By Eryn Elliott

Pyromancy is the ancient art of divination by fire. The word pyromancy comes from the Greek word pyros, 'fire', and the word manteia, meaning 'divination'. Pyromancy has a long history alongside various forms of augury in tradition and spiritual practice. Fire has played a pivotal role in the evolution of humanity. It has been revered and studied as a source of spiritual knowledge since its first discovery by prehistoric peoples, long before the Greek’s first use of the term. In our modern world with our conveniences, it can be easy to forget the importance and power that fire offers. Or how Prometheus was so severely punished by the Gods for bringing fire to man. Fire crackles and hisses like a living spirit, grants life and survival in cold temperatures, brings death in its all-consuming nature and the regenerative power that lies therein, creates food and nourishment, and forges tools from raw metal. Therefore, it is little wonder we sought to utilise the sacred flame in its various forms as a divinatory tool to shed light on our individual and collective pathways. 

Find a comfortable position in a a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. You may like to do this meditation standing so your body is free to move. Or if you prefer, sitting in a chair. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent and soft. Straighten your back. Elongate the spine, tailbone slightly tucked under, shoulders relaxed. Head upright with your chin slightly tucked under. Imagine there is a string gently pulling your head up from your crown chakra.

As you position yourself, take a few deep breaths, come to centre, and feel yourself rooting into your legs and feet. Relax. Feel the weight of your body as it connects to the surface you are resting upon. Feel the weight of the earth beneath you. You are steady on firm earth. As you breathe deeply into your stomach, inhale as you feel it expanding like a ball inflating. Hold the breath for a few counts and slowly exhale as if you are deflating the ball. Repeat this three times.

Now that we are relaxing with our breath, let us continue to ground and come to centre. Take a moment to feel the contact with our Earth Mother, Gaia. Feel the connection with your energy centres — chakras — and the soles of your feet. Inhale for a count of four, pulling the golden light of healing and grounding energy from Mother Earth, upward into your body. Hold your breath for a count of four, while opening up your crown chakra. Like the thousand petal lotus unfolding. Exhale for a count of four, pulling the divine white light from above down through your body mixing with the golden light from Mother Earth. Let us repeat this three times. Now you are suspended between worlds. Feel the radiant light emanating from your body with each breath.

Allow yourself to return to your normal breathing. 

Be conscious of the electric spark within each nerve as pulses jump from synapse to synapse. Be aware of the combustion within each cell, as food burns to release energy. Let your own fire become one with candle flame, bonfire, hearth fire, lightning, solar fire, one with the bright spirit of the goddess of fire. Feel the power in connection.

As you think of fire, bring your awareness to your own inner flame. The sacred flame that dwells within. Connect to its presence. Think of the hues of flame as they spike into existence. 

Concentrate on everything to do with the sacred inner fire of your being. The heat, the texture, the sense, everything. Let your concentration break, and now, let all those senses out.

Explore what happens when you introduce the elements to this flame. Bring in air. Does it fan the fire, make it grow strong? Does the wind come in so strong, it almost burns it out? Earth. Sacred trees may be added to your fire fuel. If the flame is too great, you may place earth upon it to help control the flame. Water. You can add water to it to dampen your flame. Is your flame so strong that it can resist the water? 

With your sacred flame and your energy, rise up. Feel it go through all of your body, send it down one arm, the other to your palms at your fingertips, down your legs, to your feet. Send it in all directions. The six sacred directions north, south, east, west, as above, so below. In the centre is you. Send this flame united to all candles, the hearth fire, the bonfire. We are all connected — feel the connection, the power, your fire, and raise it. 

With your arms by your side and palms facing forward, slowly raise them over your head, feeling the energy and life force contained in the fire of your hands. As you bring your hands closer over your head, palms facing each other, feel the fire uniting as if you are holding the sun between your hands. As you pull this energy with your hands let it wash over your body, travelling down through your chakras. Let us repeat this three times, feeling the power pulsing through your being, gazing into the flames of your sacred fire for messages. 

Place your hands over your lower abdomen. Draw your sacred flame from the bottoms of your feet up through your entire body. Feel the rush as it moves upward. You are a volcano about to erupt. Once the fire reaches your crown chakra, let it explode out from the top of your head. Feel the power and force of the eruption. Pentacle of the flame. This high my fire, no higher, no hotter. Repeat with me: this high my fire, no higher, no hotter!

As the lava begins to pour down over your body, let it envelop you under its mantle. It begins to cool still with the flame burning beneath the cracking surface. Move your body in a dance with the moving lava. What messages lie underneath for you?

With your hands clasped, feel the energy of your fire contained within. After the volcanic eruption, lava running down, through the power of vitrification, open your hands. There in your palms lies a crystal. Just forged in your sacred fire. Note this crystal’s colour and texture when you gaze into it. Feel the energy contained within it. Place this in your sacral chakra, your hara, your lower dantian — the naval and just below it. Take this power with you as you go throughout your day.

