Dr. Ibrahim Karim X Jemma Foster
Dr. Ibrahim Karim is a researcher and founder of Biogeometry.
JF: How would you describe biogeometry in the context of the subtle energy and life force of the aether element? Do you see biosignatures as a universal language?
IK: In the context of aether, my sense is that it’s a universal language. In biogeometry, ‘geo’ is the earth and ‘metri’ is the measurement. So the ancient Egyptians used to measure the land in a form of surveying in order to restore the borders after the Nile flooded every year. So that’s why they devised a system like the Pythagorean triangle with three, four and five knots. Then they could make right angles, and then recreate the borders after every flood. Egypt was called the survey land. So geometry here means surveying the land, and that’s where biogeometry started. Bio means subtle energy or life force, so biogeometry means measuring the life force of the earth. What we are dealing with here is how to work with subtle energies and the life force of the earth.
Aether or life force is the invisible background which we don’t see, which we don’t live in, but it’s an invisible background that has mental, emotional, spiritual qualities – it has wisdom. This is where you can call it another word for the universal mind. You see, there are many cultures, many ways of speaking about this invisible background, this life force on which all creation is imagined. Because life force is this universal mind that imagines creation within it, and then we are sort of the universal mind. Self-reflecting upon itself. So we are just part self-reflecting on it. And in biogeometry, we try to see or show people the danger of the path we are treading. And we are trying to find a solution that has to be embraced and used globally.
JF: What would you say differentiates biogeometry from sacred geometry?
IK: In geometry, you start with certain proportions. That means it’s a quantitative approach to creating quality. Now, biogeometry is a science of quality. It doesn’t look at the quantitative aspects. It deals directly with qualities. And that's the difference between the two. As a science of quality, it’s a practical science that you can use in every field of life to bring harmony into it. They’re related because they both deal with some geometrical shapes and both work with subtle energies, but it is quantity and quality - two sides of one coin.
Shapes are our innate geometrical language of perceiving external qualities. So it’s like your brain can decode vibration, going through ears into sound. It can decode light coming in as colour. Your subconscious has the ability to translate energy qualities into geometrical shapes.
So geometrical shape is something created also by you, by humans. In biogeometry, we go directly to the quality of the formless life force. From there we can go into sacred geometry in a different aspect. But when we go into sacred geometry, we are not dealing with the shapes themselves, like tetrahedron or platonic shapes or whatever. No. What we are dealing with is in the centre of those shapes, where you have vortices connecting to multiple dimensions. So biogeometry doesn’t deal with the shape itself, but it deals with the heart of the shape with those light centres coming out of the shape in the form of vortices and giving it life.
This is how biogeometry deals with sacred geometry: from the inside. Sacred geometry is just an aspect, coming out of the life force. If you look at all the sacred geometry figures now from the life force perspective, they would be living entities. They’d be living entities that have emotional, mental, spiritual aspects. They have a mind of their own. You should look at them as living entities that have a spiritual course, and you can address them. You can interact with them.
We are speaking here about an animated universe where everything is animated. I mean, when you listen to music, the musical notes, and the moment you hear it, there is resonance.
And resonance means exchange of information – it means the moment you hear a note, there’s a copy of you going inside the note and the copy of the note in you. That means the note is alive. That means the moment you hear it, the note perceives you because you become part of it.
JF: How does biogeometry specifically engage with this aspect of life force?
IK: Now, if we want to understand what’s happening to life force, we will have to go to one of our major problems that we have today, and that’s climate change and global warming.
Global warming and climate change are usually attributed to fossil fuels and things like that – we are concentrating on this aspect of global warming, and unfortunately we’re looking at a very small aspect and leaving out the main culprits. We’re not looking at them because climate change is dealt with politically today. And when science goes to politics, they go to oil and fossil fuels and all that because of the oil wars, and they forget about the true science behind global warming. Now let’s see, what is the major cause of global warming and climate change? Because by understanding that, we can understand what’s happening to the life force.
When any electromagnetic wave moves, it’ll create heat because any motion in the medium creates heat. So the electromagnetic radiation on which our whole information technology is built and with which we are saturating the earth’s atmosphere every day with more and more electromagnetic fields, and even the atmosphere now is becoming slowly like an electromagnetic heat disc. But we’re not aware that we are the major contributor to global warming with the information age. If we are not aware of that, you will have a problem, both because you’re not aware of it or because you don’t want to become aware of it.
So the information age – or let’s say electromagnetic radiation – has a hidden time bomb in it. We must diffuse it, as otherwise, life on Earth will end. So let us see what is happening when electromagnetic radiation starts warming the atmosphere bit by bit.
When you warm something, you dehydrate it. That’s why today you can drink as much water as you want and you’re still dehydrated. You can drink 10 litres of water a day and you still need to use creams on your skin because your skin will dry. So, all of our living systems on Earth today are suffering from dehydration, irrespective of how much water you give them. They’re not able to absorb water because they’re dehydrating.
Now, the life force is in the higher harmonics of water. You have water, physical water, and then it has harmonic relationships to higher invisible levels that go up all the way to the primal oceans of creation. And on all those levels, you have emotional, mental and spiritual energies. And it is from those higher levels that life force comes into living systems, through the higher harmonics of water. If you separate water from its higher harmonics, you have dead water – it’s not helping you much because what you have in your home, you’re not getting life force out of the water because it’s separated from its higher harmonics.
Now, what is happening today? We are drying up. That means we are losing the life force. So poor living systems on Earth are losing their life force. That also means they’re losing their immunity. If you’re losing immunity, what happens? You have an imbalance in nature. You have more parasites here. You have more pandemics. And then you have to use more chemicals. So it’s a vicious circle that starts affecting you and affecting our immunity, affecting all life systems on Earth. And we are not dealing with it because usually, how do you deal with pollution? You just reduce it. I mean, you can reduce chemical pollution, you can reduce any type of pollution, but what if you have a pollutant like electromagnetic radiation that you are consciously increasing by a hundredfold every year?
So we are trying to shift completely from a civilisation that was based on different types of fuels to one that is based on electricity. We’re trying to go to electric cars, to smart cities, to everything. Working with electricity means we're going to create a civilisation that we think is protecting us, but in reality, it will be frying us – reducing our immunity.
So since it's a problem of loss of life force, biogeometry takes the root of the natural design language – how nature designs shapes. If you look at all the shapes around us in nature, it’s like you have a divine pen drawing and making all those shapes around you. And we are there looking at all those shapes and we cannot read or understand them. We cannot understand the divine language that is out there speaking to us directly. So imagine if you were living in an English-speaking country but you didn’t speak the language – you’d be pretty useless. You can’t interact if you don’t speak with the people around you. So we are living in nature and we can’t communicate with it because we don’t understand the language. And now biogeometry has to use nature’s own design language to interact with nature. Because if you want to understand how to interact with the life force, you have to go to nature, which is already interacting with it.
And so if we go and look at how nature is interacting with the life force, we find that every living aspect in nature has vortices in its forming process. The geometrical shapes have vortices that are like multidimensional columns that go through many dimensions and bring in the archetypal laws of shape that help the forming process. Plus the spiritual force is the balancing force of all other forces. And then you have the emotional and mental forces. All those are coming in through those vortices. That is what's happening in the human body with the chakras. The chakras are vortices that bring the life force into the evolution of the human system.
Similarly, in nature, we are in a situation today where if you look at a bird, a bird manages to build its nest from dead branches, but it configures it in such a way that it manages to bring in the life force into the nest to give life to the eggs. But when the bird goes out and it comes back depleted of its life force, the nest gives it back its life force. So all homes in nature are life-force systems, whereas when we humans go into our homes, we actually deplete the life force.
So humanity is the only species that manages to build homes that are depleted of life force. Not very intelligent, is it? And we think we're the most important species on Earth, and we’re doing something very intelligent, while every little snail has more intelligence than us because we are trapped in our sensory left-print perception. This separates us from the other part of us. And that's the extra-sensory subconscious universal mind that the animals are not separated from. They’re guided by the laws of the universe to create proper homes that are sort of life-force centres. Yet we are completely separated from this unconsciously. So we think with our brains and left-brain sensory perception, but our senses actually interact with only about 1% of the total vibration reality that exists out there – 99% of it is invisible.
So how can a sensory system that creates your database, that creates your personality, the way you think and everything, something that is created and only interacting with or getting information with only 1% of reality, think it can bring balance into the other 99% that it’s not even aware of? That’s why we do not have a way of balancing things. We managed to create systems that don’t see the life force, don’t interact with it because the life force exists in the other 99%.
