by Chloe Isidora

There are many layers to connecting into the consciousness of the womb space, which can be visualised as ever unfolding spirals. The womb space is a creative portal, a vessel for divine light. The womb space holds our deepest ancient wisdom and is connected to the primordial. If we choose to listen and receive the guidance of our womb, she will become our most treasured teacher.

Wombs are receptive and often hold layers of collective wounds and traumas. Trauma could be from dishonouring the womb, shame, guilt, disconnect from the body, disowning the feminine, suppressed emotions, sexual abuse, baby loss and the absence of a womb. Trauma can also passed down through generations, from mother, grandmother, great grandmother and so on, holding the collective wounds of ancestors. We want to release ancestral trauma and heal so we don’t pass down to the next generation.

There is often another layer of trauma that is connected to the collective consciousness feminine wound through oppression from the patriarchy. As we go even deeper there is a collective earth wound that comes from our belief that we separate from the earth and separate from source. No matter what gender everyone can connect to the womb as every single human has been born from the womb of Gaia.

As we awaken and consciously connect with our wombs these layers can come up - they might present as physical sensations, emotions or a 'knowing'. When these layers are given space to be released the wisdom of our wombs begin to commune with us. When our wombs awaken, our inner knowing strengthens, creativity and joy flourishes, our true wild, sensual feminine essence is activated and we come into our full power. As we honour our wombs we remember our sacredness and awaken to the sacredness of all life. Remembering and knowing on a cellular level that we are one with the womb of the earth and the cosmic womb of the universe. A powerful time to connect with the womb if you are a menstruating woman is during your bleed time. This requires slowing down, dropping your attention into your womb to allow her to commune with you. This might manifest as feelings, colours, sensations, knowing’s. Each time will be different.


Here is one of my experiences.

I’m bleeding, resting in bed. I’m in and out of consciousness between the waking and dream worlds. My womb begins to pulsate and I’m brought back into my body She is commanding my attention.

I breath with her allowing the pulsing to take over me, she aches.I drop deeper and deeper and deeper into my body. And then I am transported.

The portal of my womb flies open I’m standing looking out at vast inky blue sky, I can feel the air blowing around me. Water kisses the sky, the dark blue black rippling gently. These waters are the womb waters of earth. I submerge, breathing with the water, or rather, she is breathing me. My body becomes water there are no boundaries between me and her, we are moving together as one. I rest swaying with her. But not for long. Soon I feel a pulling as I’m being taken down, all the way down. I’m travelling through the soil of the earth and I feel like a seed travelling down and down, and down. Finally I reach a stand still. It’s dark, I can sense other seeds around me, I want to stay here and rest. But within seconds, I feel myself pulled upwards. I’m growing up and up and I wonder if I will grow into the most magnificent flower but as I near the surface I realise I have become some kind of fungus. My body then stretches and I feel that I am part of the mycelium network, and just like the water I now feel how I’m connected to everything, pulsing as one organism.


Chloe Isidora is a practitioner working with Divine Feminine Empowerment and sacred womb rites.

There are many layers to connecting into the consciousness of the womb space, which can be visualised as ever unfolding spirals. The womb space is a creative portal, a vessel for divine light. The womb space holds our deepest ancient wisdom and is connected to the primordial. If we choose to listen and receive the guidance of our womb, she will become our most treasured teacher.

Wombs are receptive and often hold layers of collective wounds and traumas. Trauma could be from dishonouring the womb, shame, guilt, disconnect from the body, disowning the feminine, suppressed emotions, sexual abuse, baby loss and the absence of a womb. Trauma can also passed down through generations, from mother, grandmother, great grandmother and so on, holding the collective wounds of ancestors. We want to release ancestral trauma and heal so we don’t pass down to the next generation.

There is often another layer of trauma that is connected to the collective consciousness feminine wound through oppression from the patriarchy. As we go even deeper there is a collective earth wound that comes from our belief that we separate from the earth and separate from source. No matter what gender everyone can connect to the womb as every single human has been born from the womb of Gaia.