Pyromancy is the ancient art of divination by fire. The word pyromancy comes from the Greek word pyros, 'fire', and the word manteia, meaning 'divination'. Pyromancy has a long history alongside various forms of augury in tradition and spiritual practice. Fire has played a pivotal role in the evolution of humanity. It has been revered and studied as a source of spiritual knowledge since its first discovery by prehistoric peoples, long before the Greek’s first use of the term. In our modern world with our conveniences, it can be easy to forget the importance and power that fire offers. Or how Prometheus was so severely punished by the Gods for bringing fire to man. Fire crackles and hisses like a living spirit, grants life and survival in cold temperatures, brings death in its all-consuming nature and the regenerative power that lies therein, creates food and nourishment, and forges tools from raw metal. Therefore, it is little wonder we sought to utilise the sacred flame in its various forms as a divinatory tool to shed light on our individual and collective pathways. 

Find a comfortable position in a a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. You may like to do this meditation standing so your body is free to move. Or if you prefer, sitting in a chair. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent and soft. Straighten your back. Elongate the spine, tailbone slightly tucked under, shoulders relaxed. Head upright with your chin slightly tucked under. Imagine there is a string gently pulling your head up from your crown chakra.

As you position yourself, take a few deep breaths, come to centre, and feel yourself rooting into your legs and feet. Relax. Feel the weight of your body as it connects to the surface you are resting upon. Feel the weight of the earth beneath you. You are steady on firm earth. As you breathe deeply into your stomach, inhale as you feel it expanding like a ball inflating. Hold the breath for a few counts and slowly exhale as if you are deflating the ball. Repeat this three times.

Now that we are relaxing with our breath, let us continue to ground and come to centre. Take a moment to feel the contact with our Earth Mother, Gaia. Feel the connection with your energy centres — chakras — and the soles of your feet. Inhale for a count of four, pulling the golden light of healing and grounding energy from Mother Earth, upward into your body. Hold your breath for a count of four, while opening up your crown chakra. Like the thousand petal lotus unfolding. Exhale for a count of four, pulling the divine white light from above down through your body mixing with the golden light from Mother Earth. Let us repeat this three times. Now you are suspended between worlds. Feel the radiant light emanating from your body with each breath.

Allow yourself to return to your normal breathing. 

Be conscious of the electric spark within each nerve as pulses jump from synapse to synapse. Be aware of the combustion within each cell, as food burns to release energy. Let your own fire become one with candle flame, bonfire, hearth fire, lightning, solar fire, one with the bright spirit of the goddess of fire. Feel the power in connection.

As you think of fire, bring your awareness to your own inner flame. The sacred flame that dwells within. Connect to its presence. Think of the hues of flame as they spike into existence. 

Concentrate on everything to do with the sacred inner fire of your being. The heat, the texture, the sense, everything. Let your concentration break, and now, let all those senses out.

Explore what happens when you introduce the elements to this flame. Bring in air. Does it fan the fire, make it grow strong? Does the wind come in so strong, it almost burns it out? Earth. Sacred trees may be added to your fire fuel. If the flame is too great, you may place earth upon it to help control the flame. Water. You can add water to it to dampen your flame. Is your flame so strong that it can resist the water? 

With your sacred flame and your energy, rise up. Feel it go through all of your body, send it down one arm, the other to your palms at your fingertips, down your legs, to your feet. Send it in all directions. The six sacred directions north, south, east, west, as above, so below. In the centre is you. Send this flame united to all candles, the hearth fire, the bonfire. We are all connected — feel the connection, the power, your fire, and raise it. 

With your arms by your side and palms facing forward, slowly raise them over your head, feeling the energy and life force contained in the fire of your hands. As you bring your hands closer over your head, palms facing each other, feel the fire uniting as if you are holding the sun between your hands. As you pull this energy with your hands let it wash over your body, travelling down through your chakras. Let us repeat this three times, feeling the power pulsing through your being, gazing into the flames of your sacred fire for messages. 

Place your hands over your lower abdomen. Draw your sacred flame from the bottoms of your feet up through your entire body. Feel the rush as it moves upward. You are a volcano about to erupt. Once the fire reaches your crown chakra, let it explode out from the top of your head. Feel the power and force of the eruption. Pentacle of the flame. This high my fire, no higher, no hotter. Repeat with me: this high my fire, no higher, no hotter!

As the lava begins to pour down over your body, let it envelop you under its mantle. It begins to cool still with the flame burning beneath the cracking surface. Move your body in a dance with the moving lava. What messages lie underneath for you?

With your hands clasped, feel the energy of your fire contained within. After the volcanic eruption, lava running down, through the power of vitrification, open your hands. There in your palms lies a crystal. Just forged in your sacred fire. Note this crystal’s colour and texture when you gaze into it. Feel the energy contained within it. Place this in your sacral chakra, your hara, your lower dantian — the naval and just below it. Take this power with you as you go throughout your day.

