In alchemical cosmology, the primordial creative void from which everything arises and passes into existence is known as Prima Materia - First Matter. It is the unity consciousness responsible for all of creation. In order to know itself, it separates into duality as Celestial Niter, from which the first volatile and dynamic elements of air and fire are born and then into Celestial Salt the fixed, receptive elements of water and earth are produced. The fifth element, known as aether or quintessence, Essentia Exaltata, is the invisible vital force that gives life and structure to the universe, an eternal light pulsing through all forms and beings. Aristotle described it as the Prime Mover of the Universe. 

The elements are qualities of matter and form as the building blocks of existence. These can be visualised as the Platonic solids, with each solid representing an element – fire (tetrahedron), earth (cube), water (icosahedron), air (octahedron), aether (dodecahedron) – which describes the ways in which light condenses into matter transforming from waves into particles. We see these states as plasma, gas, liquid and solid. Aether – also ‘ether’ – is the spirit, the life force and consciousness that pulls the other elements together and connects the physical and non-physical realms. In Greek mythology, αἰθήρ (aithḗr), was the pure essence that filled the heavens and the air that the gods breathed. This celestial essence is sound and light, a divine tone that might be perceived as the Celestial Monochord. It is the void, the vacuum, the pregnant space of everything and nothingness where all potential resides. It holds the universe together in its mysteries, and in this way we might consider it to be dark matter, or more accurately, dark gravity. It is all of the four known forces - gravity, electromagnetism, strong, weak and all the unknown (the Large Hadron Collider is already suggesting a fifth), combined. 

In esoteric cosmology, this complex and refined etheric matter of the heavens is known as astral light, passing through the astral plane into the physical realm as electromagnetic waves. It exists as the etheric body or subtle body, and is mirrored in the physical, cellular level as the biophotons that create beams of light forming phonons when they encounter each other. Phonons and photons create a quantum hologram of subtle communication throughout living cells. 

Dodecahedral grid system based on Crystal Earth Theory (1975) of Nikolai Goncharov, Vyacheslav Morozov and Valery Makarov. 

‘The real Earth, viewed from above, resembles a ball made of twelve pieces of leather, variegated and marked out in different colours.’ 

Plato (c.427–347 BC) 

Plato appears to be suggesting that the ‘real Earth’, meaning its energetic structure, is a dodecahedron (12-sided shape), with all of the solids nested within it.  It is clear from the positioning of many sacred sites that the ancients were aware of the body of the Earth as an organism, placing their temples on these power spots. Many of these sites link up, indicating that there was a worldwide exchange of knowledge. 

In alchemical preparations, the aether is known as the quintessence. Pure awareness traverses the four planes of reality through these elements as the fire of initiation and intuition; the air element of intellect and thought forms; the waters of our emotions and feelings; and the earthly sensations in physical form – the densest manifestation of consciousness. In Jungian psychology, this is reflected in the four basic functions or modes of operation of a person’s psyche: intuition, thinking, feeling, sensation. 

Symbolically, the planets are represented by a glyph that illustrates its energetic signature expressed through the lens of the Three Essentials. The Circle as Sulphur, the Crescent or half circle as Mercury and The Cross as Salt, the Body, and the intersection of all elements in physical matter. The astrological glyph for Mercury is all three combined. Here, we see the dance of Spirit and Soul as the astrological archetypes place the solar disk with the energies of the Spirit and the crescent with those of the Soul. The Earth is a circle with the cross of matter contained within it, representing the spiritualisation of matter. 

These symbols are contained within the Hermetic Seal of Light, an alchemical symbol that represents Quintessence and holds within it a hidden geometrical formula creating a golden rectangle and an octave. The square, circle, and triangle are the emblems of the material body, the soul, and the spirit, the three elements – essentials - believed to be necessary for alchemical transformation. These are Mercury, Salt, and Sulphur. Alchemical seals or symbols were used for elements and compounds, plants, metals and planets that were coded into formula. 