As we awaken and consciously connect with our wombs these layers can come up - they might present as physical sensations, emotions or a 'knowing'. When these layers are given space to be released the wisdom of our wombs begin to commune with us. When our wombs awaken, our inner knowing strengthens, creativity and joy flourishes, our true wild, sensual feminine essence is activated and we come into our full power. As we honour our wombs we remember our sacredness and awaken to the sacredness of all life. Remembering and knowing on a cellular level that we are one with the womb of the earth and the cosmic womb of the universe. A powerful time to connect with the womb if you are a menstruating woman is during your bleed time. This requires slowing down, dropping your attention into your womb to allow her to commune with you. This might manifest as feelings, colours, sensations, knowing’s. Each time will be different.


Here is one of my experiences.

I’m bleeding, resting in bed. I’m in and out of consciousness between the waking and dream worlds. My womb begins to pulsate and I’m brought back into my body She is commanding my attention.

I breath with her allowing the pulsing to take over me, she aches.I drop deeper and deeper and deeper into my body. And then I am transported.

The portal of my womb flies open I’m standing looking out at vast inky blue sky, I can feel the air blowing around me. Water kisses the sky, the dark blue black rippling gently. These waters are the womb waters of earth. I submerge, breathing with the water, or rather, she is breathing me. My body becomes water there are no boundaries between me and her, we are moving together as one. I rest swaying with her. But not for long. Soon I feel a pulling as I’m being taken down, all the way down. I’m travelling through the soil of the earth and I feel like a seed travelling down and down, and down. Finally I reach a stand still. It’s dark, I can sense other seeds around me, I want to stay here and rest. But within seconds, I feel myself pulled upwards. I’m growing up and up and I wonder if I will grow into the most magnificent flower but as I near the surface I realise I have become some kind of fungus. My body then stretches and I feel that I am part of the mycelium network, and just like the water I now feel how I’m connected to everything, pulsing as one organism.


Chloe Isidora is a practitioner working with Divine Feminine Empowerment and sacred womb rites.

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by Chloe Isidora

There are many layers to connecting into the consciousness of the womb space, which can be visualised as ever unfolding spirals. The womb space is a creative portal, a vessel for divine light. The womb space holds our deepest ancient wisdom and is connected to the primordial. If we choose to listen and receive the guidance of our womb, she will become our most treasured teacher.

Wombs are receptive and often hold layers of collective wounds and traumas. Trauma could be from dishonouring the womb, shame, guilt, disconnect from the body, disowning the feminine, suppressed emotions, sexual abuse, baby loss and the absence of a womb. Trauma can also passed down through generations, from mother, grandmother, great grandmother and so on, holding the collective wounds of ancestors. We want to release ancestral trauma and heal so we don’t pass down to the next generation.

There is often another layer of trauma that is connected to the collective consciousness feminine wound through oppression from the patriarchy. As we go even deeper there is a collective earth wound that comes from our belief that we separate from the earth and separate from source. No matter what gender everyone can connect to the womb as every single human has been born from the womb of Gaia.

As we awaken and consciously connect with our wombs these layers can come up - they might present as physical sensations, emotions or a 'knowing'. When these layers are given space to be released the wisdom of our wombs begin to commune with us. When our wombs awaken, our inner knowing strengthens, creativity and joy flourishes, our true wild, sensual feminine essence is activated and we come into our full power. As we honour our wombs we remember our sacredness and awaken to the sacredness of all life. Remembering and knowing on a cellular level that we are one with the womb of the earth and the cosmic womb of the universe. A powerful time to connect with the womb if you are a menstruating woman is during your bleed time. This requires slowing down, dropping your attention into your womb to allow her to commune with you. This might manifest as feelings, colours, sensations, knowing’s. Each time will be different.


Here is one of my experiences.

I’m bleeding, resting in bed. I’m in and out of consciousness between the waking and dream worlds. My womb begins to pulsate and I’m brought back into my body She is commanding my attention.

I breath with her allowing the pulsing to take over me, she aches.I drop deeper and deeper and deeper into my body. And then I am transported.