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By Eryn Elliott

Pyromancy is the ancient art of divination by fire. The word pyromancy comes from the Greek word pyros, 'fire', and the word manteia, meaning 'divination'. Pyromancy has a long history alongside various forms of augury in tradition and spiritual practice. Fire has played a pivotal role in the evolution of humanity. It has been revered and studied as a source of spiritual knowledge since its first discovery by prehistoric peoples, long before the Greek’s first use of the term. In our modern world with our conveniences, it can be easy to forget the importance and power that fire offers. Or how Prometheus was so severely punished by the Gods for bringing fire to man. Fire crackles and hisses like a living spirit, grants life and survival in cold temperatures, brings death in its all-consuming nature and the regenerative power that lies therein, creates food and nourishment, and forges tools from raw metal. Therefore, it is little wonder we sought to utilise the sacred flame in its various forms as a divinatory tool to shed light on our individual and collective pathways. 

Find a comfortable position in a a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. You may like to do this meditation standing so your body is free to move. Or if you prefer, sitting in a chair. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent and soft. Straighten your back. Elongate the spine, tailbone slightly tucked under, shoulders relaxed. Head upright with your chin slightly tucked under. Imagine there is a string gently pulling your head up from your crown chakra.

As you position yourself, take a few deep breaths, come to centre, and feel yourself rooting into your legs and feet. Relax. Feel the weight of your body as it connects to the surface you are resting upon. Feel the weight of the earth beneath you. You are steady on firm earth. As you breathe deeply into your stomach, inhale as you feel it expanding like a ball inflating. Hold the breath for a few counts and slowly exhale as if you are deflating the ball. Repeat this three times.

Now that we are relaxing with our breath, let us continue to ground and come to centre. Take a moment to feel the contact with our Earth Mother, Gaia. Feel the connection with your energy centres — chakras — and the soles of your feet. Inhale for a count of four, pulling the golden light of healing and grounding energy from Mother Earth, upward into your body. Hold your breath for a count of four, while opening up your crown chakra. Like the thousand petal lotus unfolding. Exhale for a count of four, pulling the divine white light from above down through your body mixing with the golden light from Mother Earth. Let us repeat this three times. Now you are suspended between worlds. Feel the radiant light emanating from your body with each breath.

Allow yourself to return to your normal breathing. 

Be conscious of the electric spark within each nerve as pulses jump from synapse to synapse. Be aware of the combustion within each cell, as food burns to release energy. Let your own fire become one with candle flame, bonfire, hearth fire, lightning, solar fire, one with the bright spirit of the goddess of fire. Feel the power in connection.

As you think of fire, bring your awareness to your own inner flame. The sacred flame that dwells within. Connect to its presence. Think of the hues of flame as they spike into existence. 

Concentrate on everything to do with the sacred inner fire of your being. The heat, the texture, the sense, everything. Let your concentration break, and now, let all those senses out.

Explore what happens when you introduce the elements to this flame. Bring in air. Does it fan the fire, make it grow strong? Does the wind come in so strong, it almost burns it out? Earth. Sacred trees may be added to your fire fuel. If the flame is too great, you may place earth upon it to help control the flame. Water. You can add water to it to dampen your flame. Is your flame so strong that it can resist the water? 

With your sacred flame and your energy, rise up. Feel it go through all of your body, send it down one arm, the other to your palms at your fingertips, down your legs, to your feet. Send it in all directions. The six sacred directions north, south, east, west, as above, so below. In the centre is you. Send this flame united to all candles, the hearth fire, the bonfire. We are all connected — feel the connection, the power, your fire, and raise it. 

With your arms by your side and palms facing forward, slowly raise them over your head, feeling the energy and life force contained in the fire of your hands. As you bring your hands closer over your head, palms facing each other, feel the fire uniting as if you are holding the sun between your hands. As you pull this energy with your hands let it wash over your body, travelling down through your chakras. Let us repeat this three times, feeling the power pulsing through your being, gazing into the flames of your sacred fire for messages. 

Place your hands over your lower abdomen. Draw your sacred flame from the bottoms of your feet up through your entire body. Feel the rush as it moves upward. You are a volcano about to erupt. Once the fire reaches your crown chakra, let it explode out from the top of your head. Feel the power and force of the eruption. Pentacle of the flame. This high my fire, no higher, no hotter. Repeat with me: this high my fire, no higher, no hotter!

As the lava begins to pour down over your body, let it envelop you under its mantle. It begins to cool still with the flame burning beneath the cracking surface. Move your body in a dance with the moving lava. What messages lie underneath for you?

With your hands clasped, feel the energy of your fire contained within. After the volcanic eruption, lava running down, through the power of vitrification, open your hands. There in your palms lies a crystal. Just forged in your sacred fire. Note this crystal’s colour and texture when you gaze into it. Feel the energy contained within it. Place this in your sacral chakra, your hara, your lower dantian — the naval and just below it. Take this power with you as you go throughout your day.