If you want to see how the life force exists on a subconscious level, imagine now for you to become alive for your left brain to function through your senses. Now, the brain has to have a blood flow in order for the senses to work. And without the senses, there’s no you yet. But it means for the brain to get blood, you have to have a living body. So the body should be alive first, and then the sensory perception is a second stage. It’s not the first stage. The first stage is actually the extrasensory state where all the laws of nature interact and produce your biological functions in the body. That is a totally uncensored state that exists before the senses. So the senses here are a secondary state. The life force exists in the other state, the bio state, the state that is there before the senses.
JF: How has your background as an architect informed your discovery and development of biogeometry?
IK: Biogeometry uses shapes that, that when used, create multidimensional vortices in any shape you produce – whether you’re designing a house or a chair – you have to create multidimensional vortices through design principles of biometry in order to bring the life force into the building. Now, when you bring the life force into the building, it becomes alive. It has emotional, mental and higher levels. The physical aspects might not have life – like cannot move, cannot breathe and all that from the physical point of view – but it can carry all the higher forms of life within it.
So what we try to do with biometry is to connect all products, all human-made products, to the life force. And by connecting to the life force, you’re connecting them to the earth. Because if you are creating products, and those products are not interacting with the life force, you’re creating dead shapes in the living body of the earth. It’s like you’re putting dead tumours into a living body that is disturbing the whole life force.
You see, the earth itself has electromagnetic fields, and those electromagnetic fields are vital to the life force of our body – they’re part of the life force. Now, we manage to go in there and create electromagnetic fields that do not have the higher connections, that do not have the higher levels, and we end up with electromagnetic radiation that’s actually detrimental to the life force, while its origin comes from something that was very, very important for the life force. You see, we messed up things when creating electromagnetic radiation.
Biogeometry has many ways and means of using qualities of shape, of numbers of sound and all that to bring the life force back into electromagnetic radiation or back into water, for example. And that is actually the goal of biogeometry, bringing the life force into all aspects of human life.
Now, if you want to know where the life force is acting, well, you should look into the beginning of creation, where you have the first impulse of duality. Now, there’s a divine level of before duality, and that is where zero is equal to infinity.
You know, before any kind of duality, that it’s a divine level. It’s the cradle on which duality will start appearing. So you have a zero, an infinity non-dualistic state from this non-dualistic state. You start getting a potential state of duality – not yet duality, but a potential state where all the laws arise that will govern duality because the creation of duality without any laws governing it means you won’t get stable reality. You won’t get stable creation. So to have stable creation, you first must have an intermediate state where all the laws of time, the laws of balance and all the laws of nature are there so that when duality upsets the laws of nature, they are working. So duality erupts in the background of living laws of nature, and this background is what I call life force.
Life force contains everything. This is the cradle on which everything is formed. The first humans, primitive man or woman, were like animals in the way they were living in, in their subconscious reality, and they were governed by this subconscious reality. Their left-brain perception, their sensory perception was limited, and it was therefore subordinate to what the right brain or the heart intellect has. You know that the heart has brain cells on it, like your gut has brain cells.
So you have three brains, one in the gut, one in the heart and one in the head. But only the one in the head interacts and creates with the senses. It creates a sensory personality, like a mask you wear. This is this, this is you. The only you that you understand is this mask that you’re wearing, and it is masking the universal personality in you. Now, the universal personality in you is somehow linked to nature. It’s linked to the load of universality and everything, but in modern human beings, the door is closed to it and you’re living inside your mask. So the mask creates your perception of time and creates your perception of the separation between you and the environment because it has a sort of an analytical thing. It keeps going more and more into detail. Now, that is the mask, not the real you, because the mask creates your time and space.
So it’s a linear time that starts here and creates cause and effect. All those things are only in the mask. Now if you go beyond that into the other aspect of yourself, you have the real you, which is independent of the linear time and space created by the mask. So, It is there, the real you independent of space, that means you can become individual, collective or universal. Your immortal soul can interact on any of those levels. And it can also interact in the past, present, and future. It's a sort of universal reality there, but it does not go into detail like the left-brain perception. It sees everything as part of a whole. So, for example, numbers here could be separate quantities you use – your heart or your subconscious, these are numbers as components of the one reality. There was no separation here. You did not feel I’m here and the world is there – no, you are part of that reality. Because everything is part of that reality and living inside that reality.
The ancients saw that when they wanted to perceive through the left-brain consciousness, which is still budding, they perceive that as if you are living in the womb of the mother. Life force and universal reality are where everything was playing on this stage on which everything was playing.
For the ancients, the life force was the cradle on which everything was played. It was looked at as the form of their mother. They did figurines of the mother with a big belly. Here, life force and female energy are one. You shouldn’t look at the word female energy here as gender; you should look at female energy as the quality of oneness, of being part of everything and not separate from it. These qualities are female energy and the other qualities are actually the balance of all the forces of nature that are on that level and are not on the sensory level. So it means that within this life force or female energy, or you can call it subtle energy or spiritual energy within this energy quality or energy type. All the laws of nature are working there. That means they’re giving you the perfect balance.
That means healing is actually a right-brain thing, a heart thing or a female energy thing. You shouldn’t take it that you ladies are giving us healing, giving them healing. Don’t take it that way, because we all have the same energy, we all have fire. I mean, the subconscious is the source of healing. Now you start depleting the life force when you start a civilisation and close the door to the subconscious because you’re not primitive people. In ancient civilisations, the centre of perception was still in the right brain.
If you look at the ancient Egyptians, ancient Sumerians who created all that, they could actually relate everything they perceived with the right, with the left brain everything in their sensory perception. They could relate that to the whole oneness of creation to the laws of nature and all of that. And so they could actually use their left brain to personify the laws of nature on the unconscious side into shapes that they personified and interacted with. And that’s why you see those strange shapes – human bodies with different bird or animal shapes and things like that, that you find in all ancient civilisations.
This is not mythology. It is actually the left brain’s way of perceiving the laws of nature through personification, because if you don’t personify something, you don’t perceive it. You are living with the laws of nature as if they were living entities, living with you, like friends living with you. The ancients had all the laws of nature living with them – I mean, they were personified in such a way that they interacted with them in every activity they did. That’s how they created those great ancient civilisations. But the more we developed tools and all that, the more the central perception is pulled into the left brain.
The philosopher-psychologist William James says that the complete shift happened around 1,200 BC. There are others – for example, Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. He is the one that showed this shift of humanity towards the left brain. And when this happens, the complete shift happens in the left brain. I call that the great shift because your reality is projected from inside you. The sensory information you create as your reality in the brain, and you project it outside of you.
Now, the moment this great shift happens, your reality also changes. So your reality becomes a sensory reality. That is limited to the 1% of the senses, and the door was closed to the other 99% that the ancients used to perceive with, but we don’t. And with the closing of this door, you are also limiting the healing and spiritual energy that we call the life force, or we call female force, in the system. Now, we refer to the quantitative aspects of the senses as the male aspects. This is, just because of a false ego, because we think that all the analytical scientific advances and all that are related to the senses, are sort of a male quality.
But what is happening today? The female energy in males and females is being suppressed in both. How can I say your female energy is suppressed? You’re a woman. How come your female energy is suppressed? I mean, don't look at it as gender. Look at it as the power of this harmonising light coming out of the subconscious in every aspect of your daily life. This is what I call female energy, and this is what I call life force. This is what we are losing in our present civilisation and in our present state. And when we understand it that way, it means now a science like biogeometry that strives to restore life force in everything is actually a necessity.
JF: How did you apply biogeometry to whole towns and regions?
IK: I’ve applied it to whole regions in Switzerland, to whole towns that are suffering from lots of problems attributed to many chronic diseases. There they actually attributed that to electromagnetic radiation and all those mobile towers and things that were installed there. And then what happened is the migrating birds would move away from those areas. The milk production of the cows and the stillbirths and all that was affected. You had lots of environmental problems happening there.
The government asked me to intervene with biogeometry because what the people wanted was that we remove the cause. And the cause is all those high-tension wires, electromagnetic radiation, whatever was there that had to do with Earth’s magnetic radiation, they wanted that out. But the Swiss government said we can’t take that out. We can’t go back to living without electricity. And their only solution was biogeometry. They asked me if, with the science of biogeometry, we can remove the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation without removing the cause?
Now the question in itself would look stupid – how can you change an effect if you don’t want to remove what is causing it? The question itself doesn’t work, but the science of quality is a different world. The science of quality I’m dealing with is the qualities themselves. And the fact is, I’m taking this energy and changing this quality by introducing geometrical shapes to reprogramme the energy.
