be upset about an injustice that you see in the world, or feeling helpless, you are able to find your unique piece of the puzzle and bring something beautiful to the table. You can draw towards you and experience your visions of the future reality you want to create. Like yogis have for centuries, you can access the Akashic Records, which is like a hidden library in space where all knowledge of everything and everyone exists. You can enter the quantum field, which is a field of information beyond the material world – a realm of infinite limitless possibilities. The morphogenetic field,Akashic records, holographic universe, or quantum field are different names based on different traditions or scientific research that speak to the same thing – an intelligent infinite set of data available to you through intuitive clear knowing. Everything you need to know is available to you – you don’t have to ask anyone outside of yourself, you don’t need permission or validation or references from the past.  This is the natural state of being as we move into this new paradigm. Of course, with great power comes great responsibility.You can choose to live an intuitive life of flow and bring your soul’s beautiful vision of reality here for all of us to experience and enjoy. 


Extracts from Intuition: AccessYour Inner Wisdom. Trust Your Instincts. Find Your Path (2020) by Amisha Ghadiali.


Intuition comes from the Latin word intueri, which means “to contemplate” or “to look within”. – quote box


Intuition is our ability to know something instinctively without having to discover it or rationalise it intellectually – a deep sense of knowing without an analytical process. You can’t explain to anyone why – you don’t have statistics or research to back up your perspective. You just know. In ancient cultures, intuition was a central part of life. It goes back as far as hunters and gatherers, who used their intuition to find food and stay safe. There are stories of women from Native American tribal cultures all coming together when they were menstruating – a time when women are known to be more intuitive, sensitive, and connected to collective wisdom. They would all sleep in a circle with their heads together and dream a collective dream that would tell the men where the buffalo were, so the tribe could eat. In these cultures, the intuitive and the rational world danced together as a way of life. There are many global historical events, from witch-hunts to colonialism, that have forced intuition underground.  Cultures all over the world that valued intuition and passed down intelligent techniques and wisdom for survival and thriving were endangered, murdered, and enslaved. This has had a deep impact on our global culture. Many of the words associated with living an intuitive life have become derogative, such as “loon” to denote a crazy person, when it really means living in tune with the moon’s cycles, which all human beings are affected by. This is information we all take in, through our ancestral and cultural conditioning. Our global society and education system prepare us to be industrial workers and consumers, so we feed the system. If we were all empowered in our intuition and following our soul’s purpose, we would be unlikely to orient our lives around being employable, paying off debt, and keeping up with the latest trends. So, we are entrained to be“followers” on social media, and live lifestyles that have our autonomic nervous systems in constant “fight or flight” mode – your body’s natural response when you feel you are in danger.


As well as your personal subconscious patterning and belief systems – created by your upbringing, ancestry, and culture – there is programming within the collective conscious that impacts the beliefs that you have about life. Some common ones are that life is hard, you will be rewarded if you put the hours in, the faster you can go the more you will achieve. While it’s true that you have to apply yourself to evolve, what is not true is that it has to be a struggle and a sacrifice. That is old paradigm thinking, and we are moving into a new paradigm for humanity as consciousness expands. There has been a tendency for humans to choose the hard route rather than the lighter more joyful path. The new way is a re-writing of “no pain, no gain” into letting the beauty of what you love guide you. As your personal consciousness expands it affects the collective consciousness and makes it easier for others to join you in the new paradigm.     


We live in the age of information. Every day we encounter more language or data than humans ever have before. Advances in technology mean this has increased massively over the last twenty years with mobile phones and social networks. On top of this there is all the subconscious information that we pick up on. For example, you might not have noticed consciously what colour dress the woman who was sitting on a table opposite you at lunch yesterday was wearing, but still know when asked. We receive billions of pieces of information but only process a very small percentage of it. You have to choose your filtration system in order to decide what to pay attention to and manage. This selection will determine what is most prevalent in your body-mind and shape your experience of life. The field of reality contains all of it, and you either consciously or unconsciously pick a lens through which to experience. Of course, this gets more complicated to understand and nuanced if you live in a war zone or there is a natural disaster affecting your home. With a global pandemic, you can see it as a collective initiation, and still choose how you respond to it.  So much of your experience depends on how you frame it. For example, if you are obsessed with everyone being thinner than you are, that’s what you will notice. If you have a belief that the world is a scary place, you will keep seeing opportunities for or experiences of danger.If you believe that people are kind and generous, you will be shown multiple examples of this generosity. If your new love interest has a soft spot for pineapples, you will start to notice pineapples everywhere. If there is a natural disaster affecting your community and you believe in rallying together, this is what you will experience. This faculty chooses what captures you based on what you have given the most attention. This is how you create your reality. 