Pyromancy is the ancient art of divination by fire. The word pyromancy comes from the Greek word pyros, 'fire', and the word manteia, meaning 'divination'. Pyromancy has a long history alongside various forms of augury in tradition and spiritual practice. Fire has played a pivotal role in the evolution of humanity. It has been revered and studied as a source of spiritual knowledge since its first discovery by prehistoric peoples, long before the Greek’s first use of the term. In our modern world with our conveniences, it can be easy to forget the importance and power that fire offers. Or how Prometheus was so severely punished by the Gods for bringing fire to man. Fire crackles and hisses like a living spirit, grants life and survival in cold temperatures, brings death in its all-consuming nature and the regenerative power that lies therein, creates food and nourishment, and forges tools from raw metal. Therefore, it is little wonder we sought to utilise the sacred flame in its various forms as a divinatory tool to shed light on our individual and collective pathways. 

Find a comfortable position in a a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. You may like to do this meditation standing so your body is free to move. Or if you prefer, sitting in a chair. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent and soft. Straighten your back. Elongate the spine, tailbone slightly tucked under, shoulders relaxed. Head upright with your chin slightly tucked under. Imagine there is a string gently pulling your head up from your crown chakra.

As you position yourself, take a few deep breaths, come to centre, and feel yourself rooting into your legs and feet. Relax. Feel the weight of your body as it connects to the surface you are resting upon. Feel the weight of the earth beneath you. You are steady on firm earth. As you breathe deeply into your stomach, inhale as you feel it expanding like a ball inflating. Hold the breath for a few counts and slowly exhale as if you are deflating the ball. Repeat this three times.

Now that we are relaxing with our breath, let us continue to ground and come to centre. Take a moment to feel the contact with our Earth Mother, Gaia. Feel the connection with your energy centres — chakras — and the soles of your feet. Inhale for a count of four, pulling the golden light of healing and grounding energy from Mother Earth, upward into your body. Hold your breath for a count of four, while opening up your crown chakra. Like the thousand petal lotus unfolding. Exhale for a count of four, pulling the divine white light from above down through your body mixing with the golden light from Mother Earth. Let us repeat this three times. Now you are suspended between worlds. Feel the radiant light emanating from your body with each breath.

Allow yourself to return to your normal breathing. 

Be conscious of the electric spark within each nerve as pulses jump from synapse to synapse. Be aware of the combustion within each cell, as food burns to release energy. Let your own fire become one with candle flame, bonfire, hearth fire, lightning, solar fire, one with the bright spirit of the goddess of fire. Feel the power in connection.

As you think of fire, bring your awareness to your own inner flame. The sacred flame that dwells within. Connect to its presence. Think of the hues of flame as they spike into existence. 

Concentrate on everything to do with the sacred inner fire of your being. The heat, the texture, the sense, everything. Let your concentration break, and now, let all those senses out.

Explore what happens when you introduce the elements to this flame. Bring in air. Does it fan the fire, make it grow strong? Does the wind come in so strong, it almost burns it out? Earth. Sacred trees may be added to your fire fuel. If the flame is too great, you may place earth upon it to help control the flame. Water. You can add water to it to dampen your flame. Is your flame so strong that it can resist the water? 

With your sacred flame and your energy, rise up. Feel it go through all of your body, send it down one arm, the other to your palms at your fingertips, down your legs, to your feet. Send it in all directions. The six sacred directions north, south, east, west, as above, so below. In the centre is you. Send this flame united to all candles, the hearth fire, the bonfire. We are all connected — feel the connection, the power, your fire, and raise it. 

With your arms by your side and palms facing forward, slowly raise them over your head, feeling the energy and life force contained in the fire of your hands. As you bring your hands closer over your head, palms facing each other, feel the fire uniting as if you are holding the sun between your hands. As you pull this energy with your hands let it wash over your body, travelling down through your chakras. Let us repeat this three times, feeling the power pulsing through your being, gazing into the flames of your sacred fire for messages. 

Place your hands over your lower abdomen. Draw your sacred flame from the bottoms of your feet up through your entire body. Feel the rush as it moves upward. You are a volcano about to erupt. Once the fire reaches your crown chakra, let it explode out from the top of your head. Feel the power and force of the eruption. Pentacle of the flame. This high my fire, no higher, no hotter. Repeat with me: this high my fire, no higher, no hotter!

As the lava begins to pour down over your body, let it envelop you under its mantle. It begins to cool still with the flame burning beneath the cracking surface. Move your body in a dance with the moving lava. What messages lie underneath for you?

With your hands clasped, feel the energy of your fire contained within. After the volcanic eruption, lava running down, through the power of vitrification, open your hands. There in your palms lies a crystal. Just forged in your sacred fire. Note this crystal’s colour and texture when you gaze into it. Feel the energy contained within it. Place this in your sacral chakra, your hara, your lower dantian — the naval and just below it. Take this power with you as you go throughout your day.