We went up there, and I thought that because it was a large area, I might need lots of geometrical shapes. We have what we call geometrical emitters – geometrical shapes that form emitters through shapes that emit energy. They take energy and emit it. Now, instead of using hundreds of those emitters in a whole, large region of Switzerland – because it was one central village or town, and then five around it, so it was quite a large area – I thought I could use either the existing mobile communication network because it was radiating everywhere, so I could actually place the shapes on them, and then it would radiate the power of the shape through larger areas. And that way I could use less shapes on the actual tower.
So I used the tower to carry the quality of the shapes. And at the same time, I was harmonising the electromagnetic radiation there. Another possibility that we used in other countries, and we used in the second project in Switzerland, was a prototype for the whole-country solution. They asked me instead of using the radiation of the towers to use another type of radiation so that we don’t point at the towers at the culprit. I told them I could actually place the shapes in certain points of the earth’s radiation. I could just bury them in certain no points in the earth and use actually the earth lines, to spread this energy everywhere.
And that’s the way I learned to use the earth as a carrier system. I managed to put twelve shapes in one central area. I put them in tubes and buried them in the ground. I put water in the tube and the shape in it, and buried them in the ground in a central spot. And actually we harmonised an area of 10km, a circle of 10km diameter, from the mountains to the whole valley.
JF: What happened in the Hamburg experiment? What methods and devices did you use to create and test the signatures?
IK: In Hamburg, we did something similar, but using the shapes on the mobile radiation. Now, the interesting thing here is that we came out with a few interesting results. What happens when we restore the life force?
First of all, the doctors of the Parliament came and did a survey of what was happening there, and they found that 60% of health symptoms were reduced. Now if you look at the type, you will find that what we call chronic diseases had disappeared when we installed biogeometry. This is because modern medicine can cure all types of diseases of which we know the cause in the body because modern medicine has given us lots of successes in the last hundred years, at least improving the quality of life. The normal lifespan has been raised by about 20 years. But people then ask what quality did we get for those extra 20 years? You know, with chemo, the radiation and all that.
I mean, we have lots of successes, but we ask ourselves why, with all this success, are chronic diseases on the rise. You know, if you have, for example, high blood pressure, modern medicine can only manage those things, but not cure them. And the reason is that if you do not know the cause, so then you cannot achieve a cure. It seems that most chronic diseases have their causes out there in the environment, but modern medicine is not looking in the environment for them. That’s why it can only manage them. And the reason that all of a sudden 60% of those chronic diseases seem to get reduced drastically is that they were environmentally caused.
So this is the first thing we learned there. Nature was restored, migrating birds also came back. Then some strange things happened. For example, there were many children that had epilepsy in this area, and the moment we installed the shapes, just minutes later, from then on, every epileptic kid stopped having seizures in the area. It has been 20 years now, and they have had no epileptic seizures.
Now, another important aspect to restoring life force – because life force has all those balancing emotional, mental and spiritual effects – is that people become friendlier with each other. There’s a certain aggression that keeps increasing in our modern society, we see that everywhere in the world. And it was the same in Hamburg and Switzerland. You parked your car in front of your neighbour’s house, he’d come out and yell at you. Or we’d be shouting in the family, with fights between husband and wife and this sort of thing.
After we installed our solution, things seemed to change all of a sudden because we took the inner stress out and we were working on the emotional, mental and spiritual level. The people became peaceful and friendly. They began smiling at each other in the streets.
The mayor came to thank me in a television interview when they were doing a documentary, and he told me, “Look, it’s one thing all the studies that are showing how all the chronic diseases are being treated. You’ve got fantastic results from the medical point of view, but as a politician, I see something much more important.” And he gave me his hand and he said, “I thank you, Ibrahim. You brought peace to my town. And, for a person like me, when I see peace in my community, that’s a very, very important thing.”
So all those stories help us to understand what the life force is, what balance it can bring and what happens when we lose it. So if you imagine if we don’t deal with restoring life force and we continue this electromagnetic effect on climate change and all so on, you’ll have a huge increase in aggression all over the world. You’ll have pandemics increasing every day.
This is what happens when life force diminishes, immunity diminishes with it. That means we have to have more drugs, more chemicals and more things like that. You see all those drugs, they’re not natural. They’re synthetic drugs. They do not have life force. All the chemicals in them are depleted of any life force. So while they’re helping one aspect, they’re not raising your immunity, they’re not giving you back your life force. They’re not harmonising your emotional or mental aspects. But this is where the role of biometry is. It is the role of restoring life force.
JF: Could you apply biogeometry devices, like the ones you used in Hamburg and other towns, to the energy grids or earth lines that connect power spots and sacred sites, to emit the change across the entire globe?
IK: Yes, we should think of the whole universe as one living system with every part of it having the ability to reflect on the whole system. And we should use the power of this system by what we could call centering it. Centering it means awakening the vortices on it. One way of awakening those vortices is actually interacting with all the sacred power spots on the earth and in the sky.
You know, the ancients, they built their way of thinking when they built their cities. When they built everything, they imported buildings on power spots. And then their main paths of the city were in the connective aspects, ley lines, connecting the power spots. So for the power spots, the sacred passport or portal is the vortex. Every passport is a vortex-like chakra. Now the passport, I think it’s the main factor in the evolution of human history. It was always related to the passport. Now we have lost this connection to the passport.
I mean, unfortunately today, you look at the religious buildings in your area, and instead of identifying with the power spots of the area and the sacred waters in it and the earth, you identify with the identity of the building. Is it a Christian, or a Muslim, or a Jewish building? And then you identify with things that take you into a separate way of thinking. But if your understanding is irrelevant to those temples, to those buildings, you have sacred power spots. And that’s the main thing. And we know that if you go to many power spots on the earth and you see a building – let's say you see a modern church – then you build, you dig beside it, maybe after 10 metres you find traces of an older civilisation and there’s traces of another religious building down there. And then you dig a bit more, and you can go on for up to 40, 50 metres discovering layers of ancient civilisations.
The one fact is that they all used the same power spots. That means they were more interested in the quality of energy in those spots and not in the building. This way of thinking is what led me to discover biogeometry, because I’m an architect and when I was teaching the history of architecture, I found myself teaching styles, cultures and things like that. I was teaching the material aspect of a building and even how it’s related to society and many things. But I kept asking myself, why am I not addressing the area? Why am I not addressing what’s so special about those areas? There must be something special, otherwise they wouldn’t all be building on the same spots. And that’s when I started shifting my focus from the material to the energetic qualities of the place.
Now, if everybody starts just cherishing and going to the passports in your area today, visiting them, saying hello, you know, getting the passport back in your heart, your chakras will start resonating with them. You’ll become healthier and you will actually bring or empower the whole life force. And so this is, I think, the paradigm that biogeometry is bringing to the world and hoping it is embraced in order to deactivate this time bomb in the age of information.
JF: What was your process developing the biosignatures?
IK: The biosignatures themselves, you should imagine that every shape, every physical shape that you see is built on an archetype. The archetypes are the laws that govern the growth of the shape. You know that there’s a human archetype, there’s a tree archetype. Every shape has an energy grid as an archetype on which the physical matter is organised. So if you look at the human body, the Chinese found that there are meridians. Chinese meridians follow the shape of the body. And we use acupuncture points on those meridians.
So in biogeometry, I went a step further, I said, If the body has its own meridians, well, every shape inside the body must have its own meridians because every organ, every shape from the biggest to the smallest must be built on an energy grid. And not only one energy flow, but every organ will have different energy lines in it. Each energy line is related to a certain function. So we might have five or six of those lines in every organ now. So we started tracing the energy of the organs until we could find the paths linked to the functions of the organs.
JF: How were you tracing them?
IK: Well, by measurements, we would measure the organ, and then we would take a certain energy quality, just one quality. And then try to find the flow of that quality inside the organ. And it would follow some aspects of the organ shape.
Then we take another quality. So imagine for example, that I have a certain shape, like a red line. Then I change to the blue quality and then trace, and I find another shape. And then to another quality, until I find a wire mesh on which the organ, the physical organ, is built. Now we take those three-dimensional shapes and we reduce them to two-dimensional diagrams to make them simpler to draw.
And then we have a different problem to face here with the meridians of acupuncture because they’re on the outside of the body. On the skin. You can bring a needle and put it in the point, or you can just press – do acupressure – with your thumb. But now we are dealing with things that are deep inside the body. I can’t reach them that easily. So we use the concept of resonance. If I draw a shape the same way that it is inside, it has to be open-ended when I draw it, because if you draw any line like that, part of life force or energy will flow out from the beginning point where you drew the line and come out of the other end.
So using this method, now we have open-ended shapes. If we place those shapes on the body, part of the energy of the body will flow in the shape. Now, once it flows in the shape, I've created an energy shape. So this is what we call a signature or biosignature. It can be made of any material, but the objective here is to create an energy shape.