The portal of my womb flies open I’m standing looking out at vast inky blue sky, I can feel the air blowing around me. Water kisses the sky, the dark blue black rippling gently. These waters are the womb waters of earth. I submerge, breathing with the water, or rather, she is breathing me. My body becomes water there are no boundaries between me and her, we are moving together as one. I rest swaying with her. But not for long. Soon I feel a pulling as I’m being taken down, all the way down. I’m travelling through the soil of the earth and I feel like a seed travelling down and down, and down. Finally I reach a stand still. It’s dark, I can sense other seeds around me, I want to stay here and rest. But within seconds, I feel myself pulled upwards. I’m growing up and up and I wonder if I will grow into the most magnificent flower but as I near the surface I realise I have become some kind of fungus. My body then stretches and I feel that I am part of the mycelium network, and just like the water I now feel how I’m connected to everything, pulsing as one organism.


Chloe Isidora is a practitioner working with Divine Feminine Empowerment and sacred womb rites.

There are many layers to connecting into the consciousness of the womb space, which can be visualised as ever unfolding spirals. The womb space is a creative portal, a vessel for divine light. The womb space holds our deepest ancient wisdom and is connected to the primordial. If we choose to listen and receive the guidance of our womb, she will become our most treasured teacher.

Wombs are receptive and often hold layers of collective wounds and traumas. Trauma could be from dishonouring the womb, shame, guilt, disconnect from the body, disowning the feminine, suppressed emotions, sexual abuse, baby loss and the absence of a womb. Trauma can also passed down through generations, from mother, grandmother, great grandmother and so on, holding the collective wounds of ancestors. We want to release ancestral trauma and heal so we don’t pass down to the next generation.

There is often another layer of trauma that is connected to the collective consciousness feminine wound through oppression from the patriarchy. As we go even deeper there is a collective earth wound that comes from our belief that we separate from the earth and separate from source. No matter what gender everyone can connect to the womb as every single human has been born from the womb of Gaia.

As we awaken and consciously connect with our wombs these layers can come up - they might present as physical sensations, emotions or a 'knowing'. When these layers are given space to be released the wisdom of our wombs begin to commune with us. When our wombs awaken, our inner knowing strengthens, creativity and joy flourishes, our true wild, sensual feminine essence is activated and we come into our full power. As we honour our wombs we remember our sacredness and awaken to the sacredness of all life. Remembering and knowing on a cellular level that we are one with the womb of the earth and the cosmic womb of the universe. A powerful time to connect with the womb if you are a menstruating woman is during your bleed time. This requires slowing down, dropping your attention into your womb to allow her to commune with you. This might manifest as feelings, colours, sensations, knowing’s. Each time will be different.


Here is one of my experiences.

I’m bleeding, resting in bed. I’m in and out of consciousness between the waking and dream worlds. My womb begins to pulsate and I’m brought back into my body She is commanding my attention.

I breath with her allowing the pulsing to take over me, she aches.I drop deeper and deeper and deeper into my body. And then I am transported.

The portal of my womb flies open I’m standing looking out at vast inky blue sky, I can feel the air blowing around me. Water kisses the sky, the dark blue black rippling gently. These waters are the womb waters of earth. I submerge, breathing with the water, or rather, she is breathing me. My body becomes water there are no boundaries between me and her, we are moving together as one. I rest swaying with her. But not for long. Soon I feel a pulling as I’m being taken down, all the way down. I’m travelling through the soil of the earth and I feel like a seed travelling down and down, and down. Finally I reach a stand still. It’s dark, I can sense other seeds around me, I want to stay here and rest. But within seconds, I feel myself pulled upwards. I’m growing up and up and I wonder if I will grow into the most magnificent flower but as I near the surface I realise I have become some kind of fungus. My body then stretches and I feel that I am part of the mycelium network, and just like the water I now feel how I’m connected to everything, pulsing as one organism.


Chloe Isidora is a practitioner working with Divine Feminine Empowerment and sacred womb rites.