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By Eryn Elliott

Pyromancy is the ancient art of divination by fire. The word pyromancy comes from the Greek word pyros, 'fire', and the word manteia, meaning 'divination'. Pyromancy has a long history alongside various forms of augury in tradition and spiritual practice. Fire has played a pivotal role in the evolution of humanity. It has been revered and studied as a source of spiritual knowledge since its first discovery by prehistoric peoples, long before the Greek’s first use of the term. In our modern world with our conveniences, it can be easy to forget the importance and power that fire offers. Or how Prometheus was so severely punished by the Gods for bringing fire to man. Fire crackles and hisses like a living spirit, grants life and survival in cold temperatures, brings death in its all-consuming nature and the regenerative power that lies therein, creates food and nourishment, and forges tools from raw metal. Therefore, it is little wonder we sought to utilise the sacred flame in its various forms as a divinatory tool to shed light on our individual and collective pathways. 

Find a comfortable position in a a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. You may like to do this meditation standing so your body is free to move. Or if you prefer, sitting in a chair. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent and soft. Straighten your back. Elongate the spine, tailbone slightly tucked under, shoulders relaxed. Head upright with your chin slightly tucked under. Imagine there is a string gently pulling your head up from your crown chakra.

As you position yourself, take a few deep breaths, come to centre, and feel yourself rooting into your legs and feet. Relax. Feel the weight of your body as it connects to the surface you are resting upon. Feel the weight of the earth beneath you. You are steady on firm earth. As you breathe deeply into your stomach, inhale as you feel it expanding like a ball inflating. Hold the breath for a few counts and slowly exhale as if you are deflating the ball. Repeat this three times.

Now that we are relaxing with our breath, let us continue to ground and come to centre. Take a moment to feel the contact with our Earth Mother, Gaia. Feel the connection with your energy centres — chakras — and the soles of your feet. Inhale for a count of four, pulling the golden light of healing and grounding energy from Mother Earth, upward into your body. Hold your breath for a count of four, while opening up your crown chakra. Like the thousand petal lotus unfolding. Exhale for a count of four, pulling the divine white light from above down through your body mixing with the golden light from Mother Earth. Let us repeat this three times. Now you are suspended between worlds. Feel the radiant light emanating from your body with each breath.

Allow yourself to return to your normal breathing. 

Be conscious of the electric spark within each nerve as pulses jump from synapse to synapse. Be aware of the combustion within each cell, as food burns to release energy. Let your own fire become one with candle flame, bonfire, hearth fire, lightning, solar fire, one with the bright spirit of the goddess of fire. Feel the power in connection.

As you think of fire, bring your awareness to your own inner flame. The sacred flame that dwells within. Connect to its presence. Think of the hues of flame as they spike into existence. 

Concentrate on everything to do with the sacred inner fire of your being. The heat, the texture, the sense, everything. Let your concentration break, and now, let all those senses out.

Explore what happens when you introduce the elements to this flame. Bring in air. Does it fan the fire, make it grow strong? Does the wind come in so strong, it almost burns it out? Earth. Sacred trees may be added to your fire fuel. If the flame is too great, you may place earth upon it to help control the flame. Water. You can add water to it to dampen your flame. Is your flame so strong that it can resist the water? 

With your sacred flame and your energy, rise up. Feel it go through all of your body, send it down one arm, the other to your palms at your fingertips, down your legs, to your feet. Send it in all directions. The six sacred directions north, south, east, west, as above, so below. In the centre is you. Send this flame united to all candles, the hearth fire, the bonfire. We are all connected — feel the connection, the power, your fire, and raise it. 

With your arms by your side and palms facing forward, slowly raise them over your head, feeling the energy and life force contained in the fire of your hands. As you bring your hands closer over your head, palms facing each other, feel the fire uniting as if you are holding the sun between your hands. As you pull this energy with your hands let it wash over your body, travelling down through your chakras. Let us repeat this three times, feeling the power pulsing through your being, gazing into the flames of your sacred fire for messages. 

Place your hands over your lower abdomen. Draw your sacred flame from the bottoms of your feet up through your entire body. Feel the rush as it moves upward. You are a volcano about to erupt. Once the fire reaches your crown chakra, let it explode out from the top of your head. Feel the power and force of the eruption. Pentacle of the flame. This high my fire, no higher, no hotter. Repeat with me: this high my fire, no higher, no hotter!

As the lava begins to pour down over your body, let it envelop you under its mantle. It begins to cool still with the flame burning beneath the cracking surface. Move your body in a dance with the moving lava. What messages lie underneath for you?

With your hands clasped, feel the energy of your fire contained within. After the volcanic eruption, lava running down, through the power of vitrification, open your hands. There in your palms lies a crystal. Just forged in your sacred fire. Note this crystal’s colour and texture when you gaze into it. Feel the energy contained within it. Place this in your sacral chakra, your hara, your lower dantian — the naval and just below it. Take this power with you as you go throughout your day.