So once I have an energy shape, if this shape is the same as the one inside, I get resonance between them. Now, once I have the shape that can enter into resonance, I take the extremities of the shape, the entry, and the exit point of the shape, and introduce additional biogeometry principles to the entry point and exit point of the shape. Because usually any effects from the beginning or end of the cycle will affect the whole cycle.
I come in at the entry point of the shape and shape it to create a vortex, because the whole idea is that I want life force. I create a vortex at the beginning of the shape and at the end of the shape. And then the shape is now a biosignature. So once I wear it, it not only enters into resonance with the organ, but it creates a vortex. It connects the organ to life force, and that’s what we call biosignatures, using them in medallions or things like that on the body. For example, I wear a medallion that has the primary biosignatures inscribed on it. So when you wear a medallion, or a ring or a pendant, it is actually empowering the life force of the organ functions in my body.
JF: Are the signatures universal and archetypal, or do they vary slightly from person to person? For example, if someone has coronary disease, will their heart signature appear malformed?
IK: Yes it is archetypal – imagine the archetype of the human body. You have one archetype, and that means one geometrical pattern for the human body. Now this is on a spiritual archetype and different level from the archetypal dimension. It comes in through the vortices into the physical body, and then the physical body will actually develop according to the archetype. But now the archetype is perfection. It’s a perfect energy shape. Like those stylised statues they used in ancient Egypt. They’re not human. They’re archetypal.
Now, this archetypal shape, when it enters the development of the human body, the human body will interact with the environment at the same time, not only the archetype. So the environment will produce some slight changes into the archetypal energy pattern on which your body is forming. So imagine that the archetypal pattern that is perfection is affected by environmental factors, and there’s a slight imperfection that goes into it. The slight imperfection makes the difference between your looks and my looks and everybody’s looks.
We all have slight imperfections in a way. Imperfection creates a certain tension, and this tension creates a sense of attraction, of beauty. If you have a face with no tension, where both sides are exactly the same, it is dull, there’s no beauty in it. It lacks life force, like a statue. The slight imperfections between the both sides of the face create the character. And that is the difference between the archetypal shape and the resulting imperfection on the physical level.
Now, in general, this is when you’re dealing with the body. When you’re dealing with the home or design of a city or anything like that, then we have many design principles that are usually based on existing design criteria, because there’s so many design principles around, but the whole idea is to take every design principle and give it certain proportions and a certain rotation or a certain shifting in dimension to create a vortex.
So all the design principles we teach people, whether you’re designing a chair, a logo or whatever, we’re teaching you how to introduce some shifting and some rotation in it so that all of a sudden it connects to higher dimensions.
There is another way of creating similar signatures that are different from biosignatures. We call them personal diagrams. It is a sort of channelled language, you look at the person and you concentrate and the energy disturbances in that person will reflect on you. There’ll be a resonance between you and that person and any disturbance your system will tend to correct. And in this case, if you are used to diagrams, you might get a vision of a certain diagram.
A biosignature relates to a specific organ function and is universal, whereas a personal diagram, is unique to that person. This vision will not address one certain organ, it will be of the whole. A personal diagram adjusts the overall aspect of your body, for you and in this time and space.
Sometimes in an emergency, where you don’t know what the problem is and you just get this shape in your mind when you’re looking at a person in distress and all you have to do is imagine the shape on them or draw it with your finger over them. So in emergencies, it’s a very valuable thing if you can do it.
JF: How are you measuring the resonance?
IK: Well, I use many types of machines now. We use bio-pulse cell devices or bioresonance devices. And we use each shape on about a hundred people to make sure it’s working properly in different times, different places, different genders. We have very advanced pendular instruments. But they don’t work like dowsing because in dowsing instruments you’re asking questions - it's usually a dialogue with your subconscious, which is very, very effective for many uses. And we do use a pendulum this way for other things, but for resonance we use pendulums that can be calibrated to detect the quality of the life force.
And why do we think pendulums are very efficient? Because when you analyse subtle energy, you will find that subtle energy is not what it looks like as a stable background, but in reality it has a pulsating, two-directional torsion effect in it. The background energy pulsing where you have a spring in and out, that’s a pulse. So, the springs are sort of torsion – there's sort of a causal effect of expanding and contracting. And this is happening billions and billions of times at the same time, from the smallest to largest.
So the life force, the background life force, seems very, very subtle too. And that’s why I call it subtle energy. But in reality, it’s the most potent energy in the universe because it’s the energy of that life force that rotates the planets. It’s the energy that rotates the body of the earth. It’s the energy that makes all living systems grow. So the subtle energy through the torsion effects is a very powerful background medium.
Now, when it affects my body, my reaction will also come out of my body as torsion effects. And that’s why we use pendulums, because they show this torsion effect, and they all have dials and things like calibrations that you study in biogeometry to assess the type of energy that’s affecting your body,
We use the pendulum to calibrate a disc to a certain quality. And when you have the calibration, if the pendulum turns, that means the torsion coming out of your body has this quality that needs calibration. So this is one very precise way of measuring things.
Now if we use these, let’s say for research and for display purposes, then we use different types of instruments, computerised instruments. For example, we use instruments that have sensors that take the acupuncture points in the hand or in the body. You put out your hand and the acupuncture points are measured, and on a computer you get every organ functioning. You get it on the screen this way.
Then there are other instruments that work on a biofeedback principle that shows you the effect of the organs. So we use all those instruments in order to display the effect of biogeometry, but then at the end, there’s another level of evaluation, and that is a purely medical level of evaluation.
For example, I've been supervising PhD research in biogeometry for the past 25 years, so I can give you one example where we use purely medical methods of assessment. We used those biosignature diagrams on a strip to harmonise depression. So with a person who has depression, you add this to their body or environment. In the case of this PhD by an interior design student, we decided to do it in a shape directly on the wall.
They did animal testing on rats to rule out the placebo effect, using medical procedures. They took blood samples to measure the amount of serotonin in the rat. The amount of serotonin in the brain shows you how well you are. I mean, in a depressed person, you get about 30% only; in a healthy person you get maybe 80% or above.
Now they got the normal rats, which had between 70% and 80% serotonin. And then we had the depressed rats, which had about 30% in this range. And then they had three cages where they gave the depressed rats the most common drugs on the markets, antidepressant drugs.
And in the last cage there were just three rats with the biosignature state. It was only one biosignature they used in this evaluation and in the rats with the biosignature, the serotonin went up between 70%–80%. That’s near the normal aspect and only one of the drugs on the market came within that range. The other two were much lower. In the last 25 years we have done all sorts of research in different diseases and it is all in the literature and published papers.
JF: Have you applied this technology to animals and plants?
IK: Yes, of course. You know, in ancient Egypt, they used to draw the archetypal shapes on the walls of animals, of human beings and everything. And by drawing the archetypal shapes, you can actually connect to its energy. So in the early tombs when they buried a mummy, you had the first level they called the Ka..
And the Ka was like your energy body, not your soul self, but the lower soul or the energy body, like the sensory soul. S here your sensory soul, like the mask we wear and this sensory soul, usually has enough energy for maybe five days. Then it dissipates because it’s not being replenished, because your body gets this energy from the food you eat. So what they used to do is bring offerings to the tomb from time to time so that the archetypal – I mean the shadow body or the Ka – could actually suck energy out of the foot. It can’t take it from the body anymore. It can take it from the foot and keep itself alive for a few more days. So if you want this Ka, this energy body, to be a sort of protector of the tomb, you’d have to keep feeding it all the time.
Now, they found another way that if you drew the proper archetypal shapes, if you had the secret of the geometrical archetypal shape and you drew it on the wall, you actually connect it to the archetypal shape. So instead of bringing in a chicken or an apple, I would draw its archetypal shape on the wall in such a way that the Ka can replenish itself directly from the archetype. That’s why you have all those pictures and the tombs on the walls. They’re actually living archetypes that create a living other world that is energetically working in the tomb itself.
It applies to all living things, including plants. Take the archetypal drawings of a lotus, the archetypal drawings of all those plants are very important, and the archetypal waters, all those were depicted on the walls. Life force is multi-dimensional and plants interact with all these levels. Plants have emotions, they have their way of thinking, their way of communicating, and they have their way of spiritual connection. Plants were also represented as archetypes in the tombs.
Image: Biogeometry BioSignatures (Respiratory and Cardio) by Dr. Ibrahim Karim → @ibrahim_karim_biogeometry
Biogeometry Clearing Card images by Dr. Ibrahim Karim, animation by Genevieve Penn-Carver → @genevievebonnyart
BioSignatures Sirius Odyssey
Dr. Ibrahim Karim X Jemma Foster
Dr. Ibrahim Karim is a researcher and founder of Biogeometry.