When you place importance on your intuitive voice, you will experience what you might have previously called coincidences. You could have an intuitive idea, and then the next day somebody calls you up suggesting you work together on an idea they have had (not knowing it was similar to what you had already been wanting to do), and then you go for a coffee and bump into somebody in the queue who has the expertise or the contact you need, and so on.These are synchronicities that mean you are in flow and on the track that is perfect for you. 


When you reach a state of flow, you are in an altered state of consciousness, a temporary experience of peak performance. You have full presence. There is no story running through your mind. There is no past and no future. You are creating, writing, singing, talking, reading, running, meditating, painting… whatever it is, with no awareness of time. Sometimes time feels like it slows down, or speeds up – you felt like it was five minutes when it was three hours, or you accomplished so much that the whole day passed in what felt like just an hour. You are completely in tune with your intuitive senses, and you are allowing yourself to be fully guided in an effortless and joyful manner, with full focus and clarity. There is no resistance.


You have the power to live an intuitive life, where flow states become flow consciousness. It’s not a temporary moment you achieve, but a permanent way of being and relating with the world. This is similar to the Daoist concept of wu-wei, which means effortless action. There is a Sanskrit word that comes from the ancient Indian yoga tradition called pratibhā. It simultaneously means intuitive insight, embodied instinct, and creative inspiration.This inner wisdom leads you towards what is beneficial to all beings, as you weave together with the pattern of life itself. When you align fully and have broken free of your social and cultural conditioning, you have access to your pratibhā, and you create a life-experience of harmony. You may start out with glimpses or moments of it. Sometimes it’s a quiet voice or something you can only see in retrospect. Other times it will be forceful and push you towards the things that align with your own nature or “essence”. Pratibhā connects you to the greater flow of life – flow consciousness. The foundation of this is deep inner healing work, so that your conditioned patterns, past experiences, and limited beliefs don’t keep adding resistance into the flow. You become very aware of how you frame your experiences. You free yourself to follow what feels the most light and expansive, knowing that you will evolve along the way but won’t experience anything you don’t have the consciousness to handle. Your intuition leads you into a life of your soul’s wildest dreams, in harmony and balance with the greater intelligence of the universe. As you develop your intuitive skills, when you don’t listen and don’t follow through, you can really feel the consequences of this – a feeling that it’s wrong, or even create dis-ease. You might have to go through some short-term discomfort to get to long-term satisfaction. 


When you live in flow consciousness, you understand that you are not a victim of what happens to you but that you have the power to create reality. Like the “edgewalkers” you can move between invisible worlds and translate information. Rather than be upset about an injustice that you see in the world, or feeling helpless, you are able to find your unique piece of the puzzle and bring something beautiful to the table. You can draw towards you and experience your visions of the future reality you want to create. Like yogis have for centuries, you can access the Akashic Records, which is like a hidden library in space where all knowledge of everything and everyone exists. You can enter the quantum field, which is a field of information beyond the material world – a realm of infinite limitless possibilities. The morphogenetic field,Akashic records, holographic universe, or quantum field are different names based on different traditions or scientific research that speak to the same thing – an intelligent infinite set of data available to you through intuitive clear knowing. Everything you need to know is available to you – you don’t have to ask anyone outside of yourself, you don’t need permission or validation or references from the past.  This is the natural state of being as we move into this new paradigm. Of course, with great power comes great responsibility.You can choose to live an intuitive life of flow and bring your soul’s beautiful vision of reality here for all of us to experience and enjoy. 


Extracts from Intuition: AccessYour Inner Wisdom. Trust Your Instincts. Find Your Path (2020) by Amisha Ghadiali.


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Amisha Ghadiali is an intuitive therapist, meditation and yoga teacher. She is the founder and host of All The We Are podcast and community.

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