Pyromancy is the ancient art of divination by fire. The word pyromancy comes from the Greek word pyros, 'fire', and the word manteia, meaning 'divination'. Pyromancy has a long history alongside various forms of augury in tradition and spiritual practice. Fire has played a pivotal role in the evolution of humanity. It has been revered and studied as a source of spiritual knowledge since its first discovery by prehistoric peoples, long before the Greek’s first use of the term. In our modern world with our conveniences, it can be easy to forget the importance and power that fire offers. Or how Prometheus was so severely punished by the Gods for bringing fire to man. Fire crackles and hisses like a living spirit, grants life and survival in cold temperatures, brings death in its all-consuming nature and the regenerative power that lies therein, creates food and nourishment, and forges tools from raw metal. Therefore, it is little wonder we sought to utilise the sacred flame in its various forms as a divinatory tool to shed light on our individual and collective pathways. 

Find a comfortable position in a a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. You may like to do this meditation standing so your body is free to move. Or if you prefer, sitting in a chair. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent and soft. Straighten your back. Elongate the spine, tailbone slightly tucked under, shoulders relaxed. Head upright with your chin slightly tucked under. Imagine there is a string gently pulling your head up from your crown chakra.

As you position yourself, take a few deep breaths, come to centre, and feel yourself rooting into your legs and feet. Relax. Feel the weight of your body as it connects to the surface you are resting upon. Feel the weight of the earth beneath you. You are steady on firm earth. As you breathe deeply into your stomach, inhale as you feel it expanding like a ball inflating. Hold the breath for a few counts and slowly exhale as if you are deflating the ball. Repeat this three times.

Now that we are relaxing with our breath, let us continue to ground and come to centre. Take a moment to feel the contact with our Earth Mother, Gaia. Feel the connection with your energy centres — chakras — and the soles of your feet. Inhale for a count of four, pulling the golden light of healing and grounding energy from Mother Earth, upward into your body. Hold your breath for a count of four, while opening up your crown chakra. Like the thousand petal lotus unfolding. Exhale for a count of four, pulling the divine white light from above down through your body mixing with the golden light from Mother Earth. Let us repeat this three times. Now you are suspended between worlds. Feel the radiant light emanating from your body with each breath.

Allow yourself to return to your normal breathing. 

Be conscious of the electric spark within each nerve as pulses jump from synapse to synapse. Be aware of the combustion within each cell, as food burns to release energy. Let your own fire become one with candle flame, bonfire, hearth fire, lightning, solar fire, one with the bright spirit of the goddess of fire. Feel the power in connection.

As you think of fire, bring your awareness to your own inner flame. The sacred flame that dwells within. Connect to its presence. Think of the hues of flame as they spike into existence. 

Concentrate on everything to do with the sacred inner fire of your being. The heat, the texture, the sense, everything. Let your concentration break, and now, let all those senses out.

Explore what happens when you introduce the elements to this flame. Bring in air. Does it fan the fire, make it grow strong? Does the wind come in so strong, it almost burns it out? Earth. Sacred trees may be added to your fire fuel. If the flame is too great, you may place earth upon it to help control the flame. Water. You can add water to it to dampen your flame. Is your flame so strong that it can resist the water? 

With your sacred flame and your energy, rise up. Feel it go through all of your body, send it down one arm, the other to your palms at your fingertips, down your legs, to your feet. Send it in all directions. The six sacred directions north, south, east, west, as above, so below. In the centre is you. Send this flame united to all candles, the hearth fire, the bonfire. We are all connected — feel the connection, the power, your fire, and raise it. 

With your arms by your side and palms facing forward, slowly raise them over your head, feeling the energy and life force contained in the fire of your hands. As you bring your hands closer over your head, palms facing each other, feel the fire uniting as if you are holding the sun between your hands. As you pull this energy with your hands let it wash over your body, travelling down through your chakras. Let us repeat this three times, feeling the power pulsing through your being, gazing into the flames of your sacred fire for messages. 

Place your hands over your lower abdomen. Draw your sacred flame from the bottoms of your feet up through your entire body. Feel the rush as it moves upward. You are a volcano about to erupt. Once the fire reaches your crown chakra, let it explode out from the top of your head. Feel the power and force of the eruption. Pentacle of the flame. This high my fire, no higher, no hotter. Repeat with me: this high my fire, no higher, no hotter!

As the lava begins to pour down over your body, let it envelop you under its mantle. It begins to cool still with the flame burning beneath the cracking surface. Move your body in a dance with the moving lava. What messages lie underneath for you?

With your hands clasped, feel the energy of your fire contained within. After the volcanic eruption, lava running down, through the power of vitrification, open your hands. There in your palms lies a crystal. Just forged in your sacred fire. Note this crystal’s colour and texture when you gaze into it. Feel the energy contained within it. Place this in your sacral chakra, your hara, your lower dantian — the naval and just below it. Take this power with you as you go throughout your day.