JF: How would you describe biogeometry in the context of the subtle energy and life force of the aether element? Do you see biosignatures as a universal language?
IK: In the context of aether, my sense is that it’s a universal language. In biogeometry, ‘geo’ is the earth and ‘metri’ is the measurement. So the ancient Egyptians used to measure the land in a form of surveying in order to restore the borders after the Nile flooded every year. So that’s why they devised a system like the Pythagorean triangle with three, four and five knots. Then they could make right angles, and then recreate the borders after every flood. Egypt was called the survey land. So geometry here means surveying the land, and that’s where biogeometry started. Bio means subtle energy or life force, so biogeometry means measuring the life force of the earth. What we are dealing with here is how to work with subtle energies and the life force of the earth.
Aether or life force is the invisible background which we don’t see, which we don’t live in, but it’s an invisible background that has mental, emotional, spiritual qualities – it has wisdom. This is where you can call it another word for the universal mind. You see, there are many cultures, many ways of speaking about this invisible background, this life force on which all creation is imagined. Because life force is this universal mind that imagines creation within it, and then we are sort of the universal mind. Self-reflecting upon itself. So we are just part self-reflecting on it. And in biogeometry, we try to see or show people the danger of the path we are treading. And we are trying to find a solution that has to be embraced and used globally.
JF: What would you say differentiates biogeometry from sacred geometry?
IK: In geometry, you start with certain proportions. That means it’s a quantitative approach to creating quality. Now, biogeometry is a science of quality. It doesn’t look at the quantitative aspects. It deals directly with qualities. And that's the difference between the two. As a science of quality, it’s a practical science that you can use in every field of life to bring harmony into it. They’re related because they both deal with some geometrical shapes and both work with subtle energies, but it is quantity and quality - two sides of one coin.
Shapes are our innate geometrical language of perceiving external qualities. So it’s like your brain can decode vibration, going through ears into sound. It can decode light coming in as colour. Your subconscious has the ability to translate energy qualities into geometrical shapes.
So geometrical shape is something created also by you, by humans. In biogeometry, we go directly to the quality of the formless life force. From there we can go into sacred geometry in a different aspect. But when we go into sacred geometry, we are not dealing with the shapes themselves, like tetrahedron or platonic shapes or whatever. No. What we are dealing with is in the centre of those shapes, where you have vortices connecting to multiple dimensions. So biogeometry doesn’t deal with the shape itself, but it deals with the heart of the shape with those light centres coming out of the shape in the form of vortices and giving it life.
This is how biogeometry deals with sacred geometry: from the inside. Sacred geometry is just an aspect, coming out of the life force. If you look at all the sacred geometry figures now from the life force perspective, they would be living entities. They’d be living entities that have emotional, mental, spiritual aspects. They have a mind of their own. You should look at them as living entities that have a spiritual course, and you can address them. You can interact with them.
We are speaking here about an animated universe where everything is animated. I mean, when you listen to music, the musical notes, and the moment you hear it, there is resonance.
And resonance means exchange of information – it means the moment you hear a note, there’s a copy of you going inside the note and the copy of the note in you. That means the note is alive. That means the moment you hear it, the note perceives you because you become part of it.
JF: How does biogeometry specifically engage with this aspect of life force?
IK: Now, if we want to understand what’s happening to life force, we will have to go to one of our major problems that we have today, and that’s climate change and global warming.
Global warming and climate change are usually attributed to fossil fuels and things like that – we are concentrating on this aspect of global warming, and unfortunately we’re looking at a very small aspect and leaving out the main culprits. We’re not looking at them because climate change is dealt with politically today. And when science goes to politics, they go to oil and fossil fuels and all that because of the oil wars, and they forget about the true science behind global warming. Now let’s see, what is the major cause of global warming and climate change? Because by understanding that, we can understand what’s happening to the life force.
When any electromagnetic wave moves, it’ll create heat because any motion in the medium creates heat. So the electromagnetic radiation on which our whole information technology is built and with which we are saturating the earth’s atmosphere every day with more and more electromagnetic fields, and even the atmosphere now is becoming slowly like an electromagnetic heat disc. But we’re not aware that we are the major contributor to global warming with the information age. If we are not aware of that, you will have a problem, both because you’re not aware of it or because you don’t want to become aware of it.
So the information age – or let’s say electromagnetic radiation – has a hidden time bomb in it. We must diffuse it, as otherwise, life on Earth will end. So let us see what is happening when electromagnetic radiation starts warming the atmosphere bit by bit.
When you warm something, you dehydrate it. That’s why today you can drink as much water as you want and you’re still dehydrated. You can drink 10 litres of water a day and you still need to use creams on your skin because your skin will dry. So, all of our living systems on Earth today are suffering from dehydration, irrespective of how much water you give them. They’re not able to absorb water because they’re dehydrating.
Now, the life force is in the higher harmonics of water. You have water, physical water, and then it has harmonic relationships to higher invisible levels that go up all the way to the primal oceans of creation. And on all those levels, you have emotional, mental and spiritual energies. And it is from those higher levels that life force comes into living systems, through the higher harmonics of water. If you separate water from its higher harmonics, you have dead water – it’s not helping you much because what you have in your home, you’re not getting life force out of the water because it’s separated from its higher harmonics.
Now, what is happening today? We are drying up. That means we are losing the life force. So poor living systems on Earth are losing their life force. That also means they’re losing their immunity. If you’re losing immunity, what happens? You have an imbalance in nature. You have more parasites here. You have more pandemics. And then you have to use more chemicals. So it’s a vicious circle that starts affecting you and affecting our immunity, affecting all life systems on Earth. And we are not dealing with it because usually, how do you deal with pollution? You just reduce it. I mean, you can reduce chemical pollution, you can reduce any type of pollution, but what if you have a pollutant like electromagnetic radiation that you are consciously increasing by a hundredfold every year?
So we are trying to shift completely from a civilisation that was based on different types of fuels to one that is based on electricity. We’re trying to go to electric cars, to smart cities, to everything. Working with electricity means we're going to create a civilisation that we think is protecting us, but in reality, it will be frying us – reducing our immunity.
So since it's a problem of loss of life force, biogeometry takes the root of the natural design language – how nature designs shapes. If you look at all the shapes around us in nature, it’s like you have a divine pen drawing and making all those shapes around you. And we are there looking at all those shapes and we cannot read or understand them. We cannot understand the divine language that is out there speaking to us directly. So imagine if you were living in an English-speaking country but you didn’t speak the language – you’d be pretty useless. You can’t interact if you don’t speak with the people around you. So we are living in nature and we can’t communicate with it because we don’t understand the language. And now biogeometry has to use nature’s own design language to interact with nature. Because if you want to understand how to interact with the life force, you have to go to nature, which is already interacting with it.
And so if we go and look at how nature is interacting with the life force, we find that every living aspect in nature has vortices in its forming process. The geometrical shapes have vortices that are like multidimensional columns that go through many dimensions and bring in the archetypal laws of shape that help the forming process. Plus the spiritual force is the balancing force of all other forces. And then you have the emotional and mental forces. All those are coming in through those vortices. That is what's happening in the human body with the chakras. The chakras are vortices that bring the life force into the evolution of the human system.
Similarly, in nature, we are in a situation today where if you look at a bird, a bird manages to build its nest from dead branches, but it configures it in such a way that it manages to bring in the life force into the nest to give life to the eggs. But when the bird goes out and it comes back depleted of its life force, the nest gives it back its life force. So all homes in nature are life-force systems, whereas when we humans go into our homes, we actually deplete the life force.
So humanity is the only species that manages to build homes that are depleted of life force. Not very intelligent, is it? And we think we're the most important species on Earth, and we’re doing something very intelligent, while every little snail has more intelligence than us because we are trapped in our sensory left-print perception. This separates us from the other part of us. And that's the extra-sensory subconscious universal mind that the animals are not separated from. They’re guided by the laws of the universe to create proper homes that are sort of life-force centres. Yet we are completely separated from this unconsciously. So we think with our brains and left-brain sensory perception, but our senses actually interact with only about 1% of the total vibration reality that exists out there – 99% of it is invisible.
So how can a sensory system that creates your database, that creates your personality, the way you think and everything, something that is created and only interacting with or getting information with only 1% of reality, think it can bring balance into the other 99% that it’s not even aware of? That’s why we do not have a way of balancing things. We managed to create systems that don’t see the life force, don’t interact with it because the life force exists in the other 99%.