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by Chloe Isidora

There are many layers to connecting into the consciousness of the womb space, which can be visualised as ever unfolding spirals. The womb space is a creative portal, a vessel for divine light. The womb space holds our deepest ancient wisdom and is connected to the primordial. If we choose to listen and receive the guidance of our womb, she will become our most treasured teacher.

Wombs are receptive and often hold layers of collective wounds and traumas. Trauma could be from dishonouring the womb, shame, guilt, disconnect from the body, disowning the feminine, suppressed emotions, sexual abuse, baby loss and the absence of a womb. Trauma can also passed down through generations, from mother, grandmother, great grandmother and so on, holding the collective wounds of ancestors. We want to release ancestral trauma and heal so we don’t pass down to the next generation.

There is often another layer of trauma that is connected to the collective consciousness feminine wound through oppression from the patriarchy. As we go even deeper there is a collective earth wound that comes from our belief that we separate from the earth and separate from source. No matter what gender everyone can connect to the womb as every single human has been born from the womb of Gaia.

As we awaken and consciously connect with our wombs these layers can come up - they might present as physical sensations, emotions or a 'knowing'. When these layers are given space to be released the wisdom of our wombs begin to commune with us. When our wombs awaken, our inner knowing strengthens, creativity and joy flourishes, our true wild, sensual feminine essence is activated and we come into our full power. As we honour our wombs we remember our sacredness and awaken to the sacredness of all life. Remembering and knowing on a cellular level that we are one with the womb of the earth and the cosmic womb of the universe. A powerful time to connect with the womb if you are a menstruating woman is during your bleed time. This requires slowing down, dropping your attention into your womb to allow her to commune with you. This might manifest as feelings, colours, sensations, knowing’s. Each time will be different.


Here is one of my experiences.

I’m bleeding, resting in bed. I’m in and out of consciousness between the waking and dream worlds. My womb begins to pulsate and I’m brought back into my body She is commanding my attention.

I breath with her allowing the pulsing to take over me, she aches.I drop deeper and deeper and deeper into my body. And then I am transported.

The portal of my womb flies open I’m standing looking out at vast inky blue sky, I can feel the air blowing around me. Water kisses the sky, the dark blue black rippling gently. These waters are the womb waters of earth. I submerge, breathing with the water, or rather, she is breathing me. My body becomes water there are no boundaries between me and her, we are moving together as one. I rest swaying with her. But not for long. Soon I feel a pulling as I’m being taken down, all the way down. I’m travelling through the soil of the earth and I feel like a seed travelling down and down, and down. Finally I reach a stand still. It’s dark, I can sense other seeds around me, I want to stay here and rest. But within seconds, I feel myself pulled upwards. I’m growing up and up and I wonder if I will grow into the most magnificent flower but as I near the surface I realise I have become some kind of fungus. My body then stretches and I feel that I am part of the mycelium network, and just like the water I now feel how I’m connected to everything, pulsing as one organism.


Chloe Isidora is a practitioner working with Divine Feminine Empowerment and sacred womb rites.

There are many layers to connecting into the consciousness of the womb space, which can be visualised as ever unfolding spirals. The womb space is a creative portal, a vessel for divine light. The womb space holds our deepest ancient wisdom and is connected to the primordial. If we choose to listen and receive the guidance of our womb, she will become our most treasured teacher.

Wombs are receptive and often hold layers of collective wounds and traumas. Trauma could be from dishonouring the womb, shame, guilt, disconnect from the body, disowning the feminine, suppressed emotions, sexual abuse, baby loss and the absence of a womb. Trauma can also passed down through generations, from mother, grandmother, great grandmother and so on, holding the collective wounds of ancestors. We want to release ancestral trauma and heal so we don’t pass down to the next generation.

There is often another layer of trauma that is connected to the collective consciousness feminine wound through oppression from the patriarchy. As we go even deeper there is a collective earth wound that comes from our belief that we separate from the earth and separate from source. No matter what gender everyone can connect to the womb as every single human has been born from the womb of Gaia.