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By Eryn Elliott

Pyromancy is the ancient art of divination by fire. The word pyromancy comes from the Greek word pyros, 'fire', and the word manteia, meaning 'divination'. Pyromancy has a long history alongside various forms of augury in tradition and spiritual practice. Fire has played a pivotal role in the evolution of humanity. It has been revered and studied as a source of spiritual knowledge since its first discovery by prehistoric peoples, long before the Greek’s first use of the term. In our modern world with our conveniences, it can be easy to forget the importance and power that fire offers. Or how Prometheus was so severely punished by the Gods for bringing fire to man. Fire crackles and hisses like a living spirit, grants life and survival in cold temperatures, brings death in its all-consuming nature and the regenerative power that lies therein, creates food and nourishment, and forges tools from raw metal. Therefore, it is little wonder we sought to utilise the sacred flame in its various forms as a divinatory tool to shed light on our individual and collective pathways. 

Find a comfortable position in a a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. You may like to do this meditation standing so your body is free to move. Or if you prefer, sitting in a chair. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent and soft. Straighten your back. Elongate the spine, tailbone slightly tucked under, shoulders relaxed. Head upright with your chin slightly tucked under. Imagine there is a string gently pulling your head up from your crown chakra.

As you position yourself, take a few deep breaths, come to centre, and feel yourself rooting into your legs and feet. Relax. Feel the weight of your body as it connects to the surface you are resting upon. Feel the weight of the earth beneath you. You are steady on firm earth. As you breathe deeply into your stomach, inhale as you feel it expanding like a ball inflating. Hold the breath for a few counts and slowly exhale as if you are deflating the ball. Repeat this three times.

Now that we are relaxing with our breath, let us continue to ground and come to centre. Take a moment to feel the contact with our Earth Mother, Gaia. Feel the connection with your energy centres — chakras — and the soles of your feet. Inhale for a count of four, pulling the golden light of healing and grounding energy from Mother Earth, upward into your body. Hold your breath for a count of four, while opening up your crown chakra. Like the thousand petal lotus unfolding. Exhale for a count of four, pulling the divine white light from above down through your body mixing with the golden light from Mother Earth. Let us repeat this three times. Now you are suspended between worlds. Feel the radiant light emanating from your body with each breath.

Allow yourself to return to your normal breathing. 

Be conscious of the electric spark within each nerve as pulses jump from synapse to synapse. Be aware of the combustion within each cell, as food burns to release energy. Let your own fire become one with candle flame, bonfire, hearth fire, lightning, solar fire, one with the bright spirit of the goddess of fire. Feel the power in connection.

As you think of fire, bring your awareness to your own inner flame. The sacred flame that dwells within. Connect to its presence. Think of the hues of flame as they spike into existence. 

Concentrate on everything to do with the sacred inner fire of your being. The heat, the texture, the sense, everything. Let your concentration break, and now, let all those senses out.

Explore what happens when you introduce the elements to this flame. Bring in air. Does it fan the fire, make it grow strong? Does the wind come in so strong, it almost burns it out? Earth. Sacred trees may be added to your fire fuel. If the flame is too great, you may place earth upon it to help control the flame. Water. You can add water to it to dampen your flame. Is your flame so strong that it can resist the water? 

With your sacred flame and your energy, rise up. Feel it go through all of your body, send it down one arm, the other to your palms at your fingertips, down your legs, to your feet. Send it in all directions. The six sacred directions north, south, east, west, as above, so below. In the centre is you. Send this flame united to all candles, the hearth fire, the bonfire. We are all connected — feel the connection, the power, your fire, and raise it. 

With your arms by your side and palms facing forward, slowly raise them over your head, feeling the energy and life force contained in the fire of your hands. As you bring your hands closer over your head, palms facing each other, feel the fire uniting as if you are holding the sun between your hands. As you pull this energy with your hands let it wash over your body, travelling down through your chakras. Let us repeat this three times, feeling the power pulsing through your being, gazing into the flames of your sacred fire for messages. 

Place your hands over your lower abdomen. Draw your sacred flame from the bottoms of your feet up through your entire body. Feel the rush as it moves upward. You are a volcano about to erupt. Once the fire reaches your crown chakra, let it explode out from the top of your head. Feel the power and force of the eruption. Pentacle of the flame. This high my fire, no higher, no hotter. Repeat with me: this high my fire, no higher, no hotter!

As the lava begins to pour down over your body, let it envelop you under its mantle. It begins to cool still with the flame burning beneath the cracking surface. Move your body in a dance with the moving lava. What messages lie underneath for you?

With your hands clasped, feel the energy of your fire contained within. After the volcanic eruption, lava running down, through the power of vitrification, open your hands. There in your palms lies a crystal. Just forged in your sacred fire. Note this crystal’s colour and texture when you gaze into it. Feel the energy contained within it. Place this in your sacral chakra, your hara, your lower dantian — the naval and just below it. Take this power with you as you go throughout your day.