If you want to see how the life force exists on a subconscious level, imagine now for you to become alive for your left brain to function through your senses. Now, the brain has to have a blood flow in order for the senses to work. And without the senses, there’s no you yet. But it means for the brain to get blood, you have to have a living body. So the body should be alive first, and then the sensory perception is a second stage. It’s not the first stage. The first stage is actually the extrasensory state where all the laws of nature interact and produce your biological functions in the body. That is a totally uncensored state that exists before the senses. So the senses here are a secondary state. The life force exists in the other state, the bio state, the state that is there before the senses.
JF: How has your background as an architect informed your discovery and development of biogeometry?
IK: Biogeometry uses shapes that, that when used, create multidimensional vortices in any shape you produce – whether you’re designing a house or a chair – you have to create multidimensional vortices through design principles of biometry in order to bring the life force into the building. Now, when you bring the life force into the building, it becomes alive. It has emotional, mental and higher levels. The physical aspects might not have life – like cannot move, cannot breathe and all that from the physical point of view – but it can carry all the higher forms of life within it.
So what we try to do with biometry is to connect all products, all human-made products, to the life force. And by connecting to the life force, you’re connecting them to the earth. Because if you are creating products, and those products are not interacting with the life force, you’re creating dead shapes in the living body of the earth. It’s like you’re putting dead tumours into a living body that is disturbing the whole life force.
You see, the earth itself has electromagnetic fields, and those electromagnetic fields are vital to the life force of our body – they’re part of the life force. Now, we manage to go in there and create electromagnetic fields that do not have the higher connections, that do not have the higher levels, and we end up with electromagnetic radiation that’s actually detrimental to the life force, while its origin comes from something that was very, very important for the life force. You see, we messed up things when creating electromagnetic radiation.
Biogeometry has many ways and means of using qualities of shape, of numbers of sound and all that to bring the life force back into electromagnetic radiation or back into water, for example. And that is actually the goal of biogeometry, bringing the life force into all aspects of human life.
Now, if you want to know where the life force is acting, well, you should look into the beginning of creation, where you have the first impulse of duality. Now, there’s a divine level of before duality, and that is where zero is equal to infinity.
You know, before any kind of duality, that it’s a divine level. It’s the cradle on which duality will start appearing. So you have a zero, an infinity non-dualistic state from this non-dualistic state. You start getting a potential state of duality – not yet duality, but a potential state where all the laws arise that will govern duality because the creation of duality without any laws governing it means you won’t get stable reality. You won’t get stable creation. So to have stable creation, you first must have an intermediate state where all the laws of time, the laws of balance and all the laws of nature are there so that when duality upsets the laws of nature, they are working. So duality erupts in the background of living laws of nature, and this background is what I call life force.
Life force contains everything. This is the cradle on which everything is formed. The first humans, primitive man or woman, were like animals in the way they were living in, in their subconscious reality, and they were governed by this subconscious reality. Their left-brain perception, their sensory perception was limited, and it was therefore subordinate to what the right brain or the heart intellect has. You know that the heart has brain cells on it, like your gut has brain cells.
So you have three brains, one in the gut, one in the heart and one in the head. But only the one in the head interacts and creates with the senses. It creates a sensory personality, like a mask you wear. This is this, this is you. The only you that you understand is this mask that you’re wearing, and it is masking the universal personality in you. Now, the universal personality in you is somehow linked to nature. It’s linked to the load of universality and everything, but in modern human beings, the door is closed to it and you’re living inside your mask. So the mask creates your perception of time and creates your perception of the separation between you and the environment because it has a sort of an analytical thing. It keeps going more and more into detail. Now, that is the mask, not the real you, because the mask creates your time and space.
So it’s a linear time that starts here and creates cause and effect. All those things are only in the mask. Now if you go beyond that into the other aspect of yourself, you have the real you, which is independent of the linear time and space created by the mask. So, It is there, the real you independent of space, that means you can become individual, collective or universal. Your immortal soul can interact on any of those levels. And it can also interact in the past, present, and future. It's a sort of universal reality there, but it does not go into detail like the left-brain perception. It sees everything as part of a whole. So, for example, numbers here could be separate quantities you use – your heart or your subconscious, these are numbers as components of the one reality. There was no separation here. You did not feel I’m here and the world is there – no, you are part of that reality. Because everything is part of that reality and living inside that reality.
The ancients saw that when they wanted to perceive through the left-brain consciousness, which is still budding, they perceive that as if you are living in the womb of the mother. Life force and universal reality are where everything was playing on this stage on which everything was playing.
For the ancients, the life force was the cradle on which everything was played. It was looked at as the form of their mother. They did figurines of the mother with a big belly. Here, life force and female energy are one. You shouldn’t look at the word female energy here as gender; you should look at female energy as the quality of oneness, of being part of everything and not separate from it. These qualities are female energy and the other qualities are actually the balance of all the forces of nature that are on that level and are not on the sensory level. So it means that within this life force or female energy, or you can call it subtle energy or spiritual energy within this energy quality or energy type. All the laws of nature are working there. That means they’re giving you the perfect balance.
That means healing is actually a right-brain thing, a heart thing or a female energy thing. You shouldn’t take it that you ladies are giving us healing, giving them healing. Don’t take it that way, because we all have the same energy, we all have fire. I mean, the subconscious is the source of healing. Now you start depleting the life force when you start a civilisation and close the door to the subconscious because you’re not primitive people. In ancient civilisations, the centre of perception was still in the right brain.
If you look at the ancient Egyptians, ancient Sumerians who created all that, they could actually relate everything they perceived with the right, with the left brain everything in their sensory perception. They could relate that to the whole oneness of creation to the laws of nature and all of that. And so they could actually use their left brain to personify the laws of nature on the unconscious side into shapes that they personified and interacted with. And that’s why you see those strange shapes – human bodies with different bird or animal shapes and things like that, that you find in all ancient civilisations.
This is not mythology. It is actually the left brain’s way of perceiving the laws of nature through personification, because if you don’t personify something, you don’t perceive it. You are living with the laws of nature as if they were living entities, living with you, like friends living with you. The ancients had all the laws of nature living with them – I mean, they were personified in such a way that they interacted with them in every activity they did. That’s how they created those great ancient civilisations. But the more we developed tools and all that, the more the central perception is pulled into the left brain.
The philosopher-psychologist William James says that the complete shift happened around 1,200 BC. There are others – for example, Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. He is the one that showed this shift of humanity towards the left brain. And when this happens, the complete shift happens in the left brain. I call that the great shift because your reality is projected from inside you. The sensory information you create as your reality in the brain, and you project it outside of you.
Now, the moment this great shift happens, your reality also changes. So your reality becomes a sensory reality. That is limited to the 1% of the senses, and the door was closed to the other 99% that the ancients used to perceive with, but we don’t. And with the closing of this door, you are also limiting the healing and spiritual energy that we call the life force, or we call female force, in the system. Now, we refer to the quantitative aspects of the senses as the male aspects. This is, just because of a false ego, because we think that all the analytical scientific advances and all that are related to the senses, are sort of a male quality.
But what is happening today? The female energy in males and females is being suppressed in both. How can I say your female energy is suppressed? You’re a woman. How come your female energy is suppressed? I mean, don't look at it as gender. Look at it as the power of this harmonising light coming out of the subconscious in every aspect of your daily life. This is what I call female energy, and this is what I call life force. This is what we are losing in our present civilisation and in our present state. And when we understand it that way, it means now a science like biogeometry that strives to restore life force in everything is actually a necessity.
JF: How did you apply biogeometry to whole towns and regions?
IK: I’ve applied it to whole regions in Switzerland, to whole towns that are suffering from lots of problems attributed to many chronic diseases. There they actually attributed that to electromagnetic radiation and all those mobile towers and things that were installed there. And then what happened is the migrating birds would move away from those areas. The milk production of the cows and the stillbirths and all that was affected. You had lots of environmental problems happening there.
The government asked me to intervene with biogeometry because what the people wanted was that we remove the cause. And the cause is all those high-tension wires, electromagnetic radiation, whatever was there that had to do with Earth’s magnetic radiation, they wanted that out. But the Swiss government said we can’t take that out. We can’t go back to living without electricity. And their only solution was biogeometry. They asked me if, with the science of biogeometry, we can remove the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation without removing the cause?
Now the question in itself would look stupid – how can you change an effect if you don’t want to remove what is causing it? The question itself doesn’t work, but the science of quality is a different world. The science of quality I’m dealing with is the qualities themselves. And the fact is, I’m taking this energy and changing this quality by introducing geometrical shapes to reprogramme the energy.