As we awaken and consciously connect with our wombs these layers can come up - they might present as physical sensations, emotions or a 'knowing'. When these layers are given space to be released the wisdom of our wombs begin to commune with us. When our wombs awaken, our inner knowing strengthens, creativity and joy flourishes, our true wild, sensual feminine essence is activated and we come into our full power. As we honour our wombs we remember our sacredness and awaken to the sacredness of all life. Remembering and knowing on a cellular level that we are one with the womb of the earth and the cosmic womb of the universe. A powerful time to connect with the womb if you are a menstruating woman is during your bleed time. This requires slowing down, dropping your attention into your womb to allow her to commune with you. This might manifest as feelings, colours, sensations, knowing’s. Each time will be different.


Here is one of my experiences.

I’m bleeding, resting in bed. I’m in and out of consciousness between the waking and dream worlds. My womb begins to pulsate and I’m brought back into my body She is commanding my attention.

I breath with her allowing the pulsing to take over me, she aches.I drop deeper and deeper and deeper into my body. And then I am transported.

The portal of my womb flies open I’m standing looking out at vast inky blue sky, I can feel the air blowing around me. Water kisses the sky, the dark blue black rippling gently. These waters are the womb waters of earth. I submerge, breathing with the water, or rather, she is breathing me. My body becomes water there are no boundaries between me and her, we are moving together as one. I rest swaying with her. But not for long. Soon I feel a pulling as I’m being taken down, all the way down. I’m travelling through the soil of the earth and I feel like a seed travelling down and down, and down. Finally I reach a stand still. It’s dark, I can sense other seeds around me, I want to stay here and rest. But within seconds, I feel myself pulled upwards. I’m growing up and up and I wonder if I will grow into the most magnificent flower but as I near the surface I realise I have become some kind of fungus. My body then stretches and I feel that I am part of the mycelium network, and just like the water I now feel how I’m connected to everything, pulsing as one organism.


Chloe Isidora is a practitioner working with Divine Feminine Empowerment and sacred womb rites.

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by Chloe Isidora

There are many layers to connecting into the consciousness of the womb space, which can be visualised as ever unfolding spirals. The womb space is a creative portal, a vessel for divine light. The womb space holds our deepest ancient wisdom and is connected to the primordial. If we choose to listen and receive the guidance of our womb, she will become our most treasured teacher.

Wombs are receptive and often hold layers of collective wounds and traumas. Trauma could be from dishonouring the womb, shame, guilt, disconnect from the body, disowning the feminine, suppressed emotions, sexual abuse, baby loss and the absence of a womb. Trauma can also passed down through generations, from mother, grandmother, great grandmother and so on, holding the collective wounds of ancestors. We want to release ancestral trauma and heal so we don’t pass down to the next generation.

There is often another layer of trauma that is connected to the collective consciousness feminine wound through oppression from the patriarchy. As we go even deeper there is a collective earth wound that comes from our belief that we separate from the earth and separate from source. No matter what gender everyone can connect to the womb as every single human has been born from the womb of Gaia.

As we awaken and consciously connect with our wombs these layers can come up - they might present as physical sensations, emotions or a 'knowing'. When these layers are given space to be released the wisdom of our wombs begin to commune with us. When our wombs awaken, our inner knowing strengthens, creativity and joy flourishes, our true wild, sensual feminine essence is activated and we come into our full power. As we honour our wombs we remember our sacredness and awaken to the sacredness of all life. Remembering and knowing on a cellular level that we are one with the womb of the earth and the cosmic womb of the universe. A powerful time to connect with the womb if you are a menstruating woman is during your bleed time. This requires slowing down, dropping your attention into your womb to allow her to commune with you. This might manifest as feelings, colours, sensations, knowing’s. Each time will be different.


Here is one of my experiences.

I’m bleeding, resting in bed. I’m in and out of consciousness between the waking and dream worlds. My womb begins to pulsate and I’m brought back into my body She is commanding my attention.

I breath with her allowing the pulsing to take over me, she aches.I drop deeper and deeper and deeper into my body. And then I am transported.