Pyromancy is the ancient art of divination by fire. The word pyromancy comes from the Greek word pyros, 'fire', and the word manteia, meaning 'divination'. Pyromancy has a long history alongside various forms of augury in tradition and spiritual practice. Fire has played a pivotal role in the evolution of humanity. It has been revered and studied as a source of spiritual knowledge since its first discovery by prehistoric peoples, long before the Greek’s first use of the term. In our modern world with our conveniences, it can be easy to forget the importance and power that fire offers. Or how Prometheus was so severely punished by the Gods for bringing fire to man. Fire crackles and hisses like a living spirit, grants life and survival in cold temperatures, brings death in its all-consuming nature and the regenerative power that lies therein, creates food and nourishment, and forges tools from raw metal. Therefore, it is little wonder we sought to utilise the sacred flame in its various forms as a divinatory tool to shed light on our individual and collective pathways. 

Find a comfortable position in a a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. You may like to do this meditation standing so your body is free to move. Or if you prefer, sitting in a chair. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent and soft. Straighten your back. Elongate the spine, tailbone slightly tucked under, shoulders relaxed. Head upright with your chin slightly tucked under. Imagine there is a string gently pulling your head up from your crown chakra.

As you position yourself, take a few deep breaths, come to centre, and feel yourself rooting into your legs and feet. Relax. Feel the weight of your body as it connects to the surface you are resting upon. Feel the weight of the earth beneath you. You are steady on firm earth. As you breathe deeply into your stomach, inhale as you feel it expanding like a ball inflating. Hold the breath for a few counts and slowly exhale as if you are deflating the ball. Repeat this three times.

Now that we are relaxing with our breath, let us continue to ground and come to centre. Take a moment to feel the contact with our Earth Mother, Gaia. Feel the connection with your energy centres — chakras — and the soles of your feet. Inhale for a count of four, pulling the golden light of healing and grounding energy from Mother Earth, upward into your body. Hold your breath for a count of four, while opening up your crown chakra. Like the thousand petal lotus unfolding. Exhale for a count of four, pulling the divine white light from above down through your body mixing with the golden light from Mother Earth. Let us repeat this three times. Now you are suspended between worlds. Feel the radiant light emanating from your body with each breath.

Allow yourself to return to your normal breathing. 

Be conscious of the electric spark within each nerve as pulses jump from synapse to synapse. Be aware of the combustion within each cell, as food burns to release energy. Let your own fire become one with candle flame, bonfire, hearth fire, lightning, solar fire, one with the bright spirit of the goddess of fire. Feel the power in connection.

As you think of fire, bring your awareness to your own inner flame. The sacred flame that dwells within. Connect to its presence. Think of the hues of flame as they spike into existence. 

Concentrate on everything to do with the sacred inner fire of your being. The heat, the texture, the sense, everything. Let your concentration break, and now, let all those senses out.

Explore what happens when you introduce the elements to this flame. Bring in air. Does it fan the fire, make it grow strong? Does the wind come in so strong, it almost burns it out? Earth. Sacred trees may be added to your fire fuel. If the flame is too great, you may place earth upon it to help control the flame. Water. You can add water to it to dampen your flame. Is your flame so strong that it can resist the water? 

With your sacred flame and your energy, rise up. Feel it go through all of your body, send it down one arm, the other to your palms at your fingertips, down your legs, to your feet. Send it in all directions. The six sacred directions north, south, east, west, as above, so below. In the centre is you. Send this flame united to all candles, the hearth fire, the bonfire. We are all connected — feel the connection, the power, your fire, and raise it. 

With your arms by your side and palms facing forward, slowly raise them over your head, feeling the energy and life force contained in the fire of your hands. As you bring your hands closer over your head, palms facing each other, feel the fire uniting as if you are holding the sun between your hands. As you pull this energy with your hands let it wash over your body, travelling down through your chakras. Let us repeat this three times, feeling the power pulsing through your being, gazing into the flames of your sacred fire for messages. 

Place your hands over your lower abdomen. Draw your sacred flame from the bottoms of your feet up through your entire body. Feel the rush as it moves upward. You are a volcano about to erupt. Once the fire reaches your crown chakra, let it explode out from the top of your head. Feel the power and force of the eruption. Pentacle of the flame. This high my fire, no higher, no hotter. Repeat with me: this high my fire, no higher, no hotter!

As the lava begins to pour down over your body, let it envelop you under its mantle. It begins to cool still with the flame burning beneath the cracking surface. Move your body in a dance with the moving lava. What messages lie underneath for you?

With your hands clasped, feel the energy of your fire contained within. After the volcanic eruption, lava running down, through the power of vitrification, open your hands. There in your palms lies a crystal. Just forged in your sacred fire. Note this crystal’s colour and texture when you gaze into it. Feel the energy contained within it. Place this in your sacral chakra, your hara, your lower dantian — the naval and just below it. Take this power with you as you go throughout your day.

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