The goal of advanced alchemical practice is to release the quintessence of a plant, when this is done at its highest virtue this is known as the Primum Ens, a complex and adept process. From the interplay of the four elements and their metamorphosis from one into the other, all is evolved to express the fifth, quintessence, distilled. Aether is holographic in that it contains the whole and all parts within, all elements exist within aether. The elements transmute one into the other and again into their original parts and once again as all.

The primary methods applied in alchemical practice are digestion either through the breakdown and extraction of matter through putrefaction (fermentation) or maceration (dissolving in liquid), and circulation involving two joined curcubits that allow for the circulation of plant vapour and liquids up and out and back and into the plant matter. All of this is in preparation for distillation (separating volatile oils from plant waters) and sublimation (changing a substance from solid into gas). Once the gas, oils and liquids (mercury and sulphur) have been separated from the plant matter (salt), the latter is calcified to ashes and then all components recombined into a superior liquid of the plant quintessence. 

Seven eagles, relating to the seven rays, depict the seven repeated sublimations of the alchemical process, preceding the exaltation of the Quintessence. The self-wounding pelican may also represent the fifth element, the reddening that precedes the final perfection of aether. The phoenix rises from the flames as a symbol of the exaltation of aether. In the octave of creation described in the Emerald Tablet, the seven vibrations of consciousness, each create the first note of a new, higher octave, with aether here being the transitory eighth. 

Aether as a quantum field of potential, the unity consciousness where ideas and inspiration emerge from, as the necessary emptiness of creation, is the void that Arienne Rich called “the creatrix, the matrix” of art. Ideas do not originate from within our minds, they are plucked out of the aether, landing with their resonant partner at that moment in time, who may or may not action them. Aether enables magic, or what we perceive to be magic. It is the free energy of Tesla, the medium for interspecies communication through artificial intelligence, it is extraterrestrial and ancestral technologies that manipulate gravity and matter. It exists in and around us, yet it also occupies the fourth dimension and beyond, outside of time and space. It is all the things that we hold mysterious, all that is yet to be discovered. It is beyond the veil.

Visuals: Aether Alchemy image and animation by Andreas Brooks@brooksandreas

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In alchemical cosmology, the primordial creative void from which everything arises and passes into existence is known as Prima Materia - First Matter. It is the unity consciousness responsible for all of creation. In order to know itself, it separates into duality as Celestial Niter, from which the first volatile and dynamic elements of air and fire are born and then into Celestial Salt the fixed, receptive elements of water and earth are produced. The fifth element, known as aether or quintessence, Essentia Exaltata, is the invisible vital force that gives life and structure to the universe, an eternal light pulsing through all forms and beings. Aristotle described it as the Prime Mover of the Universe. 

The elements are qualities of matter and form as the building blocks of existence. These can be visualised as the Platonic solids, with each solid representing an element – fire (tetrahedron), earth (cube), water (icosahedron), air (octahedron), aether (dodecahedron) – which describes the ways in which light condenses into matter transforming from waves into particles. We see these states as plasma, gas, liquid and solid. Aether – also ‘ether’ – is the spirit, the life force and consciousness that pulls the other elements together and connects the physical and non-physical realms. In Greek mythology, αἰθήρ (aithḗr), was the pure essence that filled the heavens and the air that the gods breathed. This celestial essence is sound and light, a divine tone that might be perceived as the Celestial Monochord. It is the void, the vacuum, the pregnant space of everything and nothingness where all potential resides. It holds the universe together in its mysteries, and in this way we might consider it to be dark matter, or more accurately, dark gravity. It is all of the four known forces - gravity, electromagnetism, strong, weak and all the unknown (the Large Hadron Collider is already suggesting a fifth), combined. 

In esoteric cosmology, this complex and refined etheric matter of the heavens is known as astral light, passing through the astral plane into the physical realm as electromagnetic waves. It exists as the etheric body or subtle body, and is mirrored in the physical, cellular level as the biophotons that create beams of light forming phonons when they encounter each other. Phonons and photons create a quantum hologram of subtle communication throughout living cells. 

Dodecahedral grid system based on Crystal Earth Theory (1975) of Nikolai Goncharov, Vyacheslav Morozov and Valery Makarov. 

‘The real Earth, viewed from above, resembles a ball made of twelve pieces of leather, variegated and marked out in different colours.’ 

Plato (c.427–347 BC) 

Plato appears to be suggesting that the ‘real Earth’, meaning its energetic structure, is a dodecahedron (12-sided shape), with all of the solids nested within it.  It is clear from the positioning of many sacred sites that the ancients were aware of the body of the Earth as an organism, placing their temples on these power spots. Many of these sites link up, indicating that there was a worldwide exchange of knowledge. 

In alchemical preparations, the aether is known as the quintessence. Pure awareness traverses the four planes of reality through these elements as the fire of initiation and intuition; the air element of intellect and thought forms; the waters of our emotions and feelings; and the earthly sensations in physical form – the densest manifestation of consciousness. In Jungian psychology, this is reflected in the four basic functions or modes of operation of a person’s psyche: intuition, thinking, feeling, sensation. 

Symbolically, the planets are represented by a glyph that illustrates its energetic signature expressed through the lens of the Three Essentials. The Circle as Sulphur, the Crescent or half circle as Mercury and The Cross as Salt, the Body, and the intersection of all elements in physical matter. The astrological glyph for Mercury is all three combined. Here, we see the dance of Spirit and Soul as the astrological archetypes place the solar disk with the energies of the Spirit and the crescent with those of the Soul. The Earth is a circle with the cross of matter contained within it, representing the spiritualisation of matter. 

These symbols are contained within the Hermetic Seal of Light, an alchemical symbol that represents Quintessence and holds within it a hidden geometrical formula creating a golden rectangle and an octave. The square, circle, and triangle are the emblems of the material body, the soul, and the spirit, the three elements – essentials - believed to be necessary for alchemical transformation. These are Mercury, Salt, and Sulphur. Alchemical seals or symbols were used for elements and compounds, plants, metals and planets that were coded into formula. 

The goal of advanced alchemical practice is to release the quintessence of a plant, when this is done at its highest virtue this is known as the Primum Ens, a complex and adept process. From the interplay of the four elements and their metamorphosis from one into the other, all is evolved to express the fifth, quintessence, distilled. Aether is holographic in that it contains the whole and all parts within, all elements exist within aether. The elements transmute one into the other and again into their original parts and once again as all.

The primary methods applied in alchemical practice are digestion either through the breakdown and extraction of matter through putrefaction (fermentation) or maceration (dissolving in liquid), and circulation involving two joined curcubits that allow for the circulation of plant vapour and liquids up and out and back and into the plant matter. All of this is in preparation for distillation (separating volatile oils from plant waters) and sublimation (changing a substance from solid into gas). Once the gas, oils and liquids (mercury and sulphur) have been separated from the plant matter (salt), the latter is calcified to ashes and then all components recombined into a superior liquid of the plant quintessence. 

Seven eagles, relating to the seven rays, depict the seven repeated sublimations of the alchemical process, preceding the exaltation of the Quintessence. The self-wounding pelican may also represent the fifth element, the reddening that precedes the final perfection of aether. The phoenix rises from the flames as a symbol of the exaltation of aether. In the octave of creation described in the Emerald Tablet, the seven vibrations of consciousness, each create the first note of a new, higher octave, with aether here being the transitory eighth. 

Aether as a quantum field of potential, the unity consciousness where ideas and inspiration emerge from, as the necessary emptiness of creation, is the void that Arienne Rich called “the creatrix, the matrix” of art. Ideas do not originate from within our minds, they are plucked out of the aether, landing with their resonant partner at that moment in time, who may or may not action them. Aether enables magic, or what we perceive to be magic. It is the free energy of Tesla, the medium for interspecies communication through artificial intelligence, it is extraterrestrial and ancestral technologies that manipulate gravity and matter. It exists in and around us, yet it also occupies the fourth dimension and beyond, outside of time and space. It is all the things that we hold mysterious, all that is yet to be discovered. It is beyond the veil.

Visuals: Aether Alchemy image and animation by Andreas Brooks@brooksandreas

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