The portal of my womb flies open I’m standing looking out at vast inky blue sky, I can feel the air blowing around me. Water kisses the sky, the dark blue black rippling gently. These waters are the womb waters of earth. I submerge, breathing with the water, or rather, she is breathing me. My body becomes water there are no boundaries between me and her, we are moving together as one. I rest swaying with her. But not for long. Soon I feel a pulling as I’m being taken down, all the way down. I’m travelling through the soil of the earth and I feel like a seed travelling down and down, and down. Finally I reach a stand still. It’s dark, I can sense other seeds around me, I want to stay here and rest. But within seconds, I feel myself pulled upwards. I’m growing up and up and I wonder if I will grow into the most magnificent flower but as I near the surface I realise I have become some kind of fungus. My body then stretches and I feel that I am part of the mycelium network, and just like the water I now feel how I’m connected to everything, pulsing as one organism.


Chloe Isidora is a practitioner working with Divine Feminine Empowerment and sacred womb rites.

There are many layers to connecting into the consciousness of the womb space, which can be visualised as ever unfolding spirals. The womb space is a creative portal, a vessel for divine light. The womb space holds our deepest ancient wisdom and is connected to the primordial. If we choose to listen and receive the guidance of our womb, she will become our most treasured teacher.

Wombs are receptive and often hold layers of collective wounds and traumas. Trauma could be from dishonouring the womb, shame, guilt, disconnect from the body, disowning the feminine, suppressed emotions, sexual abuse, baby loss and the absence of a womb. Trauma can also passed down through generations, from mother, grandmother, great grandmother and so on, holding the collective wounds of ancestors. We want to release ancestral trauma and heal so we don’t pass down to the next generation.

There is often another layer of trauma that is connected to the collective consciousness feminine wound through oppression from the patriarchy. As we go even deeper there is a collective earth wound that comes from our belief that we separate from the earth and separate from source. No matter what gender everyone can connect to the womb as every single human has been born from the womb of Gaia.

As we awaken and consciously connect with our wombs these layers can come up - they might present as physical sensations, emotions or a 'knowing'. When these layers are given space to be released the wisdom of our wombs begin to commune with us. When our wombs awaken, our inner knowing strengthens, creativity and joy flourishes, our true wild, sensual feminine essence is activated and we come into our full power. As we honour our wombs we remember our sacredness and awaken to the sacredness of all life. Remembering and knowing on a cellular level that we are one with the womb of the earth and the cosmic womb of the universe. A powerful time to connect with the womb if you are a menstruating woman is during your bleed time. This requires slowing down, dropping your attention into your womb to allow her to commune with you. This might manifest as feelings, colours, sensations, knowing’s. Each time will be different.


Here is one of my experiences.

I’m bleeding, resting in bed. I’m in and out of consciousness between the waking and dream worlds. My womb begins to pulsate and I’m brought back into my body She is commanding my attention.

I breath with her allowing the pulsing to take over me, she aches.I drop deeper and deeper and deeper into my body. And then I am transported.

The portal of my womb flies open I’m standing looking out at vast inky blue sky, I can feel the air blowing around me. Water kisses the sky, the dark blue black rippling gently. These waters are the womb waters of earth. I submerge, breathing with the water, or rather, she is breathing me. My body becomes water there are no boundaries between me and her, we are moving together as one. I rest swaying with her. But not for long. Soon I feel a pulling as I’m being taken down, all the way down. I’m travelling through the soil of the earth and I feel like a seed travelling down and down, and down. Finally I reach a stand still. It’s dark, I can sense other seeds around me, I want to stay here and rest. But within seconds, I feel myself pulled upwards. I’m growing up and up and I wonder if I will grow into the most magnificent flower but as I near the surface I realise I have become some kind of fungus. My body then stretches and I feel that I am part of the mycelium network, and just like the water I now feel how I’m connected to everything, pulsing as one organism.


Chloe Isidora is a practitioner working with Divine Feminine Empowerment and sacred womb rites.

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