We went up there, and I thought that because it was a large area, I might need lots of geometrical shapes. We have what we call geometrical emitters – geometrical shapes that form emitters through shapes that emit energy. They take energy and emit it. Now, instead of using hundreds of those emitters in a whole, large region of Switzerland – because it was one central village or town, and then five around it, so it was quite a large area – I thought I could use either the existing mobile communication network because it was radiating everywhere, so I could actually place the shapes on them, and then it would radiate the power of the shape through larger areas. And that way I could use less shapes on the actual tower.
So I used the tower to carry the quality of the shapes. And at the same time, I was harmonising the electromagnetic radiation there. Another possibility that we used in other countries, and we used in the second project in Switzerland, was a prototype for the whole-country solution. They asked me instead of using the radiation of the towers to use another type of radiation so that we don’t point at the towers at the culprit. I told them I could actually place the shapes in certain points of the earth’s radiation. I could just bury them in certain no points in the earth and use actually the earth lines, to spread this energy everywhere.
And that’s the way I learned to use the earth as a carrier system. I managed to put twelve shapes in one central area. I put them in tubes and buried them in the ground. I put water in the tube and the shape in it, and buried them in the ground in a central spot. And actually we harmonised an area of 10km, a circle of 10km diameter, from the mountains to the whole valley.
JF: What happened in the Hamburg experiment? What methods and devices did you use to create and test the signatures?
IK: In Hamburg, we did something similar, but using the shapes on the mobile radiation. Now, the interesting thing here is that we came out with a few interesting results. What happens when we restore the life force?
First of all, the doctors of the Parliament came and did a survey of what was happening there, and they found that 60% of health symptoms were reduced. Now if you look at the type, you will find that what we call chronic diseases had disappeared when we installed biogeometry. This is because modern medicine can cure all types of diseases of which we know the cause in the body because modern medicine has given us lots of successes in the last hundred years, at least improving the quality of life. The normal lifespan has been raised by about 20 years. But people then ask what quality did we get for those extra 20 years? You know, with chemo, the radiation and all that.
I mean, we have lots of successes, but we ask ourselves why, with all this success, are chronic diseases on the rise. You know, if you have, for example, high blood pressure, modern medicine can only manage those things, but not cure them. And the reason is that if you do not know the cause, so then you cannot achieve a cure. It seems that most chronic diseases have their causes out there in the environment, but modern medicine is not looking in the environment for them. That’s why it can only manage them. And the reason that all of a sudden 60% of those chronic diseases seem to get reduced drastically is that they were environmentally caused.
So this is the first thing we learned there. Nature was restored, migrating birds also came back. Then some strange things happened. For example, there were many children that had epilepsy in this area, and the moment we installed the shapes, just minutes later, from then on, every epileptic kid stopped having seizures in the area. It has been 20 years now, and they have had no epileptic seizures.
Now, another important aspect to restoring life force – because life force has all those balancing emotional, mental and spiritual effects – is that people become friendlier with each other. There’s a certain aggression that keeps increasing in our modern society, we see that everywhere in the world. And it was the same in Hamburg and Switzerland. You parked your car in front of your neighbour’s house, he’d come out and yell at you. Or we’d be shouting in the family, with fights between husband and wife and this sort of thing.
After we installed our solution, things seemed to change all of a sudden because we took the inner stress out and we were working on the emotional, mental and spiritual level. The people became peaceful and friendly. They began smiling at each other in the streets.
The mayor came to thank me in a television interview when they were doing a documentary, and he told me, “Look, it’s one thing all the studies that are showing how all the chronic diseases are being treated. You’ve got fantastic results from the medical point of view, but as a politician, I see something much more important.” And he gave me his hand and he said, “I thank you, Ibrahim. You brought peace to my town. And, for a person like me, when I see peace in my community, that’s a very, very important thing.”
So all those stories help us to understand what the life force is, what balance it can bring and what happens when we lose it. So if you imagine if we don’t deal with restoring life force and we continue this electromagnetic effect on climate change and all so on, you’ll have a huge increase in aggression all over the world. You’ll have pandemics increasing every day.
This is what happens when life force diminishes, immunity diminishes with it. That means we have to have more drugs, more chemicals and more things like that. You see all those drugs, they’re not natural. They’re synthetic drugs. They do not have life force. All the chemicals in them are depleted of any life force. So while they’re helping one aspect, they’re not raising your immunity, they’re not giving you back your life force. They’re not harmonising your emotional or mental aspects. But this is where the role of biometry is. It is the role of restoring life force.
JF: Could you apply biogeometry devices, like the ones you used in Hamburg and other towns, to the energy grids or earth lines that connect power spots and sacred sites, to emit the change across the entire globe?
IK: Yes, we should think of the whole universe as one living system with every part of it having the ability to reflect on the whole system. And we should use the power of this system by what we could call centering it. Centering it means awakening the vortices on it. One way of awakening those vortices is actually interacting with all the sacred power spots on the earth and in the sky.
You know, the ancients, they built their way of thinking when they built their cities. When they built everything, they imported buildings on power spots. And then their main paths of the city were in the connective aspects, ley lines, connecting the power spots. So for the power spots, the sacred passport or portal is the vortex. Every passport is a vortex-like chakra. Now the passport, I think it’s the main factor in the evolution of human history. It was always related to the passport. Now we have lost this connection to the passport.
I mean, unfortunately today, you look at the religious buildings in your area, and instead of identifying with the power spots of the area and the sacred waters in it and the earth, you identify with the identity of the building. Is it a Christian, or a Muslim, or a Jewish building? And then you identify with things that take you into a separate way of thinking. But if your understanding is irrelevant to those temples, to those buildings, you have sacred power spots. And that’s the main thing. And we know that if you go to many power spots on the earth and you see a building – let's say you see a modern church – then you build, you dig beside it, maybe after 10 metres you find traces of an older civilisation and there’s traces of another religious building down there. And then you dig a bit more, and you can go on for up to 40, 50 metres discovering layers of ancient civilisations.
The one fact is that they all used the same power spots. That means they were more interested in the quality of energy in those spots and not in the building. This way of thinking is what led me to discover biogeometry, because I’m an architect and when I was teaching the history of architecture, I found myself teaching styles, cultures and things like that. I was teaching the material aspect of a building and even how it’s related to society and many things. But I kept asking myself, why am I not addressing the area? Why am I not addressing what’s so special about those areas? There must be something special, otherwise they wouldn’t all be building on the same spots. And that’s when I started shifting my focus from the material to the energetic qualities of the place.
Now, if everybody starts just cherishing and going to the passports in your area today, visiting them, saying hello, you know, getting the passport back in your heart, your chakras will start resonating with them. You’ll become healthier and you will actually bring or empower the whole life force. And so this is, I think, the paradigm that biogeometry is bringing to the world and hoping it is embraced in order to deactivate this time bomb in the age of information.
JF: What was your process developing the biosignatures?
IK: The biosignatures themselves, you should imagine that every shape, every physical shape that you see is built on an archetype. The archetypes are the laws that govern the growth of the shape. You know that there’s a human archetype, there’s a tree archetype. Every shape has an energy grid as an archetype on which the physical matter is organised. So if you look at the human body, the Chinese found that there are meridians. Chinese meridians follow the shape of the body. And we use acupuncture points on those meridians.
So in biogeometry, I went a step further, I said, If the body has its own meridians, well, every shape inside the body must have its own meridians because every organ, every shape from the biggest to the smallest must be built on an energy grid. And not only one energy flow, but every organ will have different energy lines in it. Each energy line is related to a certain function. So we might have five or six of those lines in every organ now. So we started tracing the energy of the organs until we could find the paths linked to the functions of the organs.
JF: How were you tracing them?
IK: Well, by measurements, we would measure the organ, and then we would take a certain energy quality, just one quality. And then try to find the flow of that quality inside the organ. And it would follow some aspects of the organ shape.
Then we take another quality. So imagine for example, that I have a certain shape, like a red line. Then I change to the blue quality and then trace, and I find another shape. And then to another quality, until I find a wire mesh on which the organ, the physical organ, is built. Now we take those three-dimensional shapes and we reduce them to two-dimensional diagrams to make them simpler to draw.
And then we have a different problem to face here with the meridians of acupuncture because they’re on the outside of the body. On the skin. You can bring a needle and put it in the point, or you can just press – do acupressure – with your thumb. But now we are dealing with things that are deep inside the body. I can’t reach them that easily. So we use the concept of resonance. If I draw a shape the same way that it is inside, it has to be open-ended when I draw it, because if you draw any line like that, part of life force or energy will flow out from the beginning point where you drew the line and come out of the other end.
So using this method, now we have open-ended shapes. If we place those shapes on the body, part of the energy of the body will flow in the shape. Now, once it flows in the shape, I've created an energy shape. So this is what we call a signature or biosignature. It can be made of any material, but the objective here is to create an energy shape.
