by Bel Senlle



An essence is usually described as the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something which determines its character. When we work with an essence, we work with the invisible; we work with a soul that whispers their nature to us through their form and expression. I like to think that each plant has its own personality, its own way of communicating with us, and its particular manners of experiencing their life on Earth as well. Some of them like to be surrounded by others, some might prefer to grow alone and to spark all their grace through one big flower, others just prefer to stay closer to the grass and soil whilst others try to climb as closer to the sky as they can. Some are blue, some are white, some are yellow, some are red. Some prefer more natural light and warmness whilst there are some courageous ones that bloom in the most freezing winters. Just like us, they express who they are by just being themselves. They all have different needs and attitudes, they receive the impact of the pass of time and seasons behaving in different manners, and they have different reactions to external and internal events. I like to think that plants express their essence through their way of being: their shapes, their colours, their personalities, their interaction with the world… and we can work with them by catching up this essence and receiving their information in our bodies. Once this happens, our perception of the world can be transformed.



When we work with flower essences we experience an exchange of information, It’s a relationship between ourselves and the most invisible aspects of the plant. As happens in any relationship, our experience is completely personal. How deep and nourished the exchange is depends on many factors, just as it’s not the same when we have certain exchanges with friends - when we ask a friend for help through a difficult situation, when we go with them to the park for a walk, when we go on a first date or when we are going to the shops the same as any day; I would say that the relationships we build with plants have the same potential. It’s not the same to take an essence when we are going through difficult times, or exciting moments, everyday routines, special occasions, or more and more. Something I can tell for sure is that whenever you work with an essence, you are also going to be working on levels that might not always be “visible”. You are working with the unknown: expect movements in your emotions, in your beliefs, in your dreams, in your desires, in your mood. Even your unconscious can send you clear signs about topics you might be trying to unlock in your life. How deep, intense and transforming your relationship with them is up to your level of presence and your intentions with them. They are powerful, but I don’t believe for a second in an extractivist and capitalist approach to them: “What will this essence make for me? What is this used for?” No. I don’t think that way about people, nor flower/plant essences. They don’t live your process for you. They don’t make things for you. They can support you, they can help you, they can teach you, they can make you feel different things, but that’s not their purpose.

Flower Essences are a relational art of alchemy, and as the experience of art is completely voluntary, you will have to be there for it to happen. Plant communication requieres us to open our senses and to be ready to “talk” in new languages. Water is the vessel we use for channelling. Water molecules can be shaped by environments, thoughts, emotions. It does not just carry the information of being itself a reminder of life, unconsciousness, cicles, natural forces, changes, movement and deepness, but it also lets its particular molecular information be affected depending on what forms are in contact with it - if you have never seen the work of Masaru Emoto on this topic, go for it!. We can use water as a vehicle for the information of the flower/plant we want to work with to make it possible to drink it. We catch up their energetic expressions by dropping the part of the plant we want to work with in water and paying attention to the environmental information we are choosing to crystallise in our essence. It’s not the same a flower that grew up in a cemetery and one that grew up in a forest or on your balcony. It’s not the same to catch it under the sunlight as opposed to under the influence of a crescent moonlight. It’s not the same to sing to them, to practice reiki to them, to whisper some intentions, and just being fully present in that moment without any bigger ritualistic expressions than that one. That powerful one. This is a very, very simple and powerful alchemical process that allows us to drink our petals’ information. Drink petals… una delicia.


Pay attention to the flowers that grow close to you. Why are they there? What do they share with you in your everyday life? Do you want to experience another type of relationship with them? Pay attention to particular atmospheres you might want to catch up to work with later. A beautiful Friday spring evening with Cherry Plums in full bloom, a slightly grassy smell after a charming rain, a deep-reflective Sunday evening Narcissus facing the floor. You can catch up yours in a bowl with water and leave it there for around 3 to 4 hours. Pour 50% of this water in a 30ml dropper bottle and fill the rest with an edible alcohol you want. Drink your essence everyday for about 2 weeks: 2 times per day, 7 drops per time! This method is extremely safe as we are not working with the active compounds of the plant itself, so it will affect our energetic/emotional bodies but it won’t affect your physical body directly but if you don’t know any safety information about the flower you want to work with, no worries: you can just put the bowl and the water very close to it in order to catch up the attitude and energy of the plant. Yes, we are working with the invisible so It is as effective as dropping the flower in it. Catch up atmospheres, drink petals turned into drops and enjoy the exploration of opening up to new forms of communication. Plants are magic, just like you. Let them guide you to parts of yourselves that aren’t yet visible to you…. and enjoy the experience.



An essence is usually described as the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something which determines its character. When we work with an essence, we work with the invisible; we work with a soul that whispers their nature to us through their form and expression. I like to think that each plant has its own personality, its own way of communicating with us, and its particular manners of experiencing their life on Earth as well. Some of them like to be surrounded by others, some might prefer to grow alone and to spark all their grace through one big flower, others just prefer to stay closer to the grass and soil whilst others try to climb as closer to the sky as they can. Some are blue, some are white, some are yellow, some are red. Some prefer more natural light and warmness whilst there are some courageous ones that bloom in the most freezing winters. Just like us, they express who they are by just being themselves. They all have different needs and attitudes, they receive the impact of the pass of time and seasons behaving in different manners, and they have different reactions to external and internal events. I like to think that plants express their essence through their way of being: their shapes, their colours, their personalities, their interaction with the world… and we can work with them by catching up this essence and receiving their information in our bodies. Once this happens, our perception of the world can be transformed.



When we work with flower essences we experience an exchange of information, It’s a relationship between ourselves and the most invisible aspects of the plant. As happens in any relationship, our experience is completely personal. How deep and nourished the exchange is depends on many factors, just as it’s not the same when we have certain exchanges with friends - when we ask a friend for help through a difficult situation, when we go with them to the park for a walk, when we go on a first date or when we are going to the shops the same as any day; I would say that the relationships we build with plants have the same potential. It’s not the same to take an essence when we are going through difficult times, or exciting moments, everyday routines, special occasions, or more and more. Something I can tell for sure is that whenever you work with an essence, you are also going to be working on levels that might not always be “visible”. You are working with the unknown: expect movements in your emotions, in your beliefs, in your dreams, in your desires, in your mood. Even your unconscious can send you clear signs about topics you might be trying to unlock in your life. How deep, intense and transforming your relationship with them is up to your level of presence and your intentions with them. They are powerful, but I don’t believe for a second in an extractivist and capitalist approach to them: “What will this essence make for me? What is this used for?” No. I don’t think that way about people, nor flower/plant essences. They don’t live your process for you. They don’t make things for you. They can support you, they can help you, they can teach you, they can make you feel different things, but that’s not their purpose.

Flower Essences are a relational art of alchemy, and as the experience of art is completely voluntary, you will have to be there for it to happen. Plant communication requieres us to open our senses and to be ready to “talk” in new languages. Water is the vessel we use for channelling. Water molecules can be shaped by environments, thoughts, emotions. It does not just carry the information of being itself a reminder of life, unconsciousness, cicles, natural forces, changes, movement and deepness, but it also lets its particular molecular information be affected depending on what forms are in contact with it - if you have never seen the work of Masaru Emoto on this topic, go for it!. We can use water as a vehicle for the information of the flower/plant we want to work with to make it possible to drink it. We catch up their energetic expressions by dropping the part of the plant we want to work with in water and paying attention to the environmental information we are choosing to crystallise in our essence. It’s not the same a flower that grew up in a cemetery and one that grew up in a forest or on your balcony. It’s not the same to catch it under the sunlight as opposed to under the influence of a crescent moonlight. It’s not the same to sing to them, to practice reiki to them, to whisper some intentions, and just being fully present in that moment without any bigger ritualistic expressions than that one. That powerful one. This is a very, very simple and powerful alchemical process that allows us to drink our petals’ information. Drink petals… una delicia.


Pay attention to the flowers that grow close to you. Why are they there? What do they share with you in your everyday life? Do you want to experience another type of relationship with them? Pay attention to particular atmospheres you might want to catch up to work with later. A beautiful Friday spring evening with Cherry Plums in full bloom, a slightly grassy smell after a charming rain, a deep-reflective Sunday evening Narcissus facing the floor. You can catch up yours in a bowl with water and leave it there for around 3 to 4 hours. Pour 50% of this water in a 30ml dropper bottle and fill the rest with an edible alcohol you want. Drink your essence everyday for about 2 weeks: 2 times per day, 7 drops per time! This method is extremely safe as we are not working with the active compounds of the plant itself, so it will affect our energetic/emotional bodies but it won’t affect your physical body directly but if you don’t know any safety information about the flower you want to work with, no worries: you can just put the bowl and the water very close to it in order to catch up the attitude and energy of the plant. Yes, we are working with the invisible so It is as effective as dropping the flower in it. Catch up atmospheres, drink petals turned into drops and enjoy the exploration of opening up to new forms of communication. Plants are magic, just like you. Let them guide you to parts of yourselves that aren’t yet visible to you…. and enjoy the experience.

Bel Senlle is an artist, tarot reader and flower herbalist

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by Bel Senlle



An essence is usually described as the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something which determines its character. When we work with an essence, we work with the invisible; we work with a soul that whispers their nature to us through their form and expression. I like to think that each plant has its own personality, its own way of communicating with us, and its particular manners of experiencing their life on Earth as well. Some of them like to be surrounded by others, some might prefer to grow alone and to spark all their grace through one big flower, others just prefer to stay closer to the grass and soil whilst others try to climb as closer to the sky as they can. Some are blue, some are white, some are yellow, some are red. Some prefer more natural light and warmness whilst there are some courageous ones that bloom in the most freezing winters. Just like us, they express who they are by just being themselves. They all have different needs and attitudes, they receive the impact of the pass of time and seasons behaving in different manners, and they have different reactions to external and internal events. I like to think that plants express their essence through their way of being: their shapes, their colours, their personalities, their interaction with the world… and we can work with them by catching up this essence and receiving their information in our bodies. Once this happens, our perception of the world can be transformed.



When we work with flower essences we experience an exchange of information, It’s a relationship between ourselves and the most invisible aspects of the plant. As happens in any relationship, our experience is completely personal. How deep and nourished the exchange is depends on many factors, just as it’s not the same when we have certain exchanges with friends - when we ask a friend for help through a difficult situation, when we go with them to the park for a walk, when we go on a first date or when we are going to the shops the same as any day; I would say that the relationships we build with plants have the same potential. It’s not the same to take an essence when we are going through difficult times, or exciting moments, everyday routines, special occasions, or more and more. Something I can tell for sure is that whenever you work with an essence, you are also going to be working on levels that might not always be “visible”. You are working with the unknown: expect movements in your emotions, in your beliefs, in your dreams, in your desires, in your mood. Even your unconscious can send you clear signs about topics you might be trying to unlock in your life. How deep, intense and transforming your relationship with them is up to your level of presence and your intentions with them. They are powerful, but I don’t believe for a second in an extractivist and capitalist approach to them: “What will this essence make for me? What is this used for?” No. I don’t think that way about people, nor flower/plant essences. They don’t live your process for you. They don’t make things for you. They can support you, they can help you, they can teach you, they can make you feel different things, but that’s not their purpose.

Flower Essences are a relational art of alchemy, and as the experience of art is completely voluntary, you will have to be there for it to happen. Plant communication requieres us to open our senses and to be ready to “talk” in new languages. Water is the vessel we use for channelling. Water molecules can be shaped by environments, thoughts, emotions. It does not just carry the information of being itself a reminder of life, unconsciousness, cicles, natural forces, changes, movement and deepness, but it also lets its particular molecular information be affected depending on what forms are in contact with it - if you have never seen the work of Masaru Emoto on this topic, go for it!. We can use water as a vehicle for the information of the flower/plant we want to work with to make it possible to drink it. We catch up their energetic expressions by dropping the part of the plant we want to work with in water and paying attention to the environmental information we are choosing to crystallise in our essence. It’s not the same a flower that grew up in a cemetery and one that grew up in a forest or on your balcony. It’s not the same to catch it under the sunlight as opposed to under the influence of a crescent moonlight. It’s not the same to sing to them, to practice reiki to them, to whisper some intentions, and just being fully present in that moment without any bigger ritualistic expressions than that one. That powerful one. This is a very, very simple and powerful alchemical process that allows us to drink our petals’ information. Drink petals… una delicia.


Pay attention to the flowers that grow close to you. Why are they there? What do they share with you in your everyday life? Do you want to experience another type of relationship with them? Pay attention to particular atmospheres you might want to catch up to work with later. A beautiful Friday spring evening with Cherry Plums in full bloom, a slightly grassy smell after a charming rain, a deep-reflective Sunday evening Narcissus facing the floor. You can catch up yours in a bowl with water and leave it there for around 3 to 4 hours. Pour 50% of this water in a 30ml dropper bottle and fill the rest with an edible alcohol you want. Drink your essence everyday for about 2 weeks: 2 times per day, 7 drops per time! This method is extremely safe as we are not working with the active compounds of the plant itself, so it will affect our energetic/emotional bodies but it won’t affect your physical body directly but if you don’t know any safety information about the flower you want to work with, no worries: you can just put the bowl and the water very close to it in order to catch up the attitude and energy of the plant. Yes, we are working with the invisible so It is as effective as dropping the flower in it. Catch up atmospheres, drink petals turned into drops and enjoy the exploration of opening up to new forms of communication. Plants are magic, just like you. Let them guide you to parts of yourselves that aren’t yet visible to you…. and enjoy the experience.



An essence is usually described as the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something which determines its character. When we work with an essence, we work with the invisible; we work with a soul that whispers their nature to us through their form and expression. I like to think that each plant has its own personality, its own way of communicating with us, and its particular manners of experiencing their life on Earth as well. Some of them like to be surrounded by others, some might prefer to grow alone and to spark all their grace through one big flower, others just prefer to stay closer to the grass and soil whilst others try to climb as closer to the sky as they can. Some are blue, some are white, some are yellow, some are red. Some prefer more natural light and warmness whilst there are some courageous ones that bloom in the most freezing winters. Just like us, they express who they are by just being themselves. They all have different needs and attitudes, they receive the impact of the pass of time and seasons behaving in different manners, and they have different reactions to external and internal events. I like to think that plants express their essence through their way of being: their shapes, their colours, their personalities, their interaction with the world… and we can work with them by catching up this essence and receiving their information in our bodies. Once this happens, our perception of the world can be transformed.



When we work with flower essences we experience an exchange of information, It’s a relationship between ourselves and the most invisible aspects of the plant. As happens in any relationship, our experience is completely personal. How deep and nourished the exchange is depends on many factors, just as it’s not the same when we have certain exchanges with friends - when we ask a friend for help through a difficult situation, when we go with them to the park for a walk, when we go on a first date or when we are going to the shops the same as any day; I would say that the relationships we build with plants have the same potential. It’s not the same to take an essence when we are going through difficult times, or exciting moments, everyday routines, special occasions, or more and more. Something I can tell for sure is that whenever you work with an essence, you are also going to be working on levels that might not always be “visible”. You are working with the unknown: expect movements in your emotions, in your beliefs, in your dreams, in your desires, in your mood. Even your unconscious can send you clear signs about topics you might be trying to unlock in your life. How deep, intense and transforming your relationship with them is up to your level of presence and your intentions with them. They are powerful, but I don’t believe for a second in an extractivist and capitalist approach to them: “What will this essence make for me? What is this used for?” No. I don’t think that way about people, nor flower/plant essences. They don’t live your process for you. They don’t make things for you. They can support you, they can help you, they can teach you, they can make you feel different things, but that’s not their purpose.

Flower Essences are a relational art of alchemy, and as the experience of art is completely voluntary, you will have to be there for it to happen. Plant communication requieres us to open our senses and to be ready to “talk” in new languages. Water is the vessel we use for channelling. Water molecules can be shaped by environments, thoughts, emotions. It does not just carry the information of being itself a reminder of life, unconsciousness, cicles, natural forces, changes, movement and deepness, but it also lets its particular molecular information be affected depending on what forms are in contact with it - if you have never seen the work of Masaru Emoto on this topic, go for it!. We can use water as a vehicle for the information of the flower/plant we want to work with to make it possible to drink it. We catch up their energetic expressions by dropping the part of the plant we want to work with in water and paying attention to the environmental information we are choosing to crystallise in our essence. It’s not the same a flower that grew up in a cemetery and one that grew up in a forest or on your balcony. It’s not the same to catch it under the sunlight as opposed to under the influence of a crescent moonlight. It’s not the same to sing to them, to practice reiki to them, to whisper some intentions, and just being fully present in that moment without any bigger ritualistic expressions than that one. That powerful one. This is a very, very simple and powerful alchemical process that allows us to drink our petals’ information. Drink petals… una delicia.


Pay attention to the flowers that grow close to you. Why are they there? What do they share with you in your everyday life? Do you want to experience another type of relationship with them? Pay attention to particular atmospheres you might want to catch up to work with later. A beautiful Friday spring evening with Cherry Plums in full bloom, a slightly grassy smell after a charming rain, a deep-reflective Sunday evening Narcissus facing the floor. You can catch up yours in a bowl with water and leave it there for around 3 to 4 hours. Pour 50% of this water in a 30ml dropper bottle and fill the rest with an edible alcohol you want. Drink your essence everyday for about 2 weeks: 2 times per day, 7 drops per time! This method is extremely safe as we are not working with the active compounds of the plant itself, so it will affect our energetic/emotional bodies but it won’t affect your physical body directly but if you don’t know any safety information about the flower you want to work with, no worries: you can just put the bowl and the water very close to it in order to catch up the attitude and energy of the plant. Yes, we are working with the invisible so It is as effective as dropping the flower in it. Catch up atmospheres, drink petals turned into drops and enjoy the exploration of opening up to new forms of communication. Plants are magic, just like you. Let them guide you to parts of yourselves that aren’t yet visible to you…. and enjoy the experience.

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Bel Senlle is an artist, tarot reader and flower herbalist

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by Bel Senlle



An essence is usually described as the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something which determines its character. When we work with an essence, we work with the invisible; we work with a soul that whispers their nature to us through their form and expression. I like to think that each plant has its own personality, its own way of communicating with us, and its particular manners of experiencing their life on Earth as well. Some of them like to be surrounded by others, some might prefer to grow alone and to spark all their grace through one big flower, others just prefer to stay closer to the grass and soil whilst others try to climb as closer to the sky as they can. Some are blue, some are white, some are yellow, some are red. Some prefer more natural light and warmness whilst there are some courageous ones that bloom in the most freezing winters. Just like us, they express who they are by just being themselves. They all have different needs and attitudes, they receive the impact of the pass of time and seasons behaving in different manners, and they have different reactions to external and internal events. I like to think that plants express their essence through their way of being: their shapes, their colours, their personalities, their interaction with the world… and we can work with them by catching up this essence and receiving their information in our bodies. Once this happens, our perception of the world can be transformed.



When we work with flower essences we experience an exchange of information, It’s a relationship between ourselves and the most invisible aspects of the plant. As happens in any relationship, our experience is completely personal. How deep and nourished the exchange is depends on many factors, just as it’s not the same when we have certain exchanges with friends - when we ask a friend for help through a difficult situation, when we go with them to the park for a walk, when we go on a first date or when we are going to the shops the same as any day; I would say that the relationships we build with plants have the same potential. It’s not the same to take an essence when we are going through difficult times, or exciting moments, everyday routines, special occasions, or more and more. Something I can tell for sure is that whenever you work with an essence, you are also going to be working on levels that might not always be “visible”. You are working with the unknown: expect movements in your emotions, in your beliefs, in your dreams, in your desires, in your mood. Even your unconscious can send you clear signs about topics you might be trying to unlock in your life. How deep, intense and transforming your relationship with them is up to your level of presence and your intentions with them. They are powerful, but I don’t believe for a second in an extractivist and capitalist approach to them: “What will this essence make for me? What is this used for?” No. I don’t think that way about people, nor flower/plant essences. They don’t live your process for you. They don’t make things for you. They can support you, they can help you, they can teach you, they can make you feel different things, but that’s not their purpose.

Flower Essences are a relational art of alchemy, and as the experience of art is completely voluntary, you will have to be there for it to happen. Plant communication requieres us to open our senses and to be ready to “talk” in new languages. Water is the vessel we use for channelling. Water molecules can be shaped by environments, thoughts, emotions. It does not just carry the information of being itself a reminder of life, unconsciousness, cicles, natural forces, changes, movement and deepness, but it also lets its particular molecular information be affected depending on what forms are in contact with it - if you have never seen the work of Masaru Emoto on this topic, go for it!. We can use water as a vehicle for the information of the flower/plant we want to work with to make it possible to drink it. We catch up their energetic expressions by dropping the part of the plant we want to work with in water and paying attention to the environmental information we are choosing to crystallise in our essence. It’s not the same a flower that grew up in a cemetery and one that grew up in a forest or on your balcony. It’s not the same to catch it under the sunlight as opposed to under the influence of a crescent moonlight. It’s not the same to sing to them, to practice reiki to them, to whisper some intentions, and just being fully present in that moment without any bigger ritualistic expressions than that one. That powerful one. This is a very, very simple and powerful alchemical process that allows us to drink our petals’ information. Drink petals… una delicia.


Pay attention to the flowers that grow close to you. Why are they there? What do they share with you in your everyday life? Do you want to experience another type of relationship with them? Pay attention to particular atmospheres you might want to catch up to work with later. A beautiful Friday spring evening with Cherry Plums in full bloom, a slightly grassy smell after a charming rain, a deep-reflective Sunday evening Narcissus facing the floor. You can catch up yours in a bowl with water and leave it there for around 3 to 4 hours. Pour 50% of this water in a 30ml dropper bottle and fill the rest with an edible alcohol you want. Drink your essence everyday for about 2 weeks: 2 times per day, 7 drops per time! This method is extremely safe as we are not working with the active compounds of the plant itself, so it will affect our energetic/emotional bodies but it won’t affect your physical body directly but if you don’t know any safety information about the flower you want to work with, no worries: you can just put the bowl and the water very close to it in order to catch up the attitude and energy of the plant. Yes, we are working with the invisible so It is as effective as dropping the flower in it. Catch up atmospheres, drink petals turned into drops and enjoy the exploration of opening up to new forms of communication. Plants are magic, just like you. Let them guide you to parts of yourselves that aren’t yet visible to you…. and enjoy the experience.



An essence is usually described as the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something which determines its character. When we work with an essence, we work with the invisible; we work with a soul that whispers their nature to us through their form and expression. I like to think that each plant has its own personality, its own way of communicating with us, and its particular manners of experiencing their life on Earth as well. Some of them like to be surrounded by others, some might prefer to grow alone and to spark all their grace through one big flower, others just prefer to stay closer to the grass and soil whilst others try to climb as closer to the sky as they can. Some are blue, some are white, some are yellow, some are red. Some prefer more natural light and warmness whilst there are some courageous ones that bloom in the most freezing winters. Just like us, they express who they are by just being themselves. They all have different needs and attitudes, they receive the impact of the pass of time and seasons behaving in different manners, and they have different reactions to external and internal events. I like to think that plants express their essence through their way of being: their shapes, their colours, their personalities, their interaction with the world… and we can work with them by catching up this essence and receiving their information in our bodies. Once this happens, our perception of the world can be transformed.



When we work with flower essences we experience an exchange of information, It’s a relationship between ourselves and the most invisible aspects of the plant. As happens in any relationship, our experience is completely personal. How deep and nourished the exchange is depends on many factors, just as it’s not the same when we have certain exchanges with friends - when we ask a friend for help through a difficult situation, when we go with them to the park for a walk, when we go on a first date or when we are going to the shops the same as any day; I would say that the relationships we build with plants have the same potential. It’s not the same to take an essence when we are going through difficult times, or exciting moments, everyday routines, special occasions, or more and more. Something I can tell for sure is that whenever you work with an essence, you are also going to be working on levels that might not always be “visible”. You are working with the unknown: expect movements in your emotions, in your beliefs, in your dreams, in your desires, in your mood. Even your unconscious can send you clear signs about topics you might be trying to unlock in your life. How deep, intense and transforming your relationship with them is up to your level of presence and your intentions with them. They are powerful, but I don’t believe for a second in an extractivist and capitalist approach to them: “What will this essence make for me? What is this used for?” No. I don’t think that way about people, nor flower/plant essences. They don’t live your process for you. They don’t make things for you. They can support you, they can help you, they can teach you, they can make you feel different things, but that’s not their purpose.

Flower Essences are a relational art of alchemy, and as the experience of art is completely voluntary, you will have to be there for it to happen. Plant communication requieres us to open our senses and to be ready to “talk” in new languages. Water is the vessel we use for channelling. Water molecules can be shaped by environments, thoughts, emotions. It does not just carry the information of being itself a reminder of life, unconsciousness, cicles, natural forces, changes, movement and deepness, but it also lets its particular molecular information be affected depending on what forms are in contact with it - if you have never seen the work of Masaru Emoto on this topic, go for it!. We can use water as a vehicle for the information of the flower/plant we want to work with to make it possible to drink it. We catch up their energetic expressions by dropping the part of the plant we want to work with in water and paying attention to the environmental information we are choosing to crystallise in our essence. It’s not the same a flower that grew up in a cemetery and one that grew up in a forest or on your balcony. It’s not the same to catch it under the sunlight as opposed to under the influence of a crescent moonlight. It’s not the same to sing to them, to practice reiki to them, to whisper some intentions, and just being fully present in that moment without any bigger ritualistic expressions than that one. That powerful one. This is a very, very simple and powerful alchemical process that allows us to drink our petals’ information. Drink petals… una delicia.


Pay attention to the flowers that grow close to you. Why are they there? What do they share with you in your everyday life? Do you want to experience another type of relationship with them? Pay attention to particular atmospheres you might want to catch up to work with later. A beautiful Friday spring evening with Cherry Plums in full bloom, a slightly grassy smell after a charming rain, a deep-reflective Sunday evening Narcissus facing the floor. You can catch up yours in a bowl with water and leave it there for around 3 to 4 hours. Pour 50% of this water in a 30ml dropper bottle and fill the rest with an edible alcohol you want. Drink your essence everyday for about 2 weeks: 2 times per day, 7 drops per time! This method is extremely safe as we are not working with the active compounds of the plant itself, so it will affect our energetic/emotional bodies but it won’t affect your physical body directly but if you don’t know any safety information about the flower you want to work with, no worries: you can just put the bowl and the water very close to it in order to catch up the attitude and energy of the plant. Yes, we are working with the invisible so It is as effective as dropping the flower in it. Catch up atmospheres, drink petals turned into drops and enjoy the exploration of opening up to new forms of communication. Plants are magic, just like you. Let them guide you to parts of yourselves that aren’t yet visible to you…. and enjoy the experience.

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Bel Senlle is an artist, tarot reader and flower herbalist

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by Bel Senlle



An essence is usually described as the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something which determines its character. When we work with an essence, we work with the invisible; we work with a soul that whispers their nature to us through their form and expression. I like to think that each plant has its own personality, its own way of communicating with us, and its particular manners of experiencing their life on Earth as well. Some of them like to be surrounded by others, some might prefer to grow alone and to spark all their grace through one big flower, others just prefer to stay closer to the grass and soil whilst others try to climb as closer to the sky as they can. Some are blue, some are white, some are yellow, some are red. Some prefer more natural light and warmness whilst there are some courageous ones that bloom in the most freezing winters. Just like us, they express who they are by just being themselves. They all have different needs and attitudes, they receive the impact of the pass of time and seasons behaving in different manners, and they have different reactions to external and internal events. I like to think that plants express their essence through their way of being: their shapes, their colours, their personalities, their interaction with the world… and we can work with them by catching up this essence and receiving their information in our bodies. Once this happens, our perception of the world can be transformed.



When we work with flower essences we experience an exchange of information, It’s a relationship between ourselves and the most invisible aspects of the plant. As happens in any relationship, our experience is completely personal. How deep and nourished the exchange is depends on many factors, just as it’s not the same when we have certain exchanges with friends - when we ask a friend for help through a difficult situation, when we go with them to the park for a walk, when we go on a first date or when we are going to the shops the same as any day; I would say that the relationships we build with plants have the same potential. It’s not the same to take an essence when we are going through difficult times, or exciting moments, everyday routines, special occasions, or more and more. Something I can tell for sure is that whenever you work with an essence, you are also going to be working on levels that might not always be “visible”. You are working with the unknown: expect movements in your emotions, in your beliefs, in your dreams, in your desires, in your mood. Even your unconscious can send you clear signs about topics you might be trying to unlock in your life. How deep, intense and transforming your relationship with them is up to your level of presence and your intentions with them. They are powerful, but I don’t believe for a second in an extractivist and capitalist approach to them: “What will this essence make for me? What is this used for?” No. I don’t think that way about people, nor flower/plant essences. They don’t live your process for you. They don’t make things for you. They can support you, they can help you, they can teach you, they can make you feel different things, but that’s not their purpose.

Flower Essences are a relational art of alchemy, and as the experience of art is completely voluntary, you will have to be there for it to happen. Plant communication requieres us to open our senses and to be ready to “talk” in new languages. Water is the vessel we use for channelling. Water molecules can be shaped by environments, thoughts, emotions. It does not just carry the information of being itself a reminder of life, unconsciousness, cicles, natural forces, changes, movement and deepness, but it also lets its particular molecular information be affected depending on what forms are in contact with it - if you have never seen the work of Masaru Emoto on this topic, go for it!. We can use water as a vehicle for the information of the flower/plant we want to work with to make it possible to drink it. We catch up their energetic expressions by dropping the part of the plant we want to work with in water and paying attention to the environmental information we are choosing to crystallise in our essence. It’s not the same a flower that grew up in a cemetery and one that grew up in a forest or on your balcony. It’s not the same to catch it under the sunlight as opposed to under the influence of a crescent moonlight. It’s not the same to sing to them, to practice reiki to them, to whisper some intentions, and just being fully present in that moment without any bigger ritualistic expressions than that one. That powerful one. This is a very, very simple and powerful alchemical process that allows us to drink our petals’ information. Drink petals… una delicia.


Pay attention to the flowers that grow close to you. Why are they there? What do they share with you in your everyday life? Do you want to experience another type of relationship with them? Pay attention to particular atmospheres you might want to catch up to work with later. A beautiful Friday spring evening with Cherry Plums in full bloom, a slightly grassy smell after a charming rain, a deep-reflective Sunday evening Narcissus facing the floor. You can catch up yours in a bowl with water and leave it there for around 3 to 4 hours. Pour 50% of this water in a 30ml dropper bottle and fill the rest with an edible alcohol you want. Drink your essence everyday for about 2 weeks: 2 times per day, 7 drops per time! This method is extremely safe as we are not working with the active compounds of the plant itself, so it will affect our energetic/emotional bodies but it won’t affect your physical body directly but if you don’t know any safety information about the flower you want to work with, no worries: you can just put the bowl and the water very close to it in order to catch up the attitude and energy of the plant. Yes, we are working with the invisible so It is as effective as dropping the flower in it. Catch up atmospheres, drink petals turned into drops and enjoy the exploration of opening up to new forms of communication. Plants are magic, just like you. Let them guide you to parts of yourselves that aren’t yet visible to you…. and enjoy the experience.



An essence is usually described as the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something which determines its character. When we work with an essence, we work with the invisible; we work with a soul that whispers their nature to us through their form and expression. I like to think that each plant has its own personality, its own way of communicating with us, and its particular manners of experiencing their life on Earth as well. Some of them like to be surrounded by others, some might prefer to grow alone and to spark all their grace through one big flower, others just prefer to stay closer to the grass and soil whilst others try to climb as closer to the sky as they can. Some are blue, some are white, some are yellow, some are red. Some prefer more natural light and warmness whilst there are some courageous ones that bloom in the most freezing winters. Just like us, they express who they are by just being themselves. They all have different needs and attitudes, they receive the impact of the pass of time and seasons behaving in different manners, and they have different reactions to external and internal events. I like to think that plants express their essence through their way of being: their shapes, their colours, their personalities, their interaction with the world… and we can work with them by catching up this essence and receiving their information in our bodies. Once this happens, our perception of the world can be transformed.



When we work with flower essences we experience an exchange of information, It’s a relationship between ourselves and the most invisible aspects of the plant. As happens in any relationship, our experience is completely personal. How deep and nourished the exchange is depends on many factors, just as it’s not the same when we have certain exchanges with friends - when we ask a friend for help through a difficult situation, when we go with them to the park for a walk, when we go on a first date or when we are going to the shops the same as any day; I would say that the relationships we build with plants have the same potential. It’s not the same to take an essence when we are going through difficult times, or exciting moments, everyday routines, special occasions, or more and more. Something I can tell for sure is that whenever you work with an essence, you are also going to be working on levels that might not always be “visible”. You are working with the unknown: expect movements in your emotions, in your beliefs, in your dreams, in your desires, in your mood. Even your unconscious can send you clear signs about topics you might be trying to unlock in your life. How deep, intense and transforming your relationship with them is up to your level of presence and your intentions with them. They are powerful, but I don’t believe for a second in an extractivist and capitalist approach to them: “What will this essence make for me? What is this used for?” No. I don’t think that way about people, nor flower/plant essences. They don’t live your process for you. They don’t make things for you. They can support you, they can help you, they can teach you, they can make you feel different things, but that’s not their purpose.

Flower Essences are a relational art of alchemy, and as the experience of art is completely voluntary, you will have to be there for it to happen. Plant communication requieres us to open our senses and to be ready to “talk” in new languages. Water is the vessel we use for channelling. Water molecules can be shaped by environments, thoughts, emotions. It does not just carry the information of being itself a reminder of life, unconsciousness, cicles, natural forces, changes, movement and deepness, but it also lets its particular molecular information be affected depending on what forms are in contact with it - if you have never seen the work of Masaru Emoto on this topic, go for it!. We can use water as a vehicle for the information of the flower/plant we want to work with to make it possible to drink it. We catch up their energetic expressions by dropping the part of the plant we want to work with in water and paying attention to the environmental information we are choosing to crystallise in our essence. It’s not the same a flower that grew up in a cemetery and one that grew up in a forest or on your balcony. It’s not the same to catch it under the sunlight as opposed to under the influence of a crescent moonlight. It’s not the same to sing to them, to practice reiki to them, to whisper some intentions, and just being fully present in that moment without any bigger ritualistic expressions than that one. That powerful one. This is a very, very simple and powerful alchemical process that allows us to drink our petals’ information. Drink petals… una delicia.


Pay attention to the flowers that grow close to you. Why are they there? What do they share with you in your everyday life? Do you want to experience another type of relationship with them? Pay attention to particular atmospheres you might want to catch up to work with later. A beautiful Friday spring evening with Cherry Plums in full bloom, a slightly grassy smell after a charming rain, a deep-reflective Sunday evening Narcissus facing the floor. You can catch up yours in a bowl with water and leave it there for around 3 to 4 hours. Pour 50% of this water in a 30ml dropper bottle and fill the rest with an edible alcohol you want. Drink your essence everyday for about 2 weeks: 2 times per day, 7 drops per time! This method is extremely safe as we are not working with the active compounds of the plant itself, so it will affect our energetic/emotional bodies but it won’t affect your physical body directly but if you don’t know any safety information about the flower you want to work with, no worries: you can just put the bowl and the water very close to it in order to catch up the attitude and energy of the plant. Yes, we are working with the invisible so It is as effective as dropping the flower in it. Catch up atmospheres, drink petals turned into drops and enjoy the exploration of opening up to new forms of communication. Plants are magic, just like you. Let them guide you to parts of yourselves that aren’t yet visible to you…. and enjoy the experience.

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Bel Senlle is an artist, tarot reader and flower herbalist

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