So once I have an energy shape, if this shape is the same as the one inside, I get resonance between them. Now, once I have the shape that can enter into resonance, I take the extremities of the shape, the entry, and the exit point of the shape, and introduce additional biogeometry principles to the entry point and exit point of the shape. Because usually any effects from the beginning or end of the cycle will affect the whole cycle.
I come in at the entry point of the shape and shape it to create a vortex, because the whole idea is that I want life force. I create a vortex at the beginning of the shape and at the end of the shape. And then the shape is now a biosignature. So once I wear it, it not only enters into resonance with the organ, but it creates a vortex. It connects the organ to life force, and that’s what we call biosignatures, using them in medallions or things like that on the body. For example, I wear a medallion that has the primary biosignatures inscribed on it. So when you wear a medallion, or a ring or a pendant, it is actually empowering the life force of the organ functions in my body.
JF: Are the signatures universal and archetypal, or do they vary slightly from person to person? For example, if someone has coronary disease, will their heart signature appear malformed?
IK: Yes it is archetypal – imagine the archetype of the human body. You have one archetype, and that means one geometrical pattern for the human body. Now this is on a spiritual archetype and different level from the archetypal dimension. It comes in through the vortices into the physical body, and then the physical body will actually develop according to the archetype. But now the archetype is perfection. It’s a perfect energy shape. Like those stylised statues they used in ancient Egypt. They’re not human. They’re archetypal.
Now, this archetypal shape, when it enters the development of the human body, the human body will interact with the environment at the same time, not only the archetype. So the environment will produce some slight changes into the archetypal energy pattern on which your body is forming. So imagine that the archetypal pattern that is perfection is affected by environmental factors, and there’s a slight imperfection that goes into it. The slight imperfection makes the difference between your looks and my looks and everybody’s looks.
We all have slight imperfections in a way. Imperfection creates a certain tension, and this tension creates a sense of attraction, of beauty. If you have a face with no tension, where both sides are exactly the same, it is dull, there’s no beauty in it. It lacks life force, like a statue. The slight imperfections between the both sides of the face create the character. And that is the difference between the archetypal shape and the resulting imperfection on the physical level.
Now, in general, this is when you’re dealing with the body. When you’re dealing with the home or design of a city or anything like that, then we have many design principles that are usually based on existing design criteria, because there’s so many design principles around, but the whole idea is to take every design principle and give it certain proportions and a certain rotation or a certain shifting in dimension to create a vortex.
So all the design principles we teach people, whether you’re designing a chair, a logo or whatever, we’re teaching you how to introduce some shifting and some rotation in it so that all of a sudden it connects to higher dimensions.
There is another way of creating similar signatures that are different from biosignatures. We call them personal diagrams. It is a sort of channelled language, you look at the person and you concentrate and the energy disturbances in that person will reflect on you. There’ll be a resonance between you and that person and any disturbance your system will tend to correct. And in this case, if you are used to diagrams, you might get a vision of a certain diagram.
A biosignature relates to a specific organ function and is universal, whereas a personal diagram, is unique to that person. This vision will not address one certain organ, it will be of the whole. A personal diagram adjusts the overall aspect of your body, for you and in this time and space.
Sometimes in an emergency, where you don’t know what the problem is and you just get this shape in your mind when you’re looking at a person in distress and all you have to do is imagine the shape on them or draw it with your finger over them. So in emergencies, it’s a very valuable thing if you can do it.
JF: How are you measuring the resonance?
IK: Well, I use many types of machines now. We use bio-pulse cell devices or bioresonance devices. And we use each shape on about a hundred people to make sure it’s working properly in different times, different places, different genders. We have very advanced pendular instruments. But they don’t work like dowsing because in dowsing instruments you’re asking questions - it's usually a dialogue with your subconscious, which is very, very effective for many uses. And we do use a pendulum this way for other things, but for resonance we use pendulums that can be calibrated to detect the quality of the life force.
And why do we think pendulums are very efficient? Because when you analyse subtle energy, you will find that subtle energy is not what it looks like as a stable background, but in reality it has a pulsating, two-directional torsion effect in it. The background energy pulsing where you have a spring in and out, that’s a pulse. So, the springs are sort of torsion – there's sort of a causal effect of expanding and contracting. And this is happening billions and billions of times at the same time, from the smallest to largest.
So the life force, the background life force, seems very, very subtle too. And that’s why I call it subtle energy. But in reality, it’s the most potent energy in the universe because it’s the energy of that life force that rotates the planets. It’s the energy that rotates the body of the earth. It’s the energy that makes all living systems grow. So the subtle energy through the torsion effects is a very powerful background medium.
Now, when it affects my body, my reaction will also come out of my body as torsion effects. And that’s why we use pendulums, because they show this torsion effect, and they all have dials and things like calibrations that you study in biogeometry to assess the type of energy that’s affecting your body,
We use the pendulum to calibrate a disc to a certain quality. And when you have the calibration, if the pendulum turns, that means the torsion coming out of your body has this quality that needs calibration. So this is one very precise way of measuring things.
Now if we use these, let’s say for research and for display purposes, then we use different types of instruments, computerised instruments. For example, we use instruments that have sensors that take the acupuncture points in the hand or in the body. You put out your hand and the acupuncture points are measured, and on a computer you get every organ functioning. You get it on the screen this way.
Then there are other instruments that work on a biofeedback principle that shows you the effect of the organs. So we use all those instruments in order to display the effect of biogeometry, but then at the end, there’s another level of evaluation, and that is a purely medical level of evaluation.
For example, I've been supervising PhD research in biogeometry for the past 25 years, so I can give you one example where we use purely medical methods of assessment. We used those biosignature diagrams on a strip to harmonise depression. So with a person who has depression, you add this to their body or environment. In the case of this PhD by an interior design student, we decided to do it in a shape directly on the wall.
They did animal testing on rats to rule out the placebo effect, using medical procedures. They took blood samples to measure the amount of serotonin in the rat. The amount of serotonin in the brain shows you how well you are. I mean, in a depressed person, you get about 30% only; in a healthy person you get maybe 80% or above.
Now they got the normal rats, which had between 70% and 80% serotonin. And then we had the depressed rats, which had about 30% in this range. And then they had three cages where they gave the depressed rats the most common drugs on the markets, antidepressant drugs.
And in the last cage there were just three rats with the biosignature state. It was only one biosignature they used in this evaluation and in the rats with the biosignature, the serotonin went up between 70%–80%. That’s near the normal aspect and only one of the drugs on the market came within that range. The other two were much lower. In the last 25 years we have done all sorts of research in different diseases and it is all in the literature and published papers.
JF: Have you applied this technology to animals and plants?
IK: Yes, of course. You know, in ancient Egypt, they used to draw the archetypal shapes on the walls of animals, of human beings and everything. And by drawing the archetypal shapes, you can actually connect to its energy. So in the early tombs when they buried a mummy, you had the first level they called the Ka..
And the Ka was like your energy body, not your soul self, but the lower soul or the energy body, like the sensory soul. S here your sensory soul, like the mask we wear and this sensory soul, usually has enough energy for maybe five days. Then it dissipates because it’s not being replenished, because your body gets this energy from the food you eat. So what they used to do is bring offerings to the tomb from time to time so that the archetypal – I mean the shadow body or the Ka – could actually suck energy out of the foot. It can’t take it from the body anymore. It can take it from the foot and keep itself alive for a few more days. So if you want this Ka, this energy body, to be a sort of protector of the tomb, you’d have to keep feeding it all the time.
Now, they found another way that if you drew the proper archetypal shapes, if you had the secret of the geometrical archetypal shape and you drew it on the wall, you actually connect it to the archetypal shape. So instead of bringing in a chicken or an apple, I would draw its archetypal shape on the wall in such a way that the Ka can replenish itself directly from the archetype. That’s why you have all those pictures and the tombs on the walls. They’re actually living archetypes that create a living other world that is energetically working in the tomb itself.
It applies to all living things, including plants. Take the archetypal drawings of a lotus, the archetypal drawings of all those plants are very important, and the archetypal waters, all those were depicted on the walls. Life force is multi-dimensional and plants interact with all these levels. Plants have emotions, they have their way of thinking, their way of communicating, and they have their way of spiritual connection. Plants were also represented as archetypes in the tombs.
Image: Biogeometry BioSignatures (Respiratory and Cardio) by Dr. Ibrahim Karim → @ibrahim_karim_biogeometry
Biogeometry Clearing Card images by Dr. Ibrahim Karim, animation by Genevieve Penn-Carver → @genevievebonnyart
BioSignatures Sirius